
The day has finally come.

" I'm glad that Aunt Bella said yes and all but what is the deal with us hiding in bushes lately?" asked Maddie as she dusted herself off.

"Haha me too!! Haha Maddie that is true, It probably just means that we have been playing cupid lately" said Annie as she laughed

"Haha, if this is the price of playing cupid then I'd rather not" said Maddie

"Aww Maddie have you no heart, it's nice playing cupid, we get to see the magic happen" winked Annie

"Mhmmm" said Maddie

"I agree with Annie" said Matt as he climbed out of the bushes

"Why Am I not surprised?" asked Maddie sarcastically

"I also agree with Annie" said Evie as she was carrying Noey

"You don't get to have a say in this" said Maddie with daggers in her eyes as she looked at Evie.

"Okay guys stop it, this is a say of Joy and not your feud" said Annie

"Yes Annie is right" said Evie

Maddie just grunted as she rubbed her arm.

"Wait is it only me, or is it scary that we are in the forest in the night all alone?" asked Maddie

"Well technically we are not alone, Uncle Jake has guard surrounding this place just in case so we are safe" said Matt

"Haha Phew" said Maddie

"Well we better get back into the Castle it's late and we have to go celebrate" said Annie

"Yes you are right Annie" said Levi

"Lets go" said Kaylee.

Meanwhile in the Castle

"She said yesss" said Jacob

"You see, I told you to be honest, it would have saved you a lot of trouble if you had just done that in the first place" said Lucas

"Mhmm Luke don't be mean" said Lucinda and Jacob just totally ignored his friend.

"Congratulations Jake" said Lucinda as she hugged him

"Yes Congratulations" said Lisa as she smiled

"Congrats" said John

"Thank you everyone" said Jacob as he smiled sincerely

"So where is Bella now?" asked Lucinda

"Well she said that she wanted to go and rest" said Jacob

"Okay then let me go check on her, see you guys later" said Lucinda as she left the room.

"Bye Luc" said Lisa

"So I need your help, we need to plan the wedding quick, since we are getting married tomorrow" said Jacob

"Tomorrow?" asked John as he almost choked on the water he was drinking.

"Sorry John, are you okay?" asked Lisa as she patted his back and John nodded yes.

"Umm tomorrow, Jake don't you think that it's a bit too fast" said Lisa

"Ha" said Lucas as he was leisurely sitting on the couch.

"Lis if you knew the long history between these two, they should have got married a long time ago" said Lucas as he laughed.

"Well okay then, it's no worry, Jake if you need my help I am always available" said Lisa

"Thank you Lisa, I would also need the help of my little cupids, where are they anyway?" asked Jacob

"Ahh uncle we are here" said Levi as he entered the room and the others followed behind him.

Meanwhile in Bella"s room.

"Bella" called Lucinda as she entered Bella's room and found Bella face flat on her pillow, while lying on her bed.

"Hmmm" said Bella

"I heard the good news, aren't you happy?" asked Lucinda

"Yes yes I am, I am just angry that it took him so long" said Bella as she rose up from her pillow and pouted.

"Let me see the ring" said Lucinda and Bella showed Lucinda her hand.

"Oooh it's so pretty" said Lucinda

"I know, it's just that it felt weird seeing Jake like that, he looked like he was about to cry" said Bella

"He just looked so broken, that it broke me" said Bella

"And he said that he Loves me??" said Bella

"So Belle you are not marrying out of pity?" asked Lucinda

"No, his emotions were just too real, and I have always liked him" said Bella as she looked at Lucinda.

"Then why do you seem down?" asked Lucinda

"Haha my Lucy, it's just that it feels too surreal, it's like I could wake up from this dream any second" said Bella

"Owww, what did you do that for?" asked Bella as Lucinda pinched her arm.

"Did you feel pain?" asked Lucinda

"Yes, of course I did, what kind of question is that?" asked Bella as she rubbed the area where Lucinda pinched and looked annoyed.

"Then you are not dreaming" said Lucinda as she smiled.

"Okay sheesh you could have done something else" said Bella

"Eeeek I'm getting married" said Bella as she squealed and hugged Lucinda

"Haha" laughed Lucinda

"Finally, because the men my mom was trying to set me up with, were something, this one guys had this weird shaped moustache, and it creeped me out" said Bella

"You and your weird date stories" said Lucinda

"Haha, well no way I can invite my parents to the wedding they would either freak out, or refuse to attend or both" said Bella

"So you are not inviting them?" asked Lucinda

"Nope it would be a waste of time" said Bella

"Besides this proves that we are true Besties" said Bella

"What?" asked Lucinda

"Remember you and Luke got married without your parents there and now me and Jake will, talk about Besties hehe" said Bella as she laughed

"I cannot believe you Isabella" said Lucinda

"No no don't you dare call me by my full name, you know it's true" said Bella

"Okay yes yes fine" said Lucinda as she laughed

"My gosh I need a wedding dress" said Bella

"Haha I can help with that" said Lisa as she entered the room

"Ahhh Lisa, thank you, your a darling" said Bella

"Wait you can make a wedding dress?" asked Lucinda

"Haha, not really, but this one time in University one of my roommates was a tailor and one day she had to make a wedding dress and I helped out a bit" said Lisa

"Haha that sounds so cool" said Bella

"Yes it is very" said Lucinda

"Haha Thank you, well I just need to get your measurements" said Lisa

"Okay" said Bella as she literally jumped down from her bed to the ground.

