
Sea Witch

"Maddie relax, I think that you are overreacting. How could Evie do this? she does not even have magic?" said Annie as she laughed

"Oh, don't tell me that you believe that cute innocent façade that she puts on, she is a evil evil girl, she is the only one that would dare do this to me" said Maddie

"Okay okay, but how then did she do this?? she does not have magic remember?" said Annie

"Oh I know how she did it, I know" said Maddie

"How?" asked Annie

"Do you remember that time when Evie kept on asking Aunt Bella to help her with some spell?" asked Maddie

"Yes I do" said Annie

"Well that's your answer" said Maddie

"No no, there is no way Aunt Bella would condone such behavior" said Annie

Meanwhile In Bella's room

"Haha Aunt, It worked, I just heard Maddie scream" whispered Evie as she laughed

"Haha Of course my dear, it worked" said Bella as she high-fived Evie

"I can just imagine Maddie's face, she must be mortified" said Evie as she laughed

"I mean who wouldn't be, although I hate to admit it her blonde hair suits her, and I doubt that green hair will" said Evie as she laughed.

Meanwhile Back in Annie and Maddie's room

"Oh I am going to deal with her" said Maddie

"How??" asked Annie

"Oh don't worry, you will see how soon" said Maddie as she smiled creepily and walked out of the bathroom, and left the room.

"Maddie, wait don't do anything you will regret" said Annie as she chased after her.

"Where is Evie??" asked Maddie as she saw Levi in the hallway.

Levi mouth was wide open as he pointed to the direction of Bella's room.

"Thank you" said Maddie as she smiled and walked straight in Bella's room direction.

"Levi where is Maddie?" asked Annie as she finally caught up

"She asked where Evie was and I pointed to Aunt's room, and also what happened to her hair why is it green?" asked Levi

"Well it's a long story, but all I can say is that she thinks Evie did it" said Annie

"Ahh well then, Evie really did it this time, Goodluck to her" said Levi

"Yes, Byeee I better go catch up with Maddie" said Annie

"EVIE SUNDEW!" shouted Maddie as she barged into Bella's room without even knocking

"Ahhh!" shouted Evie as she jumped in shock from her unexpected visitor.

Evie looked to the door and once she saw Maddie's hair, the shock she had received was replaced with laughing,

"Hahaaha" said Evie as she laughed

Maddie's hair simply looked horrible, it was not even a good shade of green, rather it resembled seaweed, the strands of hair were all messy and looked shabby.

Maddie did not even bother to fix her hair, before she ran all the way here to deal with Evie.

"Maddie, you look like a sea witch" laughed Evie

"Oh you little Witch, I will kill you" said Maddie as she went right for Evie and Evie ran away, she even ignored Bella's presence, it was like a game of cat and mouse.

"Maddie stop it" said Annie as she was panting

"My gosh I have become very unfit" she mumbled to herself.

Evie ran straight to Annie side and she hid behind her.

"Annie, Aunt save me" she cried.

"Maddie relax, are you going to beat a child?" asked Annie

"Yes yes" said Evie as she did not keep her mouth shut.

"Annie is right Maddie, you cannot harm her, she is still a child" said Bella as she resisted the urge to laugh.

"Yes, be the bigger person, you are wayyy older than her anyway, you should treat her like a little sister" said Annie

"Okay fine" said Maddie

"You are right, I won't hurt her... yet" said Maddie as she licked her lips and ran her fingers through her uncombed hair.

"And you" said Maddie as she pointed at Evie

"I will deal with you very soon" said Maddie

Evie just hid behind Annie like a small rat.

Maddie turned to Aunt Bella and said

"Aunt can you please change my hair back? I would do it myself but I do not know what kind of spell you used" said Maddie

"Ahh, No worries dear, I used a simple dye spell" said Bella

"Is it permanent?" asked Maddie

"No dear of course not" laughed Bella as she waved her hand.

"There you go it's back to normal now" said Bella

Maddie's hair that returned back to it's original colour.

"Haha Thank you Aunt, I cannot fight with you, since you are my elder, but me and Evie haha we are just the best of friends" smiled Maddie

"NO Aunt, she's lying don't believe her, don't leave me with her" said Evie

"Little girl, I don't have your time" said Maddie

"Annie let's go" said Maddie

"Okay" said Annie as Evie let go of her

"Seee you later Evie" said Maddie with a smile that brought shivers down Evie's spine.

As soon as Annie and Maddie left, Evie rushed to her Aunt and started crying

"Aunt, Aunt, you have to help me, Maddie is evil she is evil" said Evie

"Haha relax dear, she won't do anything to you" said Bella as she laughed

Meanwhile in the Witch Realm

Mira, Curtis and Stella were all in Stella's Office.

"I have delivered your message my Chancellor" said Mira

"Thank you Mira, that would be all" said Stella

"Okay My Chancellor" said Mira as she bowed and walked out of the office

"This means that as soon as Annie returns she will begin her training Immediately" said Curtis

"Yes agreed, we do not have time for dilly dallying, Azazel was being serious and so should we" said Stella

"Should we Inform the rest?" asked Curtis

"No, let them enjoy their break, we do not want to worry them about Azazel right now" said Stella

"True" said Curtis

"We will inform them, when they return and then we will think of a plan" said Curtis

"I agree" said Stella

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