

Two weeks later, the inaugural Congress of Nobles began in the castle's throne room. While the high nobles gathered in the throne room, the minor noble waited in the garden. The garden was the only place largest enough to gather all the nobles, and the royal family would join them after the proceedings. The subtropical weather, along with the clear skies made the congress pleasant.

Reunited Fermion nobles greeted each other for the first time. The large majority of nobles conversed by region. Fermion eastern lords stood together, as did former Albania eastern lords.

Noticeably absent were the king, Duke Francis, Will, and their families. The entire vont Whitby family gathered in the king's drawing-room. Elizabeth spoke with her sisters, while Will and Francis II spoke privately.

Two weeks ago, Will teleported to his home in Gadreel, which caused quite the scene. Elizabeth was both grateful he was fine and angry he'd been gone for close to a year. However, Elizabeth's anger disappeared when Will invited her to their new manor in Tirana.

By the time, Camille and Edward returned from school, the majority of the housemaids were hard at work opening their new mansion in Tirana. Will updated Elizabeth, while Nisha looked in on Archimedes.

Nisha informed Archimedes that they were gathering the last ingredient to heal Elder Thaddeus.

When a carrier came to the house, Will prayed it was a letter from Marcus with good news. Instead, the letter was a royal summons to attend the Congress on Nobles and the official reunification declaration. Elizabeth laughed at the late news.

On the second day, Will and Elizabeth's house were opened to receive guests. And for two weeks, Will and Elizabeth graciously met more than a thousand nobles and merchants, either hoping to join Will's fraction, or negotiate trade, but all hoped to use Will to get on the king's good side.

To his guests' surprise, Will did not accept gifts. Which meant their sincerity and personality would decide Will's opinion of them.

Which Will and Francis II now discussed in the king's drawing-room. Will and Francis II, we're the only family members that received guests. Francis II even received his sisters' husbands who hoped to gain ministerial jobs.

Will and Francis II chuckled at being considered their cousin's unofficial gatekeeper.

"What are you two laughing at?" Duke Francis asked.

"Father, we're comparing notes of the hundreds of nobles we hosted. Your majesty, it has been an honor being your steward," Francis II laughed once more.

"Yes, I heard you two hosted quite a few nobles hoping to get on my good side. Any promising candidates?" the king asked.

Will and Francis II saw Emma, Emilia, and their husbands look over hopefully.

"If you're interested, let's meet privately with father and Will," Francis II said. He could see his brothers-in-law's glum looks.

"Very well," the king said nonchalantly.

"Your majesty, you look very regal," said Emma.

"Yes, you look dashing!" quickly followed Emilia.

"That's enough girls, let's leave your cousin alone," Charlotte said.

Suddenly the door opened and the Dowager Queen walked wearing a beautiful golden gown.

"You look lovely mother," Roland said

"Thank you, Rollie. I'm very proud of you. I know your father is smiling down on you," the dowager queen began to cry softly.

The king rose and quickly comforted his mother.

"I'm fine, you're the conquering king. I don't want to tarnish your image," Queen Ashley Maria softly laughed.

"It's fine mother, I'll behead anyone that scolds me for comforting my mother," Roland said ensuring his mother.

They separated when Bryson knocked on the door.

"Your majesty everything ready. Duke Adolphus vont Guillemot has been brought from the dungeon. Princess Rosalind is also awaiting your permission to enter," Bryson informed.

"Let her in, she should meet the family," the king replied.

"Good morning your majesty," Princess Rosalind curtsied. She wore a chiffon pastel yellow floral dress with a square neckline and sweeping train. Her long hair was tucked into a crown braid.

"You look lovely this morning," the king complimented.

"Thank you, Rosalind, said, trying to ignore the current proceeding.

"My, you are very beautiful!" the dowager Queen Ashley Maria said.

"Rosalind let me introduce you to my family. This is my mother Queen Ashley Maria. You've already met my uncle Duke Francis, but this is his wife, Duchess Charlotte.

This is Earl Francis II and his family. My cousins, Ladies Emma and Emilia, and their families. Finally, this is Viscount vont Ballard, my cousin the Viscountess, and their children," the king said.

"Well met," the princess said curtsying with each introduction. Normally a princess would not lower herself to curtsy to nobles, but she was the daughter of a vanquished kingdom.

Her status as a princess was only due to the king. The rest of her family now belonged to a defeated ducal house.

"Bryson, since everyone is here, let's open the congress," the king said.

