
Ch 21 "Unyielding" pt.1

[ Triggers : heavy grahics of violence

kidnapping, abuse, assault, torture ]

- Sir, we got him… Yes Sir…

Jiwook squeezed his eyes slowly open, feeling his head awfully throbbing and his limbs numb, hands so tightly bound, that the thick rope was scratching his skin, even if he stayed still. He tried helplessly to free his hands, but gave up soon. He turned his head to the supposed kidnappers, three men, all well build, looking too ruthless and wicked even for gangsters. If he was to miraculously free himself, it was impossible to run away from them.

He should have known that it was too fishy, the whole damn thing. He thought if he met 'em in a public place, nothing would happen, but a knock on his head and he was dragged in a car to God knows where.

Jiwook was trying to ignore his dreadful fright, which did nothing than paralyzing him from thinking straight. His heart beat so loudly and heavy, to the point he thought it would burst at any moment. Through all that, he could decipher only bits of conversation of one of them on the phone. It seemed they were hired by someone they called "Sir", the name was intentionally kept away from him, he guessed.

Shit, if he came this far, he had at least to find out who was the mastermind behind it. He must meet him.

- The little shit woke up. How nice.

Jiwook felt chills down his spine, but tried to hide it and to throw bravely a cold glare towards the person who spoke to him. It seemed he was the leader of the gang.

- Would you look at that he's trying to glare at me, how cute.

The man came to him suddenly, grabbed him by the hair, lifting him middle air like he wanted to rip off his hair with bare hands.

- You should change that look of yours if you want to quit this place alive.

Jiwook's whole body trembled violently as he realized that his words weren't a simple threat and nothing could stop them in that forgotten place. Tears rushed out, when the gruesome reality finally sunk in Jiwook's mind.

- Oh don't cry, we didn't even start.

That man laughed at him crazily, his eyes sharper than daggers and his smile wicked, twisted on the side like of a psychopath. Jiwook's face palled right that instant, his breath stopped from shock and horror.

He was thrown with heavy force on the floor, the man taking a chair and sat in front of Jiwook.

- Now let's have a nice chat. You know why you're here I believe. Right? Han Si Won.

For a second he wanted to shout out that it wasn't him. That they got the wrong person. That he had nothing to do with them and their business.

However, at the mention of his brother's name, he recalled the whole reason he started all of it, why he came here alone, what his purpose was, so he gathered all his courage he was capable of and tried to steal his nerves.

He will not run away. He'll not chicken out. Not anymore.

- No, please fill me in.

Though his words were meant to sound spiteful, his voice gave away his frightened state.

- HAHAHA aren't you an interesting fellow?!, he signaled the other men and they came dangerously close, one grabbing him by the hair again and steading him in place, the other wrapped his sleeve up, revealing ridiculously big and heavy muscles hanging on his arm.

For a second he was frozen in shock as his eyes followed how that hand clenched in fist and was thrown to his face. His mind went blank, a deafening high-pitched sound rang in his ears and his eyes saw nothing but darkness for a while. Actually just a few seconds passed, but he lost all sense of time and space with that heavy blow, his mind still recovering from it.

- Out already? Wake him!

Jiwook could finally feel his senses return, a piercing ache throbbing from his jaw, lips split, a metallic taste in his mouth, as they threw rock-hard slaps on his face. His whole left cheek caught in a deep red-blue tint already.

- Now better?

Through the heavy ringing in his head, he hardly figured out the other's words, but still tried to. He nodded weakly, having no strength to utter an answer.

- Good. Let's get to the point. You are to disappear from Min Siwoon's life. Understood?

So it wasn't just to break up with him. They want Siwon gone from Siwoon's life altogether. There must be something to that. It must be someone after Min Siwoon. His ex? Someone he knew? Damn, Siwoon was too famous for his own good, there were hundreds of freaks that could do it.

- Yeah… b-but only if your boss asks me himself.

It was a rather bold statement and Jiwook was sure it wouldn't work, but given the situation he had no other option.

The man got up, came near him and jerked his chin up, burring his fingers in Jiwook's skin, dark red bruises forming under his already wounded jaw. Jiwook couldn't control his fear as his body instinctively sensed imminent danger, but he still tried to keep his look unyielding.

- How funny. You're shitting on yourself, but still run your mouth like a cocky bitch. I see you still don't know your place. Boys, it seems we'll have to teach him a lesson.

All three of them laughed like madmen and Jiwook was so terrified watching them coming closer and grabbing on him, that he could just scream his lungs out for them to stop, desperately trying to free himself from their grasp, to pull himself out of their madness.

His legs were violently, blindly kicking in just anything, in a hopeless attempt to defend himself, his whole body was fighting with all its might to shelter somehow, even a little, from their punches that felt insanely crushing. Each blow he received carried a disastrous amount of pain, which his brain couldn't yet process at that speed. He wasn't even sure where it hurt, what hurt, did they break him something or yet not, did he bleed, where… he had a general sense of the whole pain amplified to unknown degree, that everything he called painful till now, seemed a mere joke.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Jiwook was gasping weakly, quietly, barely managing to take in a breath in between, his body still trembled in the aftermath of the entire pain injected to him. Through the one-side beating him to unconscious, with him fainting not sure for how many times, he was asked over and over something that he vaguely could comprehend.

He couldn't recall what he said, what he screamed, if he answered them or not, how long it lasted, how much time passed. With the corner of his left eye he could see that it was dark, though he wasn't sure if it was really night or his eye drown in blood, now caked and dried around it, was not working well. The other eye was completely swollen to the point that he couldn't even crack it open for an inch, though it felt strangely numb. Like a dead weight. Actually more parts of his body felt like that, though there were enough that still hurt agonizingly.

Somewhere during that beating his hands were freed, but Jiwook had no strength to move at all, so he didn't even notice that, his body slumped flat on the cold floor, blood dried and fresh everywhere on his clothes and the floor.

- Fuck. He's coming, the leader turned in Jiwook's direction – don't be happy. You'll pray he'd better not. Shit.

He spat out irritated and left. Jiwook wondered what kind of monster would make even that cold-blooded thug to feel nervous. He gulped down something that was more of blood than his saliva, scratching his throat roughly, making him cough dryly in result. It sounded like his voice chords were tearing, but he still had to be able to speak. If that person was coming, he must make sure to find out his name.

And then it'll end.

Jiwook's consciousness drifted away, for the tenth time that day, his exhaustion and pain overwhelming him. At least in that state he couldn't fell the pain. He couldn't feel anything.

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