
It's complicated

"You don't love me?" asked Lilith as she sniffed and more tears fell from her eyes.

"No Lilith, I don't love you" said Matt as he sighed and he shook his head, he did like Lilith, he did not know if he was crazy to say that he had gotten fond of her, without her craziness and obsession with him, she was actually a very wonderful person, but he did not love her.

"But why my love? Why? I love you so much" said Lilith.

"Lilith, what you feel for me isn't love, love is not like this, you are just confused" said Matt as he sighed and he replied as Lilith cried even more as she buried her face in her hands as she cried.

"Lilith, don't cry, okay" said Matt as he sighed and he heard Lilith cry, he never wanted to make her cry, but he knew that this had to be done, he had made this all clear from the start.

"Matt, why don't you love me?" asked Lilith as she looked at Matt and she sniffed.

"Am I not pretty enough?" asked Lilith as she sniffed.

"No Lilith, you are pretty, very pretty" said Matt.

"Then why don't you love me?" asked Lilith.

"Because Lilith, that's not love, just because you are pretty enough doesn't mean that you will be loved, people may just admire you, but not actually love you" said Matt as Lilith just looked at him.

"Love isn't like that Lilith, love isn't the way you think it is, Love isn't selfish, it won't force the person you love to do something that they do not want to do, Love won't force anything, Love won't want anything in return" said Matt.

"Lilith you have to understand that what you have for me isn't love, it's only interest, if you have love for someone, even if they don't know, you won't force them, you won't expect anything in return, the only thing you would want, Is to keep on loving them, that would be enough for you" said Matt.

"Lilith, please understand that what you have isn't love, it's only the idea of love, you love the idea of love, and I can understand that, but you have to know that, that is not the only thing about Love, love is so much more than that, it's not only the good feeling you get from thinking about it" said Matt as he caressed the right side of Lilith's face as she snuggled on his hand.

"You love someone else don't you?" asked Lilith as she sniffed, she had stopped crying.

"Yes, I do, but that's not why I'm saying this Lilith, I am saying this because I care for you, and I don't want you to be in pain because I can't reciprocate your love" said Matt as Lilith held his hand.

"I'm sorry Matt…. I've just been alone for so long… it's only me, Elvis and some other animals up here… I was bored, then one way I was watching through my cauldron, and I saw you, you had just a bright smile and everything, and I'm sorry Matt…" said Lilith as she sniffed.

"It's okay Lilith, I do understand you, even though I don't, it's not that I don't love you, I do… as one of my sisters, you are fun to be around, and you are very caring" said Matt as he smiled and Lilith smiled at him.

"Thank you Matt… no one has ever said that about me" said Lilith as she smiled and she hugged Matt.

"You are actually a very wonderful person Lilith" said Matt as he smiled and Lilith broke their hug.

"You love her don't you?" asked Lilith as she looked at Matt.

"Who?" asked Matt in confusion.

"The black haired girl with green eyes… you love her don't you?" asked Lilith as Matt looked at her.

"I saw the way you look at her, the way you smile at her, she's the one you love, isn't she?" asked Lilith as she smiled and Matt just nodded at her.

"Does she know?" asked Lilith.

"Well no" said Matt.

"Why not?" asked Lilith in surprise.

"Well it's complicated… I don't know, I am sure that she does not like me in that way, besides, Annie has a lot going on right now, I don't want to add more to the list of things she already has to deal with" said Matt as he sighed and he explained.

"Annie, her name Is Annie?" asked Lilith as she smiled.

"Yes her name is Annie" said Matt as he nodded and he smiled.

"That's such a wonderful name, Matt, you should tell her that you love her" said Lilith as she smiled and Matt laughed.

"Lilith, that is easier said than done" said Matt as he shook his head.

"Why not Matt?? It is easier, you walk up to her, and tell her that you love her" said Lilith in confidence as Matt just laughed.

"Lilith, it's not like that" said Matt.

"Why, are you afraid of rejection?" asked Lilith.

"No, it's not that, it's more like, Annie has many things going on right now, she's super stressed right now, and if I tell her about the feelings I have for her, I think that she won't be able to understand, and I will just be added to the list of problems she has in her mind" said Matt.

"I am alright with being her friend alone, so I can protect her, and show her my support, but right now is not really the best moment for me to tell her that I love her, she does know that I love her, but not in that way" said Matt.

"You are too considerate Matt, so much so that it's annoying, but fine, okay, just hope that another guy doesn't come and steal her away from you" said Lilith.

"Now you sound like my sister Evie" said Matt as he laughed.

