
Deep questions

"Come in" said Sapiens as he looked up from his desk as he heard a knock on his door.

"Grandfather, I brought back the revive spell book" said Matt as he smiled and he walked into Sapiens office with the book in his hand.

"Ahhh, I see, thank you Matt" said Sapiens as he smiled and Matt gave him the book.

"Grandfather, can I ask you a question?" asked Matt.

"Of course you can Matt, please sit" said Sapiens as he smiled and Matt sat down across Sapiens as he was at his desk.

"So what do you want to ask me Matt?" asked Sapiens as he smiled, he had to admit that it was fun being a Grandfather, having your own little Grandchildren, Lucinda was all grown up, and he was not the best father, he knew that, but he wanted to be a very good Grandfather, which was why he was ready to listen and answer questions when his Grandchildren needed some information or advice from him.

"Grandfather, it is about the revive spell" said Matt.

"Alright, so what do you want to know about it?" asked Sapiens.

"Well Grandfather, I was wondering if anyone had ever used the revive spell and well they end up losing their powers in return" said Matt.

"Ah…" said Sapiens as he seemed to be thinking.

"Well Matt, there has been no history of any witch loosing their powers because of the revive spell, sure the spell has many consequences, but taking powers in return is not one of them" said Sapiens as he explained.

"Okay" said Matt as he seemed to be thinking.

"But is it possible for that to happen?" asked Matt.

"Well yes… nothing is certain… besides you learn new things everyday" said Sapiens as he smiled.

"I see" said Matt.

"Grandfather… is there any way possible to reverse the revive spell?" asked Matt as he really wanted to help Annie, he knew that she was not alright, even though she said that she was.

"Well Matt, no… there is no way… even dark magic is not as strong as to reverse the spell" said Sapiens sadly.

"Ahhh I see… thank you Grandfather" said Matt as he smiled, as he had thought everything seemed hopeless.

"You are welcome" said Sapiens as he smiled.

"Is there any particular reason why you are asking such deep questions on the revive spell?" asked Sapiens as he smiled.

"Ahhh… well" said Matt as he hesitated, he knew that it was not in his place to tell on how Annie had lost her powers, and if his Grandfather did not know yet, then it just meant that Aunt Stella and Curtis wanted to keep everything quiet.

"I was just very curious Grandfather" said Matt as he smiled sheepishly, he was not technically lying, it was the truth he was curious because he wanted to find a way to help Annie get back her powers.

"Well alright then" said Sapiens as he smiled, and he looked like he believed Matt, what could he say? He was once a young man in love, so he knew how much you would want to protect the person you loved, so he could not blame Matt at all.

"Yes Grandfather" said Matt as he smiled, he looked very relieved it looked like his Grandfather believed him, which was good for him.

"Oh which reminds me, your mother told me to ask you if you are coming home today?" asked Sapiens.

"Ah… well" said Matt as he paused, the truth was he wanted to stay here… with Annie, she needed both him and Maddie here.

"Well yes, I will come home today" said Matt as he smiled, he would go home, and then ask him mom for permission to stay in the Palace.

"Alright then, I will go home a bit late today" said Sapiens as he smiled.

"That's no problem Grandfather, I will wait for you" said Matt as he smiled, it meant that he could spend more time with Annie.

Sapiens smiled, he had never had someone say that they would wait for him, it was so nice to be a Grandfather, and his Grandchildren were very good children, his daughter and her husband had raised them well, and he was angry at himself for missing almost half of their childhood.

Just take a look at Matt, he was almost a man, and he had missed most of his life already, he had only met him for the first time a few months ago, he never knew that he had such and already grown up grandson, and other grown up grandchildren, the only young one among them was Noey, and even so, with what was on ground now, he could not spend time with him.

"Alright then" said Sapiens as he smiled and Matt smiled back at him.

"Annie, here you go" said Maddie as she smiled and she handed Annie a glass of water.

"Thank you Maddie" said Annie as she smiled and she drank from the water.

"Do you feel better now?" asked Maddie as she sat down beside Annie.

"Honestly No, but what can I do?" asked Annie as she sighed.

"I know that it may sound like I might just be saying this… but I know how you feel… to feel so helpless and powerless" said Maddie as she looked at Annie.

"Oh Maddie, I don't only feel that… I just feel so tired… it's one bad news after the next" said Annie.

"But we can't give up… I am sure that there is a way… there always is" said Maddie as she was trying her best to be positive.

"Hmm" said Annie as she was not in the mood to be positive right now, but Maddie did help her anyway.

"You know what, why are we even sulking?" asked Maddie.

"How are you sure that you have lost all your magic?" asked Maddie.

"Well I just know, and Aunt Stella and Curtis, told me so" said Annie as she looked at Maddie.

"So you mean you never tried to use your magic?" asked Maddie and Annie shook her head no.

"Well then, you should try, how can we be sure when you don't try?" asked Maddie, maybe Annie still had her magic and all they had to do was try.

"I don't know Maddie… I feel really powerless" said Annie, she felt lighter, and not in a good way, and she felt somewhat empty.

"Oh come on Annie, it won't hurt to try, come on" said Maddie as she pleaded with Annie.

"*Sigh*, alright fine" said Annie as she sighed, Maddie was right, there was no harm in trying.

"Yayyy" said Maddie as she smiled.

"Okay then, so why don't you try levitating this glass cup" said Maddie as she smiled and she took the glass cup from Annie and she set it on the table nearby.

"Okay" said Annie as she turned to look at the glass cup on the table and she started at it intensely.

"So????" asked Maddie as she looked at Annie and then at the glass and then at Annie again.

"*Sigh*, nothing, I don't feel anything at all" said Annie as she sighed and she looked at Maddie.

"Hmm, how about you try saying the spell out loud? Maybe that would help?" asked Maddie.

"Okay" said Annie as she turned to look at the glass.

"Levitatis" said Annie as she and Maddie waited but nothing happened at all.

Annie turned to look at Maddie, and Maddie smiled as if telling her to try again, to which Annie sighed and she looked back at the glass.

"Levitatis" said Annie once again and nothing happened.

"Levitatis" said Annie as she to no surprise nothing happened.

"You see… nothing…" said Annie as she turned back to look at Maddie.

"Hmm, maybe the cup is defective" said Maddie as she seemed to be thinking and Annie gave her a look that read "Really Maddie?? Really??"

"What??" asked Maddie as she looked at Annie.

"Just don't push it anymore Maddie, I seriously have no magic at all" said Annie as she smiled sadly.

"Aww Annie" said Maddie as she felt bad now, she made things even worse by insisting that Annie try to cast a spell.

"Look Maddie, I know you mean well, but I just want to rest" said Annie, as she was sad, she was not feeling herself at all, and to make matters worse, she had not seen her so called magic in more than two weeks, she was starting to doubt her, her magic was just so annoying, it was never there when she actually needed her.

"I'm sorry Annie" said Maddie sadly.

"It's fine Maddie, you are just being a good friend" said Annie as she smiled.

"So you are not upset with me?" asked Maddie.

"Why would I be? You did nothing wrong" said Annie as she laughed, whenever Maddie went soft it was cute.

"Yayyy, okay then" said Maddie as she laughed and Annie shook her head, Maddie was silly.

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