
Nic Suddenly Disappeared In The Mansion Part 1 (Chapter 29)

Around 12:30 am, Nic was in his room and he couldn't sleep, he took his handphone, water bottle, some biscuits, and 1 small torchlight and 1 hand-size torchlight with extra batteries in his bag and he starts to walk out of his room slowly.

Nic thinks that he hasn't explored this Mansion since he stayed here for some time. Nic walks passes the corridor, and he feels different than just now before the lights when out. It's like the corridor is longer and darker; he uses his small torchlight, which has a dimmer light; and he flashes the walls; he quickly walks, and he thinks, in the daytime this corridor walkway wasn't this scary, but now it is different feels. Nic wants to walk back to his room, but it seems different. He counts the number of rooms, and he knows which way his room is; but the room in front of him, was locked. He suddenly thinks, “Oh, No this couldn't be I am mistaken about the number of rooms?”

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