
How long

"This is crazy" said Maddie as she looked at Annie in disbelief.

"Annie , this is crazy, do you know just how crazy this is Annie" said Maddie as she and Annie were packing their bags in their room.

"You don't have to tell me that Maddie, I know, I know that this is crazy" said Annie as she packed her own bags as well, this was just all so sudden.

"This is so crazy" said Maddie as she kept on saying the same thing over and over again, this was the truth, everything was so crazy, out of nowhere they were now packing to go and meet the King and Queen, who by the way Maddie did not trust at all, those were only titles after all.

"You think that I actually want to go" said Annie as she looked at Maddie.

"Well I mean it didn't even look like you didn't want to go" said Maddie as she replied truthfully.

"Well that was because we cannot possibly reject the invitation of the King and Queen" said Annie.

"And besides Prince Oliver was right there, it would not be wise to reject the invitation right there in front of him" said Annie as she explained.

"Ugh, please don't remind me about that guy Annie" said Maddie as she groaned and she shook her head, she had never disliked someone as much as she disliked him, oh how she wished that she could have just wiped that happy smile off his face with a punch, a but violent, but who cared?

"But it's the truth Maddie" said Annie as she replied.

"Ugh, I hate that you are right Annie" said Maddie as because now that she thought about it, they were not dealing with normal people here, but the King and Queen, Maddie was relieved that Annie was not like her, because if it was she that was asked to decided she would have just said no right there, without even considering the fact that some listening ears were there as well.

"Mhmm" said Annie.

"But I really need to talk to Curtis, if he didn't see anything wrong with this, then he must have a good reason" said Annie.

"You are right about that, let's hope that he will show up soon like he usually does" said Maddie as she sighed.

"Ughhhh" said Maddie as she groaned and she walked into her closet.

"Just how many clothes do we have to pack??" asked Maddie as she whined and she looked at her closet, she could not possibly fit all these clothes.

"How long are we staying there anyway??" asked Maddie as she turned to look at Annie.

"I have no Idea Maddie" said Annie as she had forgot to ask Aunt Stella, she had only said that they would be there for a few days, but the few days had no number.

"You know, with the way things are so rushed, I feel like we are not coming back to the Palace" said Maddie as she turned to look at Annie.

"No…" said Annie as she shook her head.

"No, that cannot be possible" said Annie as she shook her head, there was no way they were going to end up staying there forever.

"But it is still a possibility" said Maddie as she looked at Annie, you could not overlook anything at this point.

"Aunt Stella won't let that happen" said Annie.

"Are you really sure Annie?" asked Maddie.

"Because you know, to me it seems like she has her hands tied here" said Maddie.

"After all, she is only Vice Chancellor, they are the King and Queen" said Maddie and Annie stayed quiet, Maddie did have a point, it was true, how could Stella disobey her superiors?

"You know what, You never know, I am just going to pack everything" said Maddie as she concluded and she dragged her hand across her clothes that were hung in her closet and she snapped her fingers as in that same moment all her clothes disappeared and they suddenly appeared in her closet.

"That's better" said Maddie as she closed the door to her closet as she smiled, and she walked back to her bed as she looked at Annie who seemed to be thinking.

"Now I really need to talk to Curtis" said Annie out loud.

"Oh relax Annie, I am sure he will show up soon, he always does" said Maddie as she smiled as she was satisfied with her entire wardrobe that she had packed, who knew how long they would stay there for?

"Anyway, do you want me to pack all your clothes for you as well?" asked Maddie as she smiled and she looked at Annie.

"No thank you" said Annie, unlike Maddie she was sure that they would not spend too long there.

"Oh well, alright then, suite yourself" said Maddie as she sat on her bed, she was done packing.

"When do you think Matt will come back?" asked Annie.

"I don't know, should be soon though" said Maddie as she looked at Annie.

"He went to Aunt Elora's house to ask for permission to go along with us from Aunt Luc" said Maddie as she explained.

"Oh, okay" said Annie as she only knew that Matt had disappeared and he was nowhere to be found.

"Oooh I almost forgot" said Maddie as she stood up from her bed and she walked to the other side of her closet as she found the book she almost forgot and she put it in her bag as well.

"Which book is that?" asked Annie.

"Oh just something on the old tongue" said Maddie as she replied casually, and before Annie could ask another question a knock on the door interrupted her.

"Come in" said Maddie as she zipped up her bag.

"I see you both are already packing" said Curtis as he walked into their room and he closed the door.

"And here he is, you see I told you he would show up" said Maddie as she looked at Annie and she laughed as Annie shook her head.

"What is she talking about?" asked Curtis as he looked at Annie.

"She has a name, thank you very much Curtis" said Maddie as she smiled in annoyance at Curtis.

"Sorry, Maddie hello" said Curtis as he looked at Maddie.

"Hmm hello" said Maddie as she sat down on her bed.

"Curtis, I need to talk to you" said Annie.

"Go on" said Curtis as Maddie brought out her phone.

"Why didn't you tell me that the King and Queen wanted to meet me?" asked Annie.

"Well it was not in my place to tell, Stella and I already agreed that she would be the one to tell you" said Curtis.

"Okay" said Annie.

"And do you think that it's safe for me to go there?" asked Annie.

"I have thought about it and Stella has assured me that nothing will go wrong, and that you will be even more protected there" said Curtis.

"But wait, this is all just so sudden Curtis… are you sure of what you are saying?" asked Maddie as she looked up and she spoke up as Annie and Curtis turned to look at her and Annie agreed with her, this was just so sudden.

"I am sure Maddie, trust me" said Curtis.

"And besides, I have my own reasons for agreeing that we all go there" said Curtis.

"Which is?" asked Annie.

"The Castle has one of the oldest Libraries in the entire Realms, if there is something that will be able to help you regain your powers Annie, it would be there" said Curtis as he explained, it was better if Annie and the rest knew why he was doing what he was doing.

"Ahhh now it makes sense" said Maddie.

"Yes" said Curtis as Annie seemed to be thinking.

"Are you really sure that you will find what you are looking for there Curtis?" asked Annie as she looked at Curtis.

"I cannot make any promises Annie, but believe me when I say that I will not stop until we get your powers back Annie" said Curtis as Annie smiled, what would she do without him.

"Awww" said Maddie as Annie and Curtis turned to look at her.

"Sorry, I know that I am ruining a very nice moment here, but this is just too wholesome" said Maddie as she smiled, now she was jealous, she would have loved to have a guardian as caring as Curtis.

"Oh Maddie" said Annie as she laughed and she shook her head.

"What???" asked Maddie as she laughed, she didn't do anything wrong did she??

"Nothing" said Annie as she laughed, Maddie was just so herself, it was so funny, she could not hide her feelings at all.

"Well okay, If you say so" said Maddie as she laughed.

"Anyway, I think it's almost time to go" said Maddie as she smiled.

"Where is Matt?" asked Curtis.

"I don't know" said Annie.

"He should be here soon" said Maddie as she replied.

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