
The Offer that Changes Everything (Aletha: Part 11)

Her head was pounding. All Aletha had remembered was being beaten up by a group of smugglers. Other than that, she didn't remember much.

She moved her jaw and felt that her mouth was dry. Aletha then thought.

(This place is warm. Where am I?)

When her eyelids parted, she reeled back against the wooden wall immediately, puzzled and questioning her surroundings.

"Huh? This doesn't look like Clearstar!?" The first thing that Aletha thought of after she awakened was to look at her arms and check for any bruises.

Strangely for her though, her skin was as crystal clear and smooth as it once before. She positioned herself to the wall and saw openings of light beam through the wooden arches in front of her.

Struck with confusion and awe, Aletha crawled over to the opening, squinting and smelling the scents. Quickly, her confusion was swept away by the sight of the beautiful view.

Surrounded by what looked like triangle-pointed roof buildings, was a lush garden that stood at the center of a shallow pond at the bottom of a waterfall, filled with beautiful flowers and untainted of any dirt spots.

An overrun plot of grass was neighbored by joined shrubs, and a beautiful white-picket fence. The pond's built in the center, terraced, large, and filled to the brim with aquatic life; small creatures. The rows of flowers were unkempt, but looked all the better for it; they're a forest for ants. Just by looking at this sight alone, was enough to please Aletha.

She was taken with the idea that she deserved this moment, but deep inside she felt concerned about the others. Aletha was tempted to wander around this garden, and so… as she walked across and bent over to touch the beautiful flowers, Aletha wondered.

"Hmm, where did Alai go? Did she take me here? Was she the one that healed me?" She looked over and felt slippery wet leaves brushed softly against Aletha's face. She took a deep breath and stopped at another pond of lily pads, her eyes sparkled in awe.

"Ooo, this looks so pretty." The heart-shaped contours on each of the flowers were easily fondled by Aletha's soft hands. She beamed with delight as she felt the soft colorful petals float in her hand like leaves. She whispered.

"These flowers remind me of that necklace Rinnea showed me. Speaking of that, shouldn't I?"

Suddenly, a distant, plummy voice shouted out to her from a distance.

"Oh, Aletha, you're finally awake. Come over here! I want to talk to you."

Aletha cocked her head to her side and found a beautiful ruby-haired girl wearing an elegant and extravagant pink kimono, sitting against a steel black bench. Struck with excitement and curiosity, Aletha dashed over to her and answered with a beaming smile.

"Yes? What is it, ms?"

The ruby-haired girl patted her hands against the left side of the bench, offering a seat for Aletha.

"Have a seat. And please, call me Alai. You know my name after all." She said with a charming wink.

Aletha nodded her head in response and kindly and willingly sat next to the other side of the bench, looking over to Alai and then back to the beautiful sea of clouds above them. The sun's fluorescent golden rays shone on the faces, and the ground beneath them gave off this friendly and peaceful atmosphere around them.

As birds and butterflies fluttered vibrantly around the garden, Alai exhaled softly and asked Aletha.

"Isn't it beautiful? The whimsical trees, the laughing sun, the flowers and life?"

Aletha admitted with a nod.

"Yes, this place feels heavenly. Where are we?"

Alai reacted with a smirk and swayed her long ruby hair in the air.

"That's wonderful to hear, haha. Every visitor I had always admitted that." As she saw the wonder face of the girl, Alai kindly welcomed. "Oh, we are in Alpine Glitterfly Range... if that's what you are asking me. This is my garden, and right over there is my house!"

She turned over to the white puffy clouds and giggled, relaxing and shutting her eyes, speaking softly to Aletha.

"Don't worry about the beating you put in, I made sure to teach those guys a lesson. Zeru healed you as well, so you don't have to worry about bruises."

Aletha smiled.

"Thank you."