"That's because she Is right Matt" said Lilith as she laughed and Matt laughed as well.

"Friends?" asked Matt as he smiled.

"Friends" said Lilith as she hugged Matt and Matt smiled at her.

Elvis cawed as he could not find any of them at all, he got tired as he spread his wings and he flew away.

"He's gone" said Ollie as he looked at Maddie as Maddie stood up and she stretched.

"I don't think that he will be gone for long, he might decide to return" said Curtis as he helped Annie out of the rock that they had been hiding between.

"Oh that slimy girl, trying to keep us away from Matt, it's unfair, she Is unfair, and crazy" said Maddie.

"Tell me about it" said Annie as she scoffed.

"For the sake of our safety, I think that it is best for us to stay here, in case the eagle comes back" said Curtis.

"What no, no Curtis, no way, we are almost there, we are so close, and you are telling us to waste more time here, no way" said Annie as she looked at Curtis and she shook her head.

"Annie please try to understand, it Is too dangerous that Eagle is on a mission that is clear" said Curtis as Annie sighed and in that same moment Elvis cawed as he circled around them.

"You see that Annie, if we dare move any further, he will try to get us" said Curtis.

"You know what fine, alright, fine, we'll stay here" said Annie as she sighed.

"Alright" said Curtis.

"I can't believe that because of that stupid bird, we were forced to stay here" said Maddie as she scoffed and she pointed her torchlight to the ground, it was late now, very late, the sun had already gone dark, and it was starting to get cold, Elvis had left, but they all knew better than to believe that he had gone for good.

"You know what I am sick of this, there is no way that we are going to continue to be terrorized by that bird" said Annie as she shook her head.

"So what are you going to do?" asked Ollie.

"I have an idea" said Annie.

"I'm listening" said Maddie as she nodded her head.

Elvis cawed as he flew in the bright morning sky as there was not a cloud in sky, Elvis was circling around when he caught sight of someone below.

"Hey, over here you big bird, over here" said Maddie as she whistled and she drew Elvis's attention towards her as Elvis cawed.

"Yes, yes, come over here you big bird, come over here, come get me, I know, I am very attractive" said Maddie as she shouted and Ollie scoffed as he was hiding behind a rock as Curtis and Annie were behind the second rock.

Elvis cawed as he caught sight of Maddie, and he started to move down as Maddie started to run very quickly before Elvis could land, and she hid behind the rock with Ollie as she held on to the end of the rope.

Maddie sent a thumbs up to Annie, who sent one back to her as Elvis landed on the ground and he looked around as he began to walk looking for Maddie as he cawed and as he got closer and closer to the two rocks, Annie counted in her mind as she waited to see Elvis pas by.

"Now!" shouted Annie as soon as Elvis came close and they all pulled tightly on the rope that was left on the floor as Elvis tripped in confusion as Annie, Ollie, Curtis and Maddie quickly ran around him with the rope as they tied it all around him.

"You think he's stuck?" asked Maddie as Elvis cawed.

"That answers your question" said Ollie.

"Good Morning Matt" said Lilith as she smiled as Matt walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning Lilith" said Matt as he smiled at Lilith.

"I'm making eggs for breakfast" said Lilith as she smiled.

"Okay" said Matt.

"Lilith, when are we going to go down to the colony?" asked Matt as last night Lilith finally agreed that they would go down to the colony together.

"Oh well, soon, I'm waiting for Elvis to return" said Lilith as in the same moment, she remembered something as she gasped.

"What's wrong Lilith?" asked Matt as he looked at Lilith as she turned to look at him and she smiled sheepishly, she just remembered that she had sent Elvis to get rid of Matt's friends.

"Umm Matt, what I am about to tell you, please don't be upset with me" said Lilith as she looked at Matt.

"Okay, what is it Lilith?" asked Matt as he was confused.

"Well yesterday, I saw your friends on their way over here… so I asked Elvis to keep them away and get rid of them" said Lilith.

"Oh Lilith…" said Matt as he sighed in frustration.

"I know, and I'm sorry, that was before we had our talk" said Lilith.

"Did Elvis hurt them?" asked Matt.

"I don't know, wait, let me call him back, don't worry they should be fine" said Lilith as she laughed sheepishly as Matt sighed, she was just too much sometimes.

"I'm sorry Matt, really, I am very sorry, I feel bad now that I think about it, it was horrible for me to send Elvis to stop them" said Lilith apologetically.

"Its fine Lilith, just bring them here" said Matt as he sighed.

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