"I'll inform the stewards, I'll return momentarily," Bryson bowed and left.

After Bryson left, Elizabeth and Charlotte greeted Rosalind.

Yet, Elizabeth realized the princess kept secretly staring at Will.

"Princes Rosalind, why do you keep looking at my husband," Elizabeth asked defensively and captured the room's attention.

"Greetings Princess Rosalind, how may I be of service?" Will asked.

"I wanted to meet the man, responsible for my father's death," Rosalind said slapping Will's face.

Everyone was surprised by the slap. Most of all Will.

"Forgive me, princess," Will bowed.

"How dare you attack my husband, when he did that in service to the king!" Elizabeth screamed at the princess.

"Apologize now!" the king roared.

After that, the family began chastising the princes for behavior. Only Will and the queen were silent.

After five minutes of castigating the princess, the queen spoke, "Please calm down. She's still a child who lost her father and mother in one day. Her eldest brother is going to be killed today and her sisters are treated as social piranhas. She is entitled to one and only one outburst."

Hearing the queen everyone calmed. Except for Elizabeth who starred dangerously at the princess.

"However, if you embarrass the royal family again in private or public, I'll order you lashed 10 times, and there is nothing Rollie can do about it! Do we have an understanding?" the queen decreed.

"Yes, your majesty!" Rosalind curtsied low.

"Then apologize to your future cousins, and learn to replace your hatred with forgiveness," the queen advised.

"Will thank you for being a gentleman. Elizabeth, the family cannot appear fractured in public. Hide your disgust for later. The girls suffered enough, where's your pity you show the less fortunate?" the queen asked.

"Yes, your majesty!" Elizabeth immediately curtsied.

"Look Bryson is here. Everyone looked ready. No one shall mess up Rollie's special day," the queen advised.

The family marched into the throne room as they did for King Roland's coronation. The family followed the king into the throne room. The king and Queen dowager sat on the thrones.

After bowing to the king, the high nobles sat quietly on benches. The first to speak was Bryson.

"Your majesty, I present Duke Adolphus vont Guillemot, former Crown Prince of Albania, and Duke vont Khan!" Bryson yelled.

The crown prince was led into the throne room chained and bloody. He had bruises all over his body. This was a clear signal to those in attendance that the Kingdom of Albania no longer exist.

The exhausted Duke Adolphus kneeled before the king. Everyone understand this to be a sign of submission. The vont Guillemot ducal house was under submission. The vont Whitby family was the true only Royal lineage.

"I, Duke Adolphus vont Guillemot, former prince of Albania due humbly swear submission to King Roland Godwin Fermion III. The one true king," he said coughing up blood.

"For your crimes of usurping the crown's land, falsely asserting sovereignty, and wrongly withholding the revenue, you are sentenced to death. What say you?" King Roland asked, his Master ranked aura spreading out to the audience.

"I beg you spare the lives of my mother, wife, children, sisters and their children," Duke Adolphus pleaded.

"As long as they swear loyalty, they'll be allowed to live," the king said as the former duke was dragged to the executioner.

"Duke vont Khan for surrendering Eastern Albania to the king your rank as Duke is transferred to Fermion's peerage registry," Bryson said.

Then Duke vont Khan pledged, "From this day forth, my sword is pledged to my sovereign, the Kingdom of Fermion, and our people. May the Gods forever favor Fermion!"

The Duke rose to the high nobles' cheers and applause.

Duke Francis vont Whitby stood, turned to face the audience and said, "Hail the conquering king. Long live his majesty!"

Everyone repeated the phrase.

"My dear nobles we have much to discuss. I shall move noble estate to unify this kingdom under my thumb.

I shall also announce appointments to ministerial positions. This kingdom shall be centralized under my sovereignty.

The army and navy shall be centralized under my command, the atrocity that happened centuries ago shall never come to pass again.

I also pronounce Tirana as the new capital of Fermion. Yorkshire shall become my summer hunting lodge.

Finally, a week from now I'll take the former Albanian Princes Rosalind as my queen. You are all invited to my wedding," he proclaimed to cheers.

Everyone knew the kingdom needed an heir and was excited to see the king's line extend.

"The Congress of Nobles shall officially begin with a soirée. Please make your garden to greet his majesty and mingle," Bryson announced.

125 PS= 1 Bonus Chapter

150 PS= 2 Bonus Chapters

200 PS= 3 Bonus Chapters

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