
The Person I Love Is Fang Mu

Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

The man who had made him blind and almost gotten him killed was now living happily ever after. He and his wife were loving and happy, and they were about to become parents. But what about him, Fang Yusheng? He was still blind. Without Qi Bufan and the cane, Fang Yusheng was a blind man who could not even walk out of a small building.

Fang Mu!

Fang Yusheng wanted to kill him!

Soon after, he heard that the Second Young Madam was pregnant with twins.


This news made Fang Yusheng even gloomier.

He threw a rare tantrum at home.

When Fang Yusheng was quiet, he looked harmless. When he was ruthless, no one dared to approach him. Qi Bufan and Aunt Jin watched him smash things from afar, not daring to make a sound.

The days seemed to be getting harder.

Fang Yusheng realized that other than revenge, he had no other goal in life.

He only lived for revenge. How sad was that?

These days had finally changed.

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