
The Plan

"Okay now that everyone is here and the children are gone it's time to talk about more pending matters" said Stella as her countenance changed and became serious as she drank some tea.

The adults were in the lounge room that was far away from the bedrooms and Adrian was guarding the door outside so that no one would be able to enter or eavesdrop without permission.

"Well Stella by now you should know the situation on ground" said Lucinda as she drank some tea.

"Of course i do!" said Stella

"Yes and the fact is that this matter does not only concern us witches alone but also the Vampires too" said Lucinda

"Yes i know that" said Stella "So your highness what do you suggest we do since this concerns your people too?" asked Stella

"Well our first course of action will be to speak to the King and then we will know where to go from there" said Lucas

"Okay and when do you plan to do that??" asked Stella

"We will leave in a week let the children get used to this environment first it's not good for us to be moving them from place to place, especially Noey" said Lucas as he was serious.

"Okay then it's settled" said Stella

"Yes it is" said Lucas.

"Now Curtis concerning Azazel what do you think his next course of action is since Annie is now far from him?" asked Stella as she looked at Curtis that was sitting in a red armrest chair.

"Well Annie is safe for now, but what we really need is the opinion of the King of Vampires first since rouges are involved, Azazel has a plan and i am afraid it's not that simple this time if he's getting other races involved.

"I Agree" said Lucinda

"Yes we know all this but what can we do to keep our daughter safe??" asked Mr. Grey

"John don't worry Annie is safe nothing can happen to her the Palace is put under severe security and no one can come in or out without being checked so rest assured Annie is safe here" said Stella as she tried to calm John down.

"Okay understand, we trust you Stella" said Mrs. Grey as she rubbed John's hand in hers.

"Okay now about the rest of the Council do they know that we are here??" asked Lucinda

"No" said Stella

"Umm what about my Father?" asked Lucinda

Stella just nodded her head no and said "Lucinda you know how your Father can get and i think it's best for now that you don't see him at least till i can convince him to" said Stella

And Lucinda nodded her head in agreement.

Meanwhile back in the human realm in the dungeon of the Wolf Mansion.

"So boss what is your plan??" asked Liam as he was standing in front of where Azazel was sitting.

"Well since my so called daughter wants to play then we shall play!" said Azazel

Meanwhile in the Witch world Evie was in Maddie's and Annie's room.

"Oooh your room looks so cool" said Evie as she sat on Annie's bed

"Haha Thank you Evie!!" said Annie

"Your Welcome, Okay now back to the serious matter why is Maddie pretending to be an orphan??" asked Evie

"Because Last time i checked Maddie is the daughter of you know who" said Evie suspiciously

Maddie just came out of the Bathroom and heard what Evie said

"Well Miss Evie we all know that is Stella was to find out that i am the daughter of you know who i would be kicked out of here and that's not nice so keep your mouth shut" said Maddie harshly

"Annie your friend is bullying me" said Evie as she pretended to Cry

"Oooh Maddie that was a bit to harsh" said Annie as she laughed.

"Mhmm" said Maddie as she sat down on her bed,

"Yeah yeah anyways i wasn't going to say anything" said Evie but Annie and Maddie looked at her funny

"What's with the look i am serious scouts honor" said Evie as she nodded and placed her hand on her chest.

"Mhmm okay we'll see" said Annie

"Okay okay well back to what i was saying if not me and Kay Kay have to share the same room i would have loved to be your roommate!!" said Evie

"Haha well such a bummer" said Maddie sarcastically

"Hey!!! no fair" said Evie and Annie just laughed.

"Well i have to get going now it's time for bed" said Evie

"Orrrrr can i stay here and have a sleepover since there is no school tomorrow??" asked Evie with stars in her eyes.

"haha no no we are so tired from all we did today and we have to rest so see you tomorrow Evie we can have a sleepover some other time!!" said Maddie as she got up from her bed and pulled Evie up and led her to the door.

"But-" said Evie as she was cut off when Maddie said "Haha Goodnight!!" and with that Evie was already outside the room and Maddie closed their door with a bang.

"Hey no fair, what just happened??" said Evie as she went to her own room.

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