
Ch 17 "A Kiss - A Promise"

"Hmm how sweet".

Have a kiss felt this painfully insatiable before?

Joohoon debated that question as literally ever part of him was quivering for more. The unplanned kiss that should have been just a fulfilled curiosity at first, deepened, lagged, fastened, yearned, challenged, dared Joohoon to try and stop it. God, he was on the verge to lose his iron control, which, mind you, has never ever happened before.

Now however, a second more and it would be too late. Joohoon held in the last piece of his sanity and, with all his body protesting that decision (it trembled in disagreement for a split of a second) he managed to held in and make himself break the kiss, his lips and tongue not listening to him, had yet to linger playfully on the younger's own plump lips, teasing it, leaving traces on it, caressing it in the most adorable and gently ways.

His lips, his whole body was craving for Jiwook like there was no tomorrow. And how long could he fight against that innate desire of his?

A day? A hour? A minute?

Joohoon was about to give up on their plans and take Jiwook right there, right then and not leave him until morning, yeah maybe or… no, better until next evening.

If he would feel it to be enough. Right.

Joohoon smiled on top of the younger's lips, amused at his own selfishness.

He would never have enough of Han Jiwook and he knew that very well.

- Foxy Han, we should go now or it may be too late.

Of course he wasn't talking about the movie. Too late would be for Joohoon to back off one more time. Impossible even.

So yeah, he still wanted to have this date of theirs, though it seemed Jiwook was completely unaware of it.

"Joohee, that naughty girl, she pulled the strings and didn't even tell him."


Joohoon could do it!

He was almost sure of that.

Jiwook stayed in awe all that time, wide eyes blinking continuously, at the lose of the tender warmth on his lips. It seemed he could just slightly, mechanically move his mouth, still not that clear if it was him trying to utter words (and not succeeding at that) or him begging to be kissed some more.

Joohoon, honestly, hoped it was the second.

His hands cupped Jiwook's flushed face, his thumb tracing a light, slow line on the other's lips, as if trying to erase any proof of his misbehavior from earlier, but he obviously failed. Jiwook's bright red blush was there, stretched everywhere on his face, even on his neck and ears... what a better proof than that. Joohoon's fingers were nearly, literally burnt from the younger's heated skin, already itching to touch him some more.

God, how addictive.

Jiwook felt so warm, so alive, so beautiful, pulsing with hope and desire, yearning for him. For his touches.

For his love.

And Joohoon wanted to give him everything. Every part of him.

His heart as well.

The elder crouched a bit and let his forehead down on the other's own forehead, closed his eyes and sighed in defeat.

- Joo…hoon-hyu..ng ??

A weak breath mixed with a soft whisper caressed Joohoon's face and he smiled.

- Yes.

Yet he didn't move.

- … Mm

Jiwook was struggling, but he stayed still.

He waited for him.

- You a-are …are so… handsome!

He opened his eyes back and moved away a little, taken aback at the sudden blunt statement.

He met Jiwook's eyes and he lost.

For God knows which time already.

His big, clear blue eyes borrowed the street lights' glow and shined so brightly, dazzlingly right back at Joohoon, stealing his breath away.

Purely fascinated.

Indeed he was.

Joohoon gulped.

"Date comes first."

Everything else comes right after.

Joohoon made a promise with himself. All good.

He ruffled Jiwook's hair a bit, it looked so soft and tempting (he'll be sure to mess with it later), he couldn't fight his urge to drop a light kiss on top of it, so he pushed Jiwook close to him and just did that.

At least that was allowed, wasn't it?

- Sure, mumbled he in between - Now let's go.

He took Jiwook by his hand and started to walk on their way to the station, an excited smile exposed on his face.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

No words could describe the explosion of feelings that collapsed inside Jiwook at that time, his heart stopped for more than a few times already and he couldn't get used to it. Might as well be, seeing how awfully persevering was Joohoon with that.

