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I could feel the exhaustion of the last few days fall over me. My body ached with every step; my head throbbed at every slight of sound. I was sleep deprived I knew that. I could feel the heavy lids of my eyes droop as I slowly walked to my father's study. All I wanted to do now was sleep in the soft cushions of my bed. Or maybe even relax in the warmth of my tub. I just wanted all of the anxieties of the last few days to melt away. But having to address my father with the current situation was a high priority. With my sister's safety already addressed, I was at peace with having to deal with him. Thankfully though I wasn't alone. General Bregus strode by my side, his stance held higher than my own. His bags under his eyes where evident like myself, but he was used to the struggles of sleepless nights and battle worn fatigue. I myself was not as use to it yet.

"I won't lie and say that you don't look like an utter mess your Majesty. I think you look worse off than myself." General chuckled as we approached the study room. I scoffed at him, laying a playful hand on my chest as I pretended to be offended. I was glad that after our arrival, his sense of humor had returned.

"You think you look any better than me General? You look like you have been dragged through the mud." I teased back before knocking on the door. The General chuckled in response. A smile forming on his lips as we waited patiently for the door to open.

"I can for once say, that I look way better off than yourself. If I look like I was dragged through the mud, than you look like a drowned cat. I don't mean that in any way offensively, but you are shouldering a lot and you can tell it is weighing heavily on you." I gave a small sad sigh, knowing that he hit the nail on the head. I was drowning in my responsibilities, and he was the only one who could read my thoughts. It was frustrating that I was putting up such a front, yet he could see right through me.

"Is it not my duty General, to protect my people no matter what. If I have to give my life to make my Kingdom safe, I would. Just as you would as well." The door opened with a loud groan. Argus, my father's Advisor, appeared before us. A grim, tight lipped expression upon his face. He was older than the General by at least 30 years. Pale white with saggy skin, almost like it was ready to peel off his body. His head was bald with liver spots scattered about. Large wire brimmed glasses sat on the bridge of his nose, slightly sliding off as he bowed in my presence. He wore a white robe with a golden rope tied around at his waist. If I hadn't known any better, I would have said he looked like a priest, but he had not an ounce of religion in his body. It would have been an insult to call him that to his face.

With a raised arm he offered us inside. I stepped in first, the General close on my heels as the Advisor shut the door. I froze in front of my father's desk, a slight spark of anger flickering inside me as I found Nicklos close to my father's side. What was he doing here, of all places? I wasn't expecting to see him so soon upon my arrival. In fact, I had no plans to see him at all until this mattered had been solved. But it looks like fate struck once again, and he wasn't pleased about it. His golden eyes hardened at the mere sight of me. The slowly traveled across my face, lingering on the dark circles that had formed under my eyes. My heart pounded at the silent scrutiny, making me feel self-conscious about my appearance.

"Father, I have some important matters to discuss with you. Confidential matters." I said not pealing my eyes away from Nicklos. I was hoping that he would take the hint and leave. This didn't have to deal with him, and I would rather not get him involved if I could help it. But my father waved off my concern and clasped his hands before him. Anger clearly evident in his face as he stared me down. I felt my skin prickle at his scorching gaze, trying to burn me where I stood.

"Although I am glad for your safe arrival my daughter, I am not pleased you disobeyed my direct order. I told you to come back and you ignored me. What do you two have to say for yourself." He demanded; his tone slightly raised as he spoke. I inwardly sighed, knowing that he was going to give me a lashing one way or the other despite my findings.

"I had my reasons for disobeying you. We located a nearby camp and went to eradicate it. I felt that my presence was necessary to help disband the camp and get rid of any dangers that where present upon our arrival." I explained pulling my eyes away from Nicklos. My father sat silently, willing me to continue with my report. I explained what had happened with the meeting, how I captured Emmanuel, and my concerns for Illia's life. My father remained quiet after my briefing; his lips set in a tight line as he stared off into the distance.

It felt like forever before he sighed heavily and leaned back in his chair. His hands still clasped before him, he eyed the General and I. He was still upset about my negligence to return, but I could sense that he accepted my reason for not doing so. Just this once, our lives where spared from his lashings.

"What is your plan then Aria?" He asked quietly. If I even brought up the idea of leaving the Palace again, I knew that he would interject and force me to stay behind the palace walls. But I had no plans to leave, not with the life of Illia on the line.

"Once my men are rested up, I plan on sending out an elite team to scout and eradicate the base in the West. While they are busy picking off the Mercenaries stationed there, that will keep them busy enough so they can't attack. In the meantime, I plan on getting as much information out of Emmanuel as possible. Hopefully, he can tell me who is behind the attacks and their motives." With a look of relief, he carefully let his hands go and laid them out of the table. Drumming them on the surface, he looked up to Nicklos who was letting this all-sink in. I wasn't sure why father let him stay in the room, but the glimmer of amusement that slowly crept on to my father's face had started to make me feel uneasy. This man never laughed or smiled with out an intended reason.

"Well given the nature of your disobedience, I have decided to appoint Nicklos as your Knight. I was even told that the two of you trained together. Given his close age as well, I think he would be the perfect Knight to assign to you until this is over." My father's lips grinned from ear to ear as he redirected his attention back to me. There was, the reason for his stupid smile. Of course, I couldn't help but inwardly laugh in despair at the irony of the situation. Of course, he would assign the man I was secretly courting to keep me in check and under his roof. It seemed more like fate now than ever.