"Yup!" Alai added with a prideful face, fidgeting with her loose ruby hair. "You know Aletha, seeing you defenseless like that in the alleway; it reminded me of when I was weak and powerless." She bit her fingernails anxiously, explaining. "Not long ago, when I was thirteen years old, I had no powers, nothing. I was just a weak and poor peasant that didn't know any better." She opened her eyes and looked over to the crimson-leaved trees.

"But then, I stumbled upon this garden, where I met a sensei who offered me help and strength. She was a beautiful woman with pink hair and orange eyes. Honestly, this garden kind of matches her appearance."

Hearing this, Aletha's eyes flashed and sparkled with awe and wonderment,

"Ooo. She must have been beautiful."

Alai couldn't resist but to giggle in response, blushing and smiling, remembering.

"You bet she was. Beautiful and strong. Unlike me, she could defend herself and slay beasts just with her fists and legs if she had to. Then, she put me through this training process and taught me her tricks. Little did I know that it would turn me into the strong young woman I am now! Ha ha!"

While she talked, Alai led Aletha to the bridge arching around a crystal turquoise stream running around the patches of flowers, vines, and trees. Aletha couldn't help but feel surprised by Alai's claims, invested into her past; but at the same time, she could not forget about the problems before like Rinnea, The Necklace, and more importantly, the announcement Zahir mentioned. She leaned over in interest and heard Alai speaking.

"Anyways, back in the day, my old sensei taught me that beauty doesn't always work in this world. In order to fend for yourself and be independent, you have to be strong, intelligent, and healthy. That's why everybody that met her was impressed by her ability. They never expected her to be powerful."

Alai keeled over and turned an eye on Aletha. As she got distracted from a pigeon, Alai observed Aletha's appearance, from the head to the waist down. Her long shimmering hair, her beautiful gray eyes, her soft and clear skin; to Alai, Aletha looked like a goddess.

And so, as Aletha turned her head and plucked a leaf off from a tree, Alai considered.

"Speaking of beauty, Aletha, you look lovely today."

Suddenly, a line of scarlet swept on Aletha's face, backing away and stammering.

"H-Huh? What made you say that?"

Alai simply admitted, hoisting both her arms in the air and striking a silly pose.

"What I'm saying is that you're beautiful, Aletha! That's what I am saying! Maybe the woman was jealous of your looks. She could have just walked away and said you owe her two million gincoins, but instead, she kicked you. Did you pay attention?"

In response, Aletha gulped down a fresh breath of fear, shivering and answering anxiously.

"Y… Yeah. She said I didn't deserve my appearance."

Without hesitation, Alai snapped her fingers, lifted herself up, and raised her voice.

"Then she's right! Aletha, you don't deserve your beauty, well at least… not yet." She pushed Aletha, snapping her out of her trance, claiming. "From how my sensei sees it, beauty in a woman comes from effort and care. An intelligent woman knows that beauty can be used as a utility; A strong woman knows that they can defend themselves and use it to fight. So, how about I offer you something."

As they approached the bench, Alai placed her hand on her heart and expressed with a confident, and radiant face.

"I'm confident to say that after my sensei retired, she gave me the honor to replace her position. Aletha, I don't want to see you like that again so… How about I put you through the training my sensei did to me?"

With tight lips, she swung her arms, jumped up, and pointed to the skies.

"Don't think it'll be easy, but I assure you that once you go through it, Aletha, you will become the strongest and smartest woman alive! With your beauty and your new strength, you can pretty much do anything!"

She twirled and grabbed Aletha's hand, smiling and nudging her shoulder.

"You can even teach those guys that beat you up a lesson as well!"

After Aletha heard the offer, she turned away and took a second to ponder.

(I… don't know if I should accept and take the offer. I…) She flinched as she recollected the incident that happened in Clearstar city. (I… don't want to be complimented like that again. They might just see me as some sort of doll, not an actual person. If I were to show them my strength, maybe… I can come closer to the goddess I once was.)

Her mind flashed with memories of her weak moments, all the way from Pladtioa.

