

"So tell me my boy, why did you not inform me that we had strangers coming with you?" asked Henry with a serious face.

"No matter what your bizarre reasons are, this is still my castle and I am entitled to know who is coming to my Castle" said Henry

Lucas seemed to have seen this coming, so he just sat down opposite of his father and said

"I was observing you, to discern whether you are biased or you have really changed" he said

"Lucas, I have nothing against Witches, My Daughter-in -law is a witch, I never for once thought anything bad about her and you know it" said Henry

Lucas just looked away and sighed "Yes, Father you are right, I am sorry, I will make sure to inform you next time" said Lucas

"Good, My boy, Now that we are settled, could you please tell me why you all are back here?? You and me both know that, this visit of ours is no ordinary one" said Henry

"Ah, Father you have always been too smart for me to fool" laughed Lucas

"A child, can never be older than their Parents" laughed Henry

"Yes, true true" said Lucas as he became serious

"Well Father it concerns Annie" said Lucas

"Yes what about Annie?" asked Henry

"Well a few weeks ago, Azazel sent a letter to Stella" said Henry

"What, a letter?? That tyrant sent a letter?" asked Henry

"Yes, We were just as surprised as you Father" said Lucas

"Well then ,what did he want?" asked Henry

"Apparently he said that he wanted to meet, in person" said Lucas

"And Stella Concluded that it was not safe for Annie and Maddie to be present when he is around, and the only safe place that we could think of was the Vampire Realm" said Lucas as he explained

"Ah my boy, this is serious, you should have told me all this before I would have welcomed our guests with open arms, I now understand" said Henry

"But what about Maddie? I do not get why she had to tag along? Since Annie is the real one in danger" said Henry

"Well, she too is equally in danger as Annie is" said Lucas

"Because she is Azazel's daughter" said Lucas

"What In the heavens? Azazel has a daughter and you allowed his daughter to be close to Annie?" asked Henry

"Father relax, Maddie is a good child, she is very different from her Father" said Lucas

"Besides, you and me both Know all too well, how children should not have to pay for crimes of their parents" said Lucas seriously

" *Sigh* Yes my boy, you are right, children do not have to pay for the crimes of their Parents" said Henry

"So What about Bella? why is she here?" asked Henry as he tried to change the subject

"Well she wanted to spend more time with her nieces and nephews" said Lucas

"Haha I do agree with her, My Grandchildren are just so lovely that no one can resist them" said Henry as he laughed

"Hey, where do you think they get their charm from?" asked Lucas as he smiled

"Well from me of course" said Henry

"No no Father, we all know that I am the handsome one, even more handsome than you" said Lucas

"Well back in my day I was what we called the Killer Prince" said Henry as he winked

"Ah Ah, wait before you start your old glory stories, don't we have guests and your Grandchildren to attend to?" asked Lucas as he laughed

"Yes yes I do, well then my Boy let us go join them" said Henry as he stood up

"Then let us go Father" said Lucas

Meanwhile in the Dining Area

The Kitchen Staff had prepared the best food and delicacies and the huge dinning table was laid out with different soups, sauces and dishes, it just looked so glorious.

This was the first time in ages that the Kitchen Staff had to prepare so much food, the Castle was usually empty with only King Henry, and Jacob along with the guards.

Jacob would eat with the King, but not all the time, he was a busy man and the General of the Vampire Army, and he was either always training or formulating battle plans.

Deep down the Kitchen Staff were happy, to be cooking for many people again.

The Food was ready the Table was set and all everyone was waiting for, was for Lucas and King Henry to finally join them, but in the meantime, everyone just made small talk, especially Evie and her beloved Aunt Bella.

And the two of them were a dynamic duo, they easily made everyone take part in the conversation, all except for Jacob who just drank his wine in silence and ignored Bella's presence, but she didn't even seem to be paying attention to him too.

"Ah I am sorry if we kept everyone waiting" said Henry as he entered the Dining area along with Lucas following behind him.

"No your Majesty" said the other

"No problem Grandfather" said the Sundew Children

Henry smiled as he pulled out his chair, which of course was the biggest and it was the one at he far end of the table.

Lucas kissed Lucinda on the cheek and sat right next to her.

"Now that we are all here, we can begin eating" said Henry

"Thank you Your Majesty" said Annie, Maddie, Mrs. Grey and Mr. Grey and Bella

"It's no trouble, and no need for the formality, we are all family here, you can just call me Sir, or whatever you like to" said Henry

"Thank you Your Maje- I mean Sir" said Mr. Grey

"You are welcome my boy, now now don't let the food be cold, let us dig in as they say" said Henry and everyone laughed.

Dinner was lively and delicious and everyone was happy and full to their heart's content, it made the adults almost forget of all the troubles they have to settle.

"Okay then everyone, it's getting late, Lucinda Darling would you please show our Guests their rooms?" asked Henry

"Sure Your Majesty" said Lucinda as she gave little Noey that was sleeping over to Bella who was standing right next to her.

"Everyone please follow me" said Lucinda as she led the way, leaving Jacob, Lucas and the King alone.

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