His gaze, his smile, his touch, his voice, his embrace, his kiss-

Jiwook felt his whole body shivering at the memory of Joohoon's kiss still so vividly imprinted on his mind and his lips.

He was curious, excited, captivated, bewildered, nervous, impatient, thrilled, longing - for everything that was and did Joohoon.

Jiwook was fighting those burning sensations all his way to the movie theater, his eyes never left Joohoon for a second, as if afraid that he'd disappear or this dream of his would simply end.

Maybe (at this point a certainty) Joohoon could read his thoughts, cause he continued to hold gently his hand, his warmth always a reassurance and a promise. Jiwook held it tightly back.

He never wanted to let go of him. Ever. He would do anything in his power and might, to earn that right.

To stay beside him.

He hoped Joohoon will let him.

He wished.

- What is it?

Joohoon asked. It seemed he couldn't keep a blind eye anymore to Jiwook's insistent stares.

- Hm ?

- Tell me. Anything.

His dazing smile was meant for Jiwook - to encourage him.

- Ehm, this… W-why are you…

- What? Going out to watch a movie or going out with you?

Jiwook could just nod, his cheeks warm from blushing, which he tried to cover with his sleeve.

While waiting to enter the movie hall, they took a place a little away from the crowd, Joohoon sat across the younger, a hand under his chin, contemplating the view in front of him.

Seriously what purpose was to even come to that side if literally everyone was stealing glances at them (in best case) or straight away staring at them, without any restraint, buzzing and asking themselves if 1) - the two were models (at least Joohoon looked like one) or 2) - a couple, which Jiwook couldn't deny, firstly and mostly because of their attire.

So he could just hide in a hustle his look and his face away from them, as much as he could. Or at least try to hide his shyness.

"OMG are they taking photos?! Crazy…"

Contrary to him, Joohoon seemed completely unbothered by the extra attention around him, his eyes always pinned on the younger.

- Movies are boring… but maybe this time it'll be different, he smirked – with you here.

That was so out of blue, that Jiwook was puzzled what to think of it. Was that another teasing or the elder really meant that?

Either way he felt his heart skip a beat.

- It…it sounds like we're on a date or something, mumbled Jiwook under his nose, laughing it off as that could never happen.

- Aren't we?

"Wait what?!"

Jiwook's wide eyes moved back to Joohoon, expecting a smirk or another teasing from him, but strangely enough, none of it came.

"No way! Is he serious?!"

Joohoon's gaze was so dark and intense, that it poured in Jiwook's eyes, sinking deeply, to the core of his soul, just like a summer night's darkness, chill and warm altogether, hiding an unspoken desire.

Joohoon faked a pout.

- Was that just me who looked forward to it? Hm I'm a little sad.

- Wha- ???!!!

Jiwook's mouth opened and closed in stupefaction.

Thanks God the speakers announced that they could enter the hall, saving Jiwook from continuing that talk, which his brain still couldn't process yet.

The movie was okay, no maybe less than that, but they both enjoyed it so much, better said they liked the time spent there one beside another, Jiwook watching the screen and laughing at every funny and unfunny moment, being at times a bit overdramatic, and Joohoon mostly watching Jiwook, finding it way more fun than watching the movie and also dropping casual smiles at the younger.

After the movie they went to a nearby sushi restaurant, Joohoon proudly snatching a surprised and overexcited look from Jiwook.

The younger felt like walking through clouds, smiling widely from ear to ear, giggling at times without a reason, his eyes the most radiant shade of blue. It seemed he finally admitted "that it was for real", overtaking his initial shock and shyness, even getting bold and touchy with Joohoon.

And the elder let him.

A pleased smile on his face softened all his features, making his presence so much more approachable, which by the way became a high boost to his handsomeness, so much that every woman in their proximity turned her head to follow him with fascinated eyes.

Something that, with Joohoon's before then cold and scary expression, wasn't possible.

Jiwook felt both: proud to be the one beside him and jealous all the same, feeling a threat in every of their look.

He was fortunate Joohoon didn't spare them even a glance, his all attention solely on himself - that was another reason for Jiwook to feel almost tipsy from overjoy.