"Not that I have anything against his Majesty, but do I not already have General Bregus as my Knight?" I asked casually, hoping that it would change my father's mind. That was a big wish though and given the bigger smile that spread across his face, I knew he meant for Nicklos to be more than just a Knight. Again…the Irony.

"Since we don't know who the real intended target of the attacks are, your life is still in danger much like Illia's. So Nicklos will be assigned to keep an eye on you, every where you go, and so you can't sneak off again without my consent." Every where I went, did that mean he would be sleeping in my room as well? Was he really pushing for my suitor that much he would force a man into my chambers? "I know that this may be tough for you. You have always been closed off to other people, but this is for your own good. At least until the banquet is over and things have quieted down. You may be a Knight, but you are still my daughter and successor to the throne. I can't have you dying on me. Between you and me Illia would not be able to handle being the Queen of this Kingdom, let alone having responsibilities to begin with. So just let me be at east and accept your punishment." I glanced over at Nicklos, whose expression was as stoic as ever. It wasn't like his beautiful smiles he gave me when we where kids.

I almost felt like he was treating me as the other people he came across. Distant and cool. I knew this was a façade he put up in front of others, and behind closed doors he was more compassionate than he let on, but it was still off putting that he would be so cold. For now, I would appease my father though and play along. What other choice did I have anyway? We where already courting and maybe this was the chance, he needed to redeem himself. This would also put my father's mind at ease with having to worry about a suitor. Kill two birds with one stone I suppose.

"If this will make you happy than consider it done father. Now if you will excuse me, I really do need to bathe and get some work done. I have neglected my duties as the Crown Princess the last few days and my paperwork I am sure, is just piling up." I said wringing my neck, the weight of the stress returning.

"Get some rest first. You look like you are going to fall over. You as well General. I am sure your wife is waiting for your appearance. I will be keeping in touch with your progress on Emmanuel. You are dismissed." He said with a wave of his hands. Nicklos, General Bregus, and I all bowed before exiting the room. Damien, the Advisor, opened the door and let us out. It was awkward and silent as we walked down the hall. The only thing filling the silence was our footsteps sounding down the hallway and bouncing off the walls.

"Margot is going to be insanely displeased when you get home." I sideways glanced at the General, a smirk appearing on his face. He was a devoted man who loved his wife deeply. I swore when I was growing up, I would have a relationship just like his. Filled with love, and most commonly humor.

"My wife will be upset to start with, but once I explain to her what happened she will be quick to forgive. It's how our marriage has lasted so long. Michael on the other hand might not face the same forgiving nature. After all he snuck out on this mission." So that explain why he was upset with Michael at the abandoned village. They where more alike than he would like to admit. It was funny that he was not getting a taste of his own medicine.

"Funny how kids really do act like their parents, isn't it." I said pointedly and he laughed. Father had told me stories of General Bregus with his late father. A mischievous Knight that had more times than not, went out of his way to start trouble than actually solving them. Late nights sneaking out and getting caught at the brothel, causing fights with thieves and merchants, just a teenage punk being a teenage punk. That was until he met Margot and spent most of his time trying to redeem himself until she would eventually cave in and later down the road, marry him.

"He is like me, but in the most noble of ways My Lady. He fights for what is good, not to be a delinquent. Despite how upset I am with him; I am still proud that he wanted to do what he thought was right." A Knight in the possible making. If I could test his sword, he may even be a possible candidate for a replacement. I wonder what he would say to taking the Knight course. "This is where I must part ways your Majesty. Please, rest well and we can reconvene tomorrow." The General stopped walking to bow before heading off down a separate hallway. I stopped walking to watch him, envying him that he had someone who loved him to go home too.

It was a quite reminder that I still had a dispute to settle with Nicklos. Hopefully thought, once we could get past that, things might look up. I wondered though, how much he had changed over the years, and how much of Nicklos, was still Nicklos. After one encounter, I could confirm that his feelings for me where still there, but he was different. He felt different. This was not the man that I once came to love, and now I had to learn to love who he was now.

"You and the General seem close." Nicklos blandly commented. His tone was something I was use to when he addressed others. It was weird though that he used it against me. Was it something I did to make him angry? Was my sudden disappearance that annoying he would treat me like the others?

"He practically raised me. We have been through a lot together in these recent years, so it's only natural we have an unbreakable bond. I know that I can count on him when I need him and likewise." I said continuing to walk down the hallway. He followed closely next to me, our shoulders just barely brushing against each other.

"I am glad that you have had support in my absence. It was one of my main concerns when I left. But it seems you have a hold on your position and the respect of the people." Them was warmth in his appraisal. I could feel my heart flutter in my chest, wanting him badly to hold my hand just like he use to so long ago. But I had to remind myself I was still upset with him. He wouldn't side track my anger with his warm words.

"It was a lot of hard work, but I had great people inspire me to become a strong woman." I said giving him a pointed look. A small smile formed on his lips, a silent thank you to my own appraisal. I blame it on my fatigue, but my own smile formed in response. I hate how he could make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside with just a small hint of his gentle behavior. He knew so much about me that it was going to be hard to stay mad at him for very long, that much I knew.

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