
Bad feeling

"What are you both doing??" asked Annie as she walked into the cafeteria.

"We are playing Chess" replied Maddie as she did not mover her eyes off the board.

"No I know that, but why does it look like you both are trying to kill each other with the way you are both staring like that" said Annie

"Well Maddie started it, she was trying to faze me, which would never work, so I just tried to faze her back" said Curtis

"Whenever you two play board games, it's always so weird and childish" said Annie as she laughed.

You should have seen the kind of scene she walked into, both Maddie and Curtis were staring right into each others eyes like they had lasers built in them, the only thing separating them from looking at each other even closer, what the chessboard.

"No Annie we are not childish" said Maddie as she kept her eyes on the bishop that Curtis decided to move.

"Yes this is a very serious match between me and Maddie" said Curtis as he moved his right bishop and he killed Maddie's pawn with a smug look on his face.

"*Gasp* You did not just do that??" said Maddie in shock

"Oh yes I did" said Curtis proudly.

"I am going to get you back for that" said Maddie, Curtis was getting too full of himself and she needed to strike now, before she made a stupid move that cost her the entire match.

"Ha, we'll see" said Curtis

"Well this seems very interesting to watch" said Annie as she sat down at the table they were playing on, and she watched the expressions on both their faces closely.

They both looked so serious, as if their lives depended on winning this match.

Annie was sure that if someone got stress from frowning too much, then Maddie and Curtis would need to be in a hospital right now.

They were just so competitive that it was scary, Annie imagined how serious it would be, if they were both enemies and they had to fight against each other, she was just grateful that they were on the same team.

"That was revenge for killing my innocent pawn that was well on her way to become queen" said Maddie as she killed Curtis' knight.

"Don't you think that is a bit polygamous considering that your original Queen is still alive" said Curtis as he shrugged Maddie off.

"What did you just say?? Annie, your book is dirty, how could he think of such, this was an innocent game until he said that" said Maddie as she lamented.

"Haha you two, are just so unbelievable, Curtis why would you say that?" asked Annie as she could not control her laughter.

"Well it's the truth isn't it?" asked Curtis

"Well how would you know?? how are you sure that the original queen didn't just pass on her throne to the new queen" said Maddie

"I don't think that's how it works" said Curtis

"Oh shut up, and just play" said Maddie as she was frustrated.

"Language Maddie" said Annie

"It's fine Annie, her saying that just means that I am winning" said Curtis as he smiled smugly.

"Haha you wish" said Maddie

"Okay guys at this point I am genuinely worried about you both now" said Annie

"Well don't be Annie, because Curtis hasn't just gotten used to someone beating him yet" said Maddie as she was waiting for Curtis to make a move.

"I have a question for both of you" said Annie

"Okay ask away" said Curtis as he seemed to be thinking.

"Would you both ever stop fighting, if my life was in danger??" asked Annie

"Well I doubt that there would ever be a situation that would warrant us to stop fighting to save you" said Maddie

"Yes I agree with Maddie, there is no chance that such a thing would happen" said Curtis as he decided to move his pawn one block ahead.

"I cannot believe this, so you guys would refute me together just to not answer my question" said Annie as she face-palmed herself.

"Well let's just say that we can work together when we need too" said Maddie as she turned and smiled at Annie.

"Oh really so now I am the enemy??" asked Annie

"No Annie you're too sweet and cute to be our enemy" said Maddie

"What is that supposed to mean??" asked Annie

"There" said Maddie as she ignored Annie's question and she moved her knight ahead.

"Oooh good move" said Annie to herself, she knew what Maddie was trying to do, she just hoped that Curtis would see it soon, but considering that he was looking so smug, she was sure that he wouldn't notice at all, and that's exactly what Maddie wanted.

"Ha" said Curtis as he moved his pawn away, as he thought that was what Maddie was waiting for.

Maddie smirked, and she moved her knight ahead and said "Checkmate" smugly.

"Wait what??" asked Curtis in shock.

"I said Checkmate" said Maddie as she danced a little dance.

"Good one Maddie" said Annie as she laughed.

"What happened??" asked Curtis as he was utterly confused.

"Curtis can't you see it??" asked Annie

"Look, Maddie's knight has checked your king" said Annie as she pointed.

Curtis looked shocked, he totally ignored that part of the board, he was only focusing on the pieces that he pushed ahead.

"A little advise Curtis" said Maddie

"You have to always make and escape route for your king" she said as she winked and smiled at him.

"*Ahem*" said Curtis as he cleared his throat.

"Well that was a good match, I have to go now, I still have many busy things to attend to" said Curtis as his expression changed quickly, all the childishness that was there before was gone like nothing ever happened.

"Haha okay, run away scaredy cat" said Maddie as she was not going to let Curtis live this down.

"See you later Annie" said Curtis as he stood up and walked away."

"And that's how we do it haha" said Maddie as she danced.

"Okay okay Maddie relax, that was a very good game, you won fair and square" said Annie.

"Of course I won, I am just too good" said Maddie smugly.

"Okay okay, but you know what, I don't know why you like picking on Curtis so much, leave my poor Curtis alone" said Annie

"Aww your poor little Curtis needs you to save him" said Maddie

"Of course, he's my Curtis not yours" said Annie

"Haha of course he is" said Maddie as she laughed.

"Yes because you always want to pick on him, with board games" said Annie

"First it was snakes and ladders, and now it's chess" said Annie

"Yes those games are perfectly fine, and besides he's the one who accused me of being a cheat, so this is just fair" said Maddie.

"Okay, whatever you say Maddie, whatever you say" said Annie as she shook her head, Maddie was just so childish sometimes.

"Anyway, have you seen Matt?? I haven't seen him since breakfast" said Annie

"Really?? I thought that you would have seen him by now, I also haven't seen him all day" said Maddie

"Now I'm worried, where the heck is he??" asked Annie as she was already worrying.

"Oh Annie, you worry too much, I am sure he's perfectly fine wherever he is" said Maddie as she began to pack the chess board and pieces.

"But that's the thing, I have a bad feeling about this, Matt is not perfectly fine" said Annie

"We need to find him" said Annie.

"Okay Annie, relax, we'll go find him" said Maddie as she noticed that Annie was seriously worried, and it was not just her overreacting.

She too was suspicious on how Matt would just leave without telling anyone where he was going, she just hoped that it wasn't another Armand incident.

"But how do we find him??" asked Annie

"Easy, location spell" said Maddie

"Okay then let's do it" said Annie

"Yes but first we have to go back to our room" said Maddie

"Why?" asked Annie

"Well because I need something that belongs to Matt to cast the spell" said Maddie

"Okay then let's go" said Annie as she stood up quickly and she left to their room.


"So what do we do now?" asked Maddie

"First get me a piece of paper" said Maddie and Annie gave her a piece of paper immdiately.

"Hand me my dagger" said Maddie, and Annie searched under Maddie's bed and she gave Maddie her dagger.

Maddie placed the dagger on the paper and she drew a circle with a pencil, she muttered a spell under her breath, and the paper glowed.

Two green dots were plotted on the paper, with one in the circle and another outside the circle.

"There" said Maddie

"What??" asked Annie

"We are here" said Maddie

"And over there is Matt" said Maddie

"What is he doing so far away from the camp??" asked Annie

"I don't know, but that's what we have to find out" said Maddie

"I just hope that it isn't what I think that it is" said Annie

"Me too" said Maddie.

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