
Be more careful

Three days later.

"You think he will ever change?" asked Matt as he and Maddie were walking and talking side by side.

"Not a chance" said Maddie as she was very sure and she shook her head.

"You are not even giving him a benefit of a doubt?" asked Matt.

"Would you give a guy like him a benefit of a doubt?" asked Maddie as she looked at Matt.

"Nope, you got me there" said Matt as he laughed.

"You see" said Maddie as she laughed and she opened the door and she and Matt walked in as they both laughed, until they saw someone that stopped their laughing.

"Annie what are you doing??" asked Maddie as she saw Annie standing up and walking around.

"I am walking, what else would I be doing?" asked Annie as she smiled and she looked at Maddie.

"But you need more rest, you can't be moving like that" said Maddie.

"But I feel alright" said Annie as she smiled, her voice was finally back to normal, and she just felt stronger, stronger than she had felt in such a long time.

"But…" said Maddie.

"I am alright Maddie, you worry too much" said Annie as she laughed and she walked around in a circle, the first few times she had tried this, she had fallen flat on her ground, her legs were not used to be used again, and Annie found that frustrating, It was like her entire body had decided to shut down while she was in that coma.

"Annie I..." said Maddie as she was cut off my Matt.

"That is enough Maddie, if Annie says she is alright, then she is alright" said Matt as he looked at Maddie and he smiled at her.

Maddie looked at Matt and then at Annie, these two were just so the same that it was annoying to her.

"*Sigh*, Fine" said Maddie as she sighed and she had no other choice than to agree.

"Thank you Matt" said Annie as she looked at Matt and she smiled at him, and he smiled back at her, until Annie wasn't watching where she was going and she accidentally tripped as she suddenly felt a spur of weakness and she fell down to the ground.

"Ouch" said Annie as she hissed in pain, she just felt light headed all of a sudden, and she knew that was not normal.

"Are you alright Annie??" asked Matt in worry as she rushed to her side and he picked her up and placed her back on her bed.

"You see, I told you" said Maddie as she sighed and she shook her head.

"Not now Maddie" said Matt as he looked at Annie in concern.

"Are you alright?" asked Matt.

"Yes I am… I just got lightheaded for a second" said Annie as she rubbed her forehead with her right hand.

"Annie you need to be more careful, I keep on telling you that over and over again" said Maddie as she poured Annie a glass of water and she handed it to her.

"I know, but I am tired of being in bed all day" said Annie as she gave the glass of water back to Maddie after she had drank from it.

"And I am also tired of you all treating me like I'm a baby, I am fine, I am alright now" said Annie.

"Annie we care for you, and that's why we are here taking care of you" said Maddie.

"Mhm Annie, Maddie is right" said Matt as he nodded and he looked at Annie.

"*Sigh*, alright fine" said Annie as she nodded her head and she sighed, she was just tried of being like this, she was getting better and yet she was still not okay.

"Good" said Maddie as she smiled and Matt smiled as he moved back.

"Can I get a mirror?" asked Annie.

"Why do you need a mirror Annie?" asked Maddie as she looked at Annie.

"Well I want to see myself, I haven't seen myself in a long time" said Annie, since she had woken up, she did not know what she looked like, there was this unsettling feeling that she just could not shake off, after what her magic had told her.

"Oh alright then" said Maddie.

"You can just use my phone" said Maddie as she removed her phone from her back pocket and she gave it to Annie.

"Thank you" said Annie as she smiled and she took Maddie's phone.

"You are welcome" said Maddie as she smiled and she went to sit beside Matt on the couch.

Annie went to Maddie's camera app on her phone, and then she saw it… she saw herself, she had bags under her green eyes, her face looked all mopey and sad and most of all she just looked weak.

"Ahhhhh" said Annie as she screamed as her eyes caught sight of something that scared her to death.

"What is it Annie??" asked Maddie and Matt at the same time as they stood up and they rushed to Annie.

"My….My…." said Annie as she could not believe what she was seeing.

"Your what?? What happened??" asked Maddie.

"What's wrong Annie??" asked Matt as he looked very worried, the way Annie screamed was not just because of nothing, she must have seen something that scared her for her to scream like that.

"What happened to my hair???!!!" asked Annie in shock as she touched her head and she looked at her reflection on Maddie's phone.

"Oh… that" said Maddie as she calmed down and she sighed in relief.

"What do you mean that??" asked Annie In shock as she placed Maddie's phone on her bed and she used both of her hands to touch her hair.

"Annie don't do that, you scared the both of us" said Matt as he also looked relieved, he had thought that Annie screamed because of something very dangerous.

"Alright, alright, okay I do admit I overreacted, I am sorry" said Annie.

"But can someone please tell me what happened to my hair??!!" asked Annie in shock.

"What happened to my hair??? Where is my hair??" asked Annie as she looked very panicked, all her hair was gone, her long luscious locks of black hair was gone, and all she was left with was short hair, and its length only went past her ear by a little bit.

"Annie we don't know what happened to your hair, when we found Curtis and you, he brought you in looking like that" said Maddie.

"Yes, we didn't think much of it at that time because our top priority was to get you to wake up" said Matt.

"We just thought that maybe during your fight with Azazel something happened to your hair" said Maddie as she explained.

"No… No… No… No, last time I checked before I passed out, my hair was still there, what happened??? Hair just doesn't fall off??" said Annie as she could not believe this at all, this was the shortest her hair had ever been, she had always had long hair, and now her hair was short… super short.

"Relax Annie it will grow back" said Maddie as she tried to calm Annie down.

"Yes Annie, Maddie is right, and besides, I think you look cute with short hair" said Matt as he smiled.

"Oh no, don't tease me Matt, my hair…" said Annie as she still could not believe this, all her hair was gone.

"Haha" said Maddie as she laughed, she found this entire situation very funny, she thought that Annie was overreacting.

"Matt is right, you do look cute in short hair" said Maddie as she laughed and Annie shook her head no at her.

"Maybe you can ask Curtis what happened when he comes, because he is the only one who knows what happened" said Matt.

"Alright you are right Matt" said Annie as she tried to calm herself down, all her complaining would not bring back her long hair.

"I will wait for Curtis" said Annie as she nodded her head.

"There you see, that's better" said Maddie as she smiled.

"Gosh, just what exactly happened after I passed out?" asked Annie as she sighed, nothing made sense to her at all, and only Curtis would be able to answer all the many questions that she had because, she just could not believe this at all.

"We also want to know that" said Maddie as she sighed.

"Wait, where are my parents??" asked Annie as she looked at Maddie and Matt.

"They went out with my parents" said Matt as he smiled.

"Alright, and when will they be back?" asked Annie.

"They shouldn't be too long" said Maddie and Annie sighed.

"Oh come on Annie, you are perfectly fine, cheer up" said Maddie as she laughed and she picked up her phone and she took a quick picture of Annie.

"You better delete that picture Maddie" said Annie as she laughed.

"Not a chance, you look very cute" said Maddie as she smiled and Matt laughed as Annie shook her head.

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