When she almost drowned and depended on her brother to save her, when she almost got torn by a monster, and depended on a stranger to protect her, when she continuously got hurt from the kitsune and depended on the help of her brother. The continuous cycle, again and again.

Throughout most of Aletha's life, it was always Asahi that protected her. Not her-- herself.

But now at the present moment, Aletha finally had a feeling like she wanted to change-- to shift tides and protect herself, instead of depending on her brother and everyone again and again.

Overwhelmed, Aletha covered her eyes with one hand and put both palms on her forehead, fingers splayed, mumbling.

"I… I want to be independent. I want to be strong. I don't want to depend on anyone, but myself. Ugh, I don't want to be weak." Suddenly, as her eyes met with Alai's crimson pupils, a past voice of her brother resounded in her mind.

"Sis, you can't depend on me ALL the time. There will be a time where you have to defend yourself, you know."

At that specific moment, that's when Aletha's realization kicked in. "He's right. There will be a time I have to defend myself."

In confidence, she stood up straight and stepped forward to Alai, placing her hand on her heart and grinning from ear to ear. Her pulses raced with exictement, the adrenaline of the moment caught up to her ripples of determination, quivering with joy. Alai stepped back and crossed her arms, asking impatiently.

"So… what do you say?"

As Aletha looked up to the glistening yellow ball of light into the sky, with all her breath, she announced with a motivated tone.


The wind blew silently in-between them. Alai's face flickered with red, her eyes bulging out of shock from the response. Aletha's scream echoed over every corner of the place, reaching up to even the mountains, disturbing the birds nesting on the trees.

There was power within that scream, Alai thought.

Even the garden felt amused by that reply. As Aletha stood there, breathing heavily from the scream, Alai's unsure frown curved into an fawning amused smile.

She slowly approached Aletha and placed her hand on her shoulders, jumping up and down, saying.

"GREAT! That's exactly what I want to hear!" (Also, it's not a waste of time.)

Aletha rubbed her hands together.

"So, where do we go? When do we start?!"

Alai pushed her away and settled her down, exclaiming.

"Hold your horses, girl! Lemme do somethin' real quick."

From her pocket, Alia pulled out a silver bell and threw up into the air, letting it ring and chime.


Each corner of the garden and establishment was blessed with this chime, loud enough to alert others.

Aletha, excited and anticipating for what was to come, bounced up and grabbed Alai's hands, asking.

"What was that for?"

Alai winked.

"You'll see."

Suddenly, five individuals quickly sprinted out from the building and staggered to Alai. To her surprise, Aletha recognized each and every person that emerged.

A mint-haired girl who wore distinct attire and a red skirt. "PRIDIA?!"

A tall, slender, silver-haired man. "Ubel?!"

A voluptuous, golden-haired mature woman. "Aurelia?!"

A small, light pink-haired boy with glowing cyan eyes. "Katib?!"

A man wearing a scarf over his mouth. "Phthonus?!"

Aletha couldn't help but feel shocked at each one of these individuals' appearances. Before she could even say anything, Phthonus stepped forward and revealed.

"Look, I only volunteered to do this for you, Aletha. What you did in Dreamtoe Forest, let alone Pladtioa itself, was enough to gain my respect for you. So, I decided to help Alai out so that you can get stronger."

Aurelia shrugged her shoulders and stepped forward as well, elegantly fixing her attire and nails.

"I was a friend who had owned this place a while back. So it's no surprise I would have fun teaching you, newcomer. Also, I've heard what happened to you back there. Some people from my nation can be cruel and merciless when it comes to money." She sighed and shook her head, smiling. "If you do succeed… then I'll pay for the entire train you destroyed awhile back."

Aletha's eyes shrunk.


The blonde-haired lady nodded.


With so many questions bouncing in Aletha, it was only natural for Aletha to be confused. Alai giggled and stepped in front of the five of them, commanding as Aletha started to feel dizzy and pass out.

"Alright, we got her. My friends, let's get started!"

Just before she saw the five walk up to her, Aletha's consciousness was quickly robbed away, fainting on the floor.

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