
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Stranger In The Night.

As I'm walking back to my aunt and uncle's home my adrenaline rush has not dissolved one bit. Since the moment Perry kissed me, my senses have been temporarily heightened. I don't want this to go away, I don't want him to leave. It feels like I am breathing and my heart is beating as if it wasn't before. Although I've been unable to settle in with my new life I feel more myself than ever.

While we stroll, I don't rush anymore finding myself more comfortable now that we aren't squeezing through a large crowd. The late night sky is crystal clear, shining stars down upon us. They glisten, giving us this beautiful haze upon our skin in the darkness. Knowing the streets of town are going to be busy for a while, I pay no attention to a figure behind us.

It doesn't take too long before my family's home is in eyesight and little Jarin runs ahead with excitement, "Look, its our house!"

Only houses away, he skips forward unaware that I'm focused on a figure behind us. I hear them stop in the street, making me wonder if they are watching us. Straightaway I'm reminded of the cloaked person who kept watching me before. I recall it happening a few times here in Province and believe it could be the same person. When I glance back I see eyes on us but this time they're not hiding their face or body shape. It's a man wearing everyday clothes, no secretive coverings.

I stop Koda and Jane casually, "Don't look but there's a man watching us."

My sister's face goes blank and then Koda pushes Estelle ahead of him. He whispers in Jane's ear, "If I signal you to, lock the doors inside."

The three of us, plus Perry wait until everyone is on the front porch or close enough before we send Koda in the man's direction. I stand on the lawn with Perry, close enough to the steps if I need to make a run for it. Behind me the girls behind me are told to go inside by my uncle but they refuse, curious to the manner. Luke is as well but holding himself with such a stance that tells me he's preparing to back up Koda at any moment.

When my brother is almost face to face with the man he starts, "Are we going to have a problem?" His firm words are nothing I'd expect, even for a confrontation that is a bit too bold.

From yards away the man gestures towards our front porch, "Is this your home?"

Koda doesn't answer, "Why are you following my family?"

"I'm not following your family, I'm looking for my daughter."

Koda looks over his shoulder as if he's seen a ghost, he's put something together in his mind but I don't know what, "Your daughter is not here." His coldness shakes me to the bone.

I step back, feeling as though we are in danger but I bump straight into Perry.

"I've kept a close eye out, and I know she is with you."

My brother gets in the mans face, "Estelle is not your daughter."

How does he know the man is talking about Estelle?

"I know my Estelle when I see her."

Suddenly the two girls on the front stoop of the house start arguing to each other, "It can't be him."

"It must be, Estelle." Lynn replies with a hushed voice.

"Come here Estelle!" The man shouts almost monotonely, no expression or excitement whatsoever.

Estelle whispers to Lynn so the man can't hear her, "I thought he was dead! Why would I like to see him after he abandoned my family and I?"

Should she give him the benefit of the doubt?

"I'd like to talk to you."

"Go talk to him." Lynn gives her friend a forceful shove.

Estelle cautiously makes her way down the front steps, her lips pursed and eyebrows raised. Her stiff expression catches me off guard, wondering why she could be so hesitant. She tiptoes onto the sidewalk but stops beside Perry on the grass, apparently deciding she's not going any further. My uncle comes down to stand between us and the stranger while Luke stays on the porch with Lynn who holds the screen door open.

I panickly grab ahold of Perry's wrist without intention when I catch the man beginning to stomp in my direction. I'm frozen, even though I know he is not coming after me at all. Koda follows after him, not removing his eyes from the man for a second.

When he is too close for comfort for Perry, he responds by pulling me to the other side of him. The man stops only feet from us and gives Estelle direct eye contact. His lack of blinking gives me goosebumps; and not the good kind.

"My daughter, how have you come to our home planet? Your mother told you, didn't she?" He scoffs.

So Estelle's not human after all?

She's frozen, "My mother is dead!" I hear her choke back tears. "I found it on my own."

The man has no reaction, "After being raised human you found it?"

Estelle becomes emotional, "You lied to us all? My brother and I aren't human!"

"I had to, your mother was human."

I'm uncomfortable being in the middle of this conversation so I grip Perry's arm for moral support.

"How could you?" Tears begin streaming down her face.

"I'd like you to come with me, so we can talk alone." He words aren't a question, it's a demand.

"NO!" Estelle shouts between fits of tears, suddenly a flash goes out in the sky.

When I blink up, I rain falls upon my face and the air has become quite cold in a second. The strike of lightning flashes again, followed by a clap of thunder so loud that I feel it in my chest and it shakes the ground.

