
Hope you are

"So are you going to tell me now why you lied to Annie about the reason your siblings don't come here?" asked Maddie as she looked at Matt as they were sitting in the library, she had known that Matt was lying, but she had just went along with it because she trusted Matt, he just needed to explain to her why he lied.

"Well because I don't want Annie to worry right now, and I technically did not lie, what I told Annie was part of the truth, my siblings do like it in the vampire realm" said Matt.

"What do you mean?" asked Maddie as she squinted her eyes at Matt, was did he mean by not wanting to worry her?

"Well the reason my siblings are still in the vampire realm, is mainly because the Witch Realm is not safe, or at least that's why my parents and Grandparents think, and this is because of Azazel, he is still on the loose, we don't know what happened to him at all" said Matt as he explained.

"And Annie doesn't need to hear about Azazel right now, she just needs to relax and get better" said Matt as he sighed and he looked at Maddie.

"Ahh, I see now" said Maddie.

"You do make a good point" said Maddie as she agreed with Matt, the truth of the matter was that yes… they actually were not safe at all, they did not know what happened to Azazel, whether he was dead or alive, hurt or well, and quite frankly, Maddie would have preferred it if he was dead, long gone and dead.

"*Sigh*, Annie does not need to think about Azazel right now" said Maddie as she sighed.

"Mhmm, she really does not" said Matt.

"Because from what I can see, it seems that she has no recollection of what happened too, which means that once again, Curtis is the only one who knows" said Matt as he face-palmed himself, Curtis was unreliable at this time.

"Ugh, please don't even remind me about him" said Maddie as she scoffed.

"I hate the fact that we don't know what happened at all, and that only Curtis does, and yet he is no help at all" said Maddie as she looked very annoyed, this was a very serious matter, and Curtis did not seem to think so as well, and that irritated Maddie a lot, he was supposed to be Annie's guardian, and he did not seem to take his job seriously right now.

"All I know is that I saw some sort of fog or smoke, and the next thing I see is utter darkness, and when I wake up we are suddenly in the Palace and everywhere is in chaos as Aunt Stella looked very panicked" said Matt as he recalled what he could remember after Azazel had chased them down in the plains.

"You have a good memory, all I know was that I felt so dizzy and everything was hazy" said Maddie.

"But everything will be alright, it will be" said Maddie as she smiled.

"I hope you are right Maddie; I truly hope you are" said Matt as he sighed.

"Dad where is mom?" asked Annie as she looked around, she had only seen her mother in the morning, and after that she had left.

"Well she insisted on making you a home cooked meal for dinner, so she's in the kitchen" said John as he smiled, Lisa had been very stubborn lately, he was sure that maybe it was her mother instincts that made her act that way.

"Okay" said Annie.

"What's wrong Annie?" asked John as he noticed that Annie had something on her mind that was bothering her.

"It's just that…" said Annie as she paused.

"I don't want to eat my dinner here" said Annie.

"And I don't want to stay her alone anymore, I want to go back to my own room, I am already feeling better, I don't want to stay here anymore" said Annie, she had been feeling lonely here, sure Maddie, Matt and her parents and the others would come around to keep her company.

But this room just gave her a sick feeling, to think that she had been here for a month, doing nothing but stuck in a continuous sleep cycle, it really scared her, and she did not want to go back there, she wanted to go back to her own room, the one she and Maddie shared, she was sure that she would feel better there.

"Honey, I don't know if you can, it is all up to Aunt Stella, and last time she said that you still need to remain here for observations" said John as he sighed.

"But Dad, I am alright, I can walk again, I can talk like I used to, and I rarely get dizzy, so I should be fine to go" said Annie as she did not want to stay here any longer.

"I'm sorry Annie, but it is not in my place to say" said John as he sighed, he could understand that Annie was frustrated from being confined to the same space for such a long time, but he just like everyone else did not want to risk Annie getting hurt again, so even if it meant she had to stay here for longer, he would agree.

"But Dad…" said Annie as she felt like this was not fair at all.

"What is all the noise about?" asked Stella as she walked into the room and she smiled.

"Aunt Stella" said Annie as she smiled, she had not seen Stella in some days now, she was sure that was because she was very busy and Annie could understand that.

"Oh hello Stella" said John as he turned to look at Stella and he smiled.

"Hello John" said Stella as she smiled.

"I was hearing some talking outside" said Stella as she smiled.

"Aunt Stella, I don't want to stay here anymore, I want to go back to my room" said Annie.

"I already feel way much better, and I can speak, and do everything, I am already recovered, so pleaseee, can I go back to my room?" asked Annie as she pleaded with Stella.

"Oh…" said Stella as she looked at John and John looked at her, she was just bombarded with her questions, which made Stella smile, she had never been bombarded with requests like that, it seemed like something a mother would have gone through constantly.

"Well my dear…" said Stella.

"Seeing as you do look like you are already fully recovered, and you have been improving everyday" said Stella.

"I don't see why not" said Stella.

"You can go back to your room" said Stella as she smiled.

"Yayyy, thank you Aunt Stella!!" said Annie as she was overjoyed, she was finally going back to her room with Maddie, and she was going to finally sleep on her own bed.

"You are welcome my dear" said Stella as she smiled, she had not seen Annie that happy in a while, and she liked to see her more like that.

"Can I have a hug?" asked Stella as she smiled.

"Of course Aunt Stella" said Annie as she smiled and Stella gave her a hug.

"Thank you my dear" said Stella as she smiled and John smiled, well Aunt Stella was the boss here, so she was the one that could make such decisions.

"Aunt Stella, can I also eat dinner with everyone else?" asked Annie as Stella broke their hug.

"Ahh well not just yet my dear" said Stella.

"You can move back to your room tomorrow morning, so that gives us some time for the Palace to be cleaned thoroughly just In case" said Stella as she smiled.

Annie and John looked at each other, they thought that maybe Stella thought that the Palace was dirty, when it was actually very clean, but Stella knew what she was doing.

"Okay Aunt Stella" said Annie as she smiled as long as she got to leave this place tomorrow, she was happy with that.

"Thank you" said Annie as she smiled.

"You are welcome my dear" said Stella as she smiled.

"Aunt Stella, have you seen Curtis today?" asked Annie.

"Well no my dear, I have not" said Stella as she did not see Curtis at all today, or even yesterday.

"That's strange, he said that he was going to see you" said Annie as she seemed to be thinking.

"No my dear, I have not seen him at all today" said Stella.

"Well my dear, I just came here to check on you, I need to go now, I have left some things unfinished, and they are very important" said Stella.

"Alright Aunt Stella" said Annie as she smiled.

"Goodnight my dear" said Stella as she smiled.

"Goodnight Aunt Stella" said Annie as she smiled.

"John" said Stella as she turned to look at John with a smile.

"Stella" said John as he smiled back at her as she left the room.

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