

"Repeat what you just said" said Albert rather calmly.

"Albie I…" said Christina as Albert cut her off immediately.

"Oliver, repeat what you just said" said Albert as he looked at Oliver, and Ollie was scared for a moment, he found his Father's calm reaction even scarier than his usual cold tone.

"Father I asked if I could go to Mount Caligo along with them" said Ollie as he did not hesitate anymore, he had already asked his question and all he needed was the answer.

Christina looked at her son as he shot her a look that read "I need to do this mother" and she just sighed as she said nothing more.

"Why?" asked Albert calmly.

"Well I am sure that they will need my help, I know this Realm better than anyone else and…" said Ollie as he was cut off.

"You still did not answer my question Oliver, why?" asked Albert as he narrowed his eyes at his son.

"Albie don't…" said Christina as Albert shot her a dirty glare as she kept quiet, she had not seen him this furious before.

"Father they are my friends, and I want to help them in any way that I can" said Ollie with confidence.

"What I do not understand is why you would associate yourself with people like them" said Albert out of spite.

"Father, they are good people, nice people they do not deserve your prejudice" said Ollie as he knew he had to say this.

"You do not know that" said Albert.

"Oh yes I do father, I do, and they are good people" said Ollie.

"You will not be going anywhere" said Albert calmly as it sounded like an irreversible statement with no room for refusal at all.

"But Father…" said Ollie as he cried out.

"BUT NOTHING!" said Albert as his voice thundered throughout the dining room, as even Christina flinched from the loud sound of his refusal.

"I said no, you are not going anywhere, and that is my final verdict, I do not want to hear anymore about this matter" said Albert.

"But Father, this is not fair, it is not fair" said Ollie as he raised his voice, for crying out loud he was not a child, he was supposed to be allowed to make his own decisions.

"Do not raise your voice at me Oliver, what is not fair is you sheer like for people like them" said Albert.

"Father, how can you say that?" asked Ollie.

"They are witches just like us, just like you and me, and yet you despise them so" said Ollie.

"I am not a child Father, I am nineteen, nineteen, when you were nineteen you started to take over the throne, but no you will not let me do anything, to you, I am always a child that you control, I can never make any decisions on my own, you do not trust my judgment" said Ollie as he let out everything that has been bothering him.

"Father, you never hear me, you never see me as more… I have done everything, every single thing you wanted, I always listen to you, you want me to learn to fight, I do so, you insisted I learn the old tongue, I did so as well, why can I never be enough for you?" asked Ollie in great despair as Albert did not look at him at all and he kept quiet.

"Ollie…" called Christina as her heart ached.

"No Mother, I need to do this, Father needs to hear this from me" said Ollie as Christina kept quiet.

"Father, you have always been my hero, from a very young age, I have always wanted to be just like you" said Ollie.

"You taught me that a good King is always confident and voices out his thoughts, which is what I am doing now Father" said Ollie.

"You told me that a good King treats his subjects with fairness, with equality, and never to look down or mistreat anyone, but you are not doing any of that, you are just a hypocrite then" said Ollie.

"Enough!" said Albert as his voice thundered once again.

"I do not want to hear any more of this great disrespect" said Albert.

"I will not tolerate this at all, go to your room now Oliver and I do not want to see you out of there, you will be confined there till further notice" said Albert.

"Fine!" said Ollie as he stood up in anger and he walked away as he scoffed, how could he ever think that his Father of all people would be reasonable and actually listen to him and consider him for once, he knew that he had put his hopes to high.

He did not even finish his dinner, but he did not care at all, he had lost his appetite at this point, what was the point? It was clear that his Father did not even consider his feelings at all, and it hurt… it really hurt him.

"Albie, you went too far this time" said Christina as she looked at Albert, her heart was with her son this time, Ollie was right, he was right about everything and she knew that was what made Albert even more furious, that his son was correct.

"Ugh" said Albert as he grunted in frustration and he stood up as he dropped the fork in knife in his had as they made a clatter on the porcelain plate and he walked away angrily, leaving Christina there all alone.

Christina sighed, she had lost her appetite as well, she was not going to sit back this time, this was a very serious matter, and it needed to be settled, both Albert and Ollie were as stubborn as mules, and they would not speak to each other for as long as this continued, Christina stood up, she was going to talk to Albert, Ollie would be boiling right now, and he needed some time to calm down.

"Albie, consider the word of your son, our son, he speaks the truth" said Christina as she looked at Albert they were together in their room, and he was still boiling.

"Do not give me that nonsense Chrissy, you are the one that fills his head with such nonsense" said Albert as he snapped at her.

"But Albie…" said Christina as she was cut off.

"But nothing!" said Albert.

"Do you know how crazy and unreasonable it sound for him to go and put himself in danger, just because of those people?" asked Albert.

"Just how blind is he?" asked Albert.

"I am doing this for his own good, he will realize so when he finally calms down" said Albert.

"But Albert, I suggest that you let him go, it will be a new experience for him, out of the Castle…" said Christina.

"Just what nonsense are you saying Chrissy?? It is dangerous out there" said Albert.

"Leave him be Albie, he is young, it is only naturally that he wants to explore the outside world" said Christina.

"I will do no such thing" said Albert.

"Albert, let him go, I would" said Christina.

"And that is why I am not you" said Albert.

"Albert, let him go" said Christina.

"Chrissy, you are too soft on that boy, he needs to learn to be tough" said Albert.

"He is tougher than you think, so let him go, please let him go Albie, this is my begging you to let him go… please" said Christina as she pleaded with Albert, she really wanted him to see that you could not raise a child with an iron fist and expect him not to disobey you.

"Albie, if you won't give him your permission, then I will give him mine" said Christina as Albert said nothing at all to her.

"You will do no such thing" said Albert as he was not going to stand for that.

"Oh yes I will, he is my son too after all" said Christina as she raised her voice, she had tried being calm, but he was not listening to her, he was always this big headed, always, and it irked her when he did this, when he had no regard for other people's feelings.

"He will go" said Christina with determination, she was not going to bend at all.

"He is yet to reach maturity!!" said Albert as he stood up and he banged his fists on his desk as they made a loud noise, in their large bedroom.

"He is a late bloomer, imagine he is nineteen and he has not yet reached maturity, and you expect me to let him go to a dangerous place just like that?" asked Albert as he raised his voice.

"You seem to realize Albie that…" said Christina as she paused and her voice remained calm and soft.

"You were also a late bloomer" said Christina in all seriousness.

"Just like our son, you did not reach maturity till you were nineteen" said Christina.

"You are looking in a mirror Albie, and that's what irks you so much" said Christina as she frowned and Albert looked away from her, he could not face her, not now, not when she reminded him.

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