They received their servings, Jiwook's eyes lightened up at the sight, his stomach getting just as excited. They had unusual light, casual chatting, making the meal all the more enjoyable. In the middle of it, Joohee wrote them both asking how everything was going.

Jiwook: "JOOHEE!!! YOU!..."

"It's like a dream. Thank you, Joohee."

Joohoon: "Not bad."

Joohee (to Joohoon): "Oh please. Just say that you like it."

Joohoon lifted his eyes from the screen and shifted it to Jiwook, who radiated like a sunbeam (looking at the splendid desserts brought in front of him), he could swear he was seeing flowers blooming around the younger.


Joohoon: "Yes. I like it." "Thanks."

Joohee: "≖‿≖ You owe me a big one brother."

Joohoon smiled back.

His movie was a failure, but thanks to Joohee's idea to go to eat sushi nearby, the date went smoothly. He was left wondering just where from did she gain experiences like those... Either way, he indeed felt indebted to her.

Only after sending a few selfies of both of them together, did Joohee leave them alone.

When they left the restaurant it was already late and just as Joohee said, it started to pour. The smoothing, mellow sound of the rain blurred the noise of the fizzy city, giving them both a sense of comfort and intimacy, as if they were the only ones in the entire world.

Nevertheless it was an early autumn rain, the chill air already biting at Jiwook, making him hug his arms.

Now Joohoon knew why his sister insisted on taking the jacket with him.

He dropped it on top of Jiwook's head, covering and hiding him whole like a small child under a blanket. That much bigger looked Joohoon's jacket on Jiwook.

- Oh… thank you, came a shy whisper under it, the younger griped it closer to him.

Joohoon then wanted to catch a cab, but was suddenly stopped by a gentle tug on a corner of his shirt from behind.

It seemed Jiwook didn't want to end his date.

Not yet.

- Sigh… Wait for me.

- Huh Hyung!

Jiwook called out for the elder, but it was too late, his figure already disappeared under the heavy rain.

- At least take your jacket back, silly.

Jiwook smiled softly, his gaze so loving, so longing, in the direction Joohoon went, patiently waiting for that one silhouette to appear at any moment and sparkle his eyes even more. He would wait an eternity there and longer if he'd have to. What is eternity then he'll sight how the most cherished person in his world would come to him. For him.

There in the warmth of Joohoon's jacket, he felt many things, he thought, he could never have in his life.

Joy. Ease. Gratitude. Acceptance. Safety. Trust.

A promise.

Joohoon will come back to him and nothing and no one in the entire world would make him wager at that fact.

A moment, two or more later he spotted his whole universe in form of that one person - Lee Joohoon, under an umbrella, a small bag with two warm drinks in his hand. That very second Jiwook felt the happiest person on earth, his lips curved into the richest and brightest smile ever. His eyes glistened, small drops of tears rushed to fall down and then squeezed shout, completing his smile.

That was his happiness.

He didn't have to look for it across the world, it was always there, within himself, within his heart.

And Joohoon made him realize that.

Jiwook broke into a ran towards him like there was no tomorrow, jumping high enough to lock him in a tight embrace, almost knocking him over... and kissed him.

If it was someone other than Joohoon, they would surely fall flat on the ground, but yeah… Jiwook didn't have to worry about that. He didn't either.

Joohoon held him firmly, the umbrella still stable in his hand, how… only God knows, and returned the kiss.

How breathtaking.

His iron heart skipped loudly, beat almost painfully hard against his chest, making him realize that he was alive after all. That he could feel just like any human being. That he was… living.

Jiwook was smiling uncontrollably in that kiss and maybe so did Joohoon, the kiss reduced to a mere brush, so gentle yet so intimate. Bare of any insatiable desire or urge, need or impulse.

A kiss that promised everything. Enough and definite. For both of them.

That kiss was both: their confession and their willingness.

They didn't need any words.

They didn't need proofs.

They knew.

They loved.

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