
The Dragon Pavilion II

The lady's eyes lifted at Nesrin as her face hardened.

"Come with me,"

And that's how Eugene and Nesrin were brought to The Dragon Pavilion. It was a large institution of the city, where students trained in magical and martial skills. 

This was also the place where Elder Han resided.

Nesrin and Eugene didn't resisted for they were also curious about the wayward condition of the city and not to mention that the lady that commanded them was not someone anyone would like to cross paths with.

She walked a step behind them, probably to make sure they don't try to run away when her back is towards them. But she also ordered them to keep their eyes ahead when they glanced around at the city.

There seemed to be nothing out of ordinary as they passed through those silent streets of night. However, just when they reached near the foot of the institution, there were certain carts that were covered in dark blankets.

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