Meanwhile in Henry's Office

"Your Majesty I have finally decided to settle down" said Jacob as he was sitting down right across Henry.

"Ahh, finally my boy it took you too long" said Henry as he smiled.

"The lucky lady is Bella I presume?" asked Henry

"Yes Sire" said Jacob

"That's good ,Bella is a good girl" said Henry

"So when is the wedding?" asked Henry

"Tomorrow Sire" said Jacob

"Ahh my boy, doing things quick, I like it" laughed Henry

"Your Majesty I came to ask if you would please honor our wedding and give us your blessing" said Jacob

"My boy, your father was my most trusted ally, and when he died I promised him that I would take care of you" said Henry

"I took you in and I have always considered you my son, and I would not want to miss my son's wedding, I have done that once before and I have always regretted it." said Henry

"Thank you your Majesty" said Jacob as he smiled

"You are welcome my boy and, I have always told you to call me father, but it seems that you have never been comfortable with doing so" said Henry

"It's not that Your Majesty" said Jacob

"Hmm" asked Henry

"Nothing, Thank you... Father" said Jacob

"Your welcome my boy" said Henry

Meanwhile back in Bella's room

Lisa had finished taking Bella's measurements.

"My gosh, look at the time, at this rate the dress won't be finished in time for the wedding" said Lisa

"Okay relax Lisa, we can just do it the easy way" said Lucinda

"What's the easy way?" asked Lisa

"Magic" said Bella and Lucinda at the same time.

"Ahhh, yes sometimes I forget that we are not in the normal world" laughed Lisa

"Well then Magic it is" said Lisa

"Haha Yayyyyy" said Bella.

Wedding Bells were ringing in the ears of everyone present in the Castle, the news of the wedding of the great Military Commander of the Vampire realm and a Witch had spread to the whole Castle.

The Maids were decorating the Courtyard which was going to be used for the wedding and the Sundew Children along with Annie and Maddie were getting ready for the Wedding.

"Ahh I've never been to a wedding before" said Annie as she dried her hair.

"Well I have" said Maddie

"Really?" asked Annie

"Yes, back in Sunset Village, the great Azazel Wolf, was invited to a wedding and he could not attend so me and my mother had to represent him" said Maddie as she was annoyed.

"Oh you sound like you did not enjoy the wedding" said Annie

"Ah, no well the food was great, but I mean the bride and groom were not getting married because they loved each other, not like Aunt Bella and Uncle Jake, but rather they were getting married for business related purposes, so it felt very staged" said Maddie

"Ooof that sound very rough" said Annie

"Haha yes it is, just shows you how the world of the rich and wealthy go" said Maddie

"The money is great and all, but there are just many problems that money cannot solve" said Maddie

"That is very true" said Annie

"Anyway, today is the happy day that we have been waiting for, so no bad thoughts okay?" asked Annie

"Okay" said Maddie as she laughed.

Everyone that mattered were gathered together in the courtyard and they were sitting on white folding chairs.

Annie, Maddie, the Sundew Siblings, Mr. and Mrs. Grey along with Lucinda an Luke were sitting down and waiting for the bride.

Henry was standing at the altar and so was Jacob, and he looked very nervous.

The wedding song started playing as Bella walked towards the isle, and Lucas stood up to walk to the aisle with her.

Bella looked very beautiful in a white laced long sleeved wedding gown, her skirt flared out nicely, her long black hair was tied up in a bun and a white laced veil was on her face.

"Thank you Luke" whispered Bella as she walked down the aisle

"Anytime" whispered Lucas back

"I wish you both all the happiness in the world, and if Jake misbehaves you know where to find me" said Lucas and it made Bella laugh

"Thank you, but I am sure he will be good" said Bella and in no time they reached the altar and Lucas went back to sit next to Lucy.

Jacob removed Bella's veil and he saw her beautiful face once more, Bella smiled and her blue eyes glimmered.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today..." said Henry as he started the ceremony.

"Ahh this is just too beautiful, Aunt looks too beautiful" said Evie as she whispered in Annie's ear.

"Ahh yes yes, she is and Uncle Jake does look handsome in that suit of his" whispered Annie back.

"Hey so I don't look handsome?" asked Matt"

"What kind of question is that?" asked Annie

"Just answer the question" said Matt

"Well today is Aunt Bella's and Uncle Jake's day, when it's your wedding day I can answer that question" said Annie

"Well played Annie" laughed Maddie

"Haha Thank you" said Annie

"Haha she got you good" laughed Evie as she turned to talk to Matt that was behind her.

"Oh quiet" said Matt

"By the power invested in me by God, I now pronounce you husband and Wife, you may now Kiss the bride" said Henry as he smiled and Jacob and Bella kissed.

"Yayyyyy" said the Sundew children and Bella giggled.

"Let this party beginnn" said Bella

"I just want to say Thank you to all of you that are here, because you are all the most important people to me, and now I'm married hehe" said Bella as she showed off her ring.

"Awwww" said everyone

Jacob took hold of Bella hand and kissed it, and said

"I Love you"

"I Love you too" said Bella

"Awww we need a picture" said Maddie

"Aha I have an idea" said Evie

"Hello Miss, can you take a picture for us?" said Evie as she called out to a Vampire maid

"Sure Princess" said the maid

Maddie handed the maid her phone and everyone stood together in a pose.

"Everyone say Love" said Evie

"Lovee" said everyone as they posed with a smile and the maid took a picture.

Today was a happy day, the happiest day that all of them would remember for the rest of their lives.

But as we all know, there were many more things that were to come.

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