Estelle spins around and stomps past my uncle, making all of us turn our heads. The front steps of the home make a creaking sound as she runs up them. Her feet against the wood are just as loud as the rumble of thunder above our heads; or is it because of the dead silence that looms over us?

When she's gone I can hear her crying becoming harder, entirely hysterical. She doesn't care to muffle herself even inside the home. I hear her movements, running into the living room and standing for a minute, the floor boards settle. After a second she starts pacing across the carpet; back and fourth. I still hear the sound of her heart, its frantic and reminds me of mine when I was being punished in the Hunters base of operations.

The rain comes in a rush, making me pull Perry towards the front porch at an attempt to not get drenched. The rest of the group does the same, running and pulling each other to get to cover first. Perry and I turn out to be last, our drawback is my stiffened leg and its inability to fully bend to go up the steps.

Already soaking wet and in no way shape or form entirely under the cover of the porch Perry helps me up the top two steps. Finally by the front door I find a heavy strand of hair stuck to the right side of my face while the remaining pieces loose their tight curl and fall loosely, saturated in water.

My attention goes to the street, even though I'm irritated by the rain running down my back in a stream from my hair. The stranger stands still, only watching us from afar and allowing the rain to encompass his body. His clothes turn darker, soaking in the water.

Over the rain Koda yells to the man, "This is just a lot for Estelle right now, but I know she's going to want to talk to you soon."

The man doesn't respond, he only stares.

Koda continues, "I suggest you leave and come back to meet us in a few days when things have settled."


Settling is something I needed after an eventful evening out, but having to change out of sopping wet clothes is not what I meant. Originally I was ready to escape to my bedroom at the end of the hall but for a different reason; I wanted to hide away and talk to Perry.

As we pass Koda who is standing guard at the front door, not looking as soaked as the two of us, he quickly asks Perry to check if the side door by the kitchen is locked. The vampire silently nods and leaves the front entryway, as if taking orders from a master.

My brother looks at me as I shiver, dripping water all over the wood floors. His features are stiff and his eyebrows scuffled, "I know you see it too."

I tilt my head.

He begins to whisper, "Estelle's father, we can't trust him."

I was skeptic of Estelle's father but now without a doubt I know Koda is right. From what I've noticed he doesn't ever go assuming anything. My brother knows things out of the blue and he especially has knowledge about people. He sometimes slips and speaks my thoughts out loud. With that I know there's no way it's just some accusation. He's discovered something.

As Perry steps out of the kitchen, Koda speaks nothing more of the matter. I have a feeling my conversation with my brother is supposed to be kept between us for now. Instead, he thanks Perry and starts leaving to tend to Estelle, I assume he knows I don't want to converse with my family right now.

For once, I'm not interested in easdropping and so I ignore Koda whispering in her ear. Perry assists me up the wooden staircase while everyone downstairs is of course on edge and pacing; something I can't deal with now.

I cling to Perry's side while my other hand uses the banister as support, still being unable to bend my leg much at all. I'm unsure how I'll handle going out of Province tomorrow, but I'm not going to let this get delayed any longer.

Alone in my room, shivering, and still dripping water from my clothes, I realize my leggings are suctioned to my body, "Perry?" I call for him. "Will you come help me?"

On the other side of the door I hear him take a breath, he holds the handle for a long moment debating on what he should do. When he opens the door slowly it creaks. I watch him peek in to find that I'm still decent.

"I need you to help me undress." I gesture towards my bottoms.

As I sit in a chair he just stands in the doorway unable to speak.


Perry secures the door behind him softly but it clicks instantly as he releases the handle. His head is lowered and eyes unfocused, nothing like my lover an hour ago on the beach.

"Is this appropriate?" He whispers.

"The night has not fully ended right? You can take a stare, if that's what your asking."

Having a normal conversation is not an expertise of mine, let alone flirting; so I'm impressed with myself tonight.

He sputters, "Alright."

I start first and then he notices my problem when the leggings don't come unstuck at my thighs. My hands shake from the cold and Perry jumps right in to aid me. He makes sure my leg doesn't bend and before I know it my bottoms are pulled to my ankles. The little ruffles of my baby doll tank covers my underwear.

As he kneels, he unattaches the clothing that's wrapped around my ankle, "You look so cold, I can find your towel." He spins around and grabs it from the closet door.

Instead of handing it to me he ends up pulling off his shirt first, throwing it in the heap of my leggings on the floor. My eyes go wide at his chest, not just because of his beautiful muscle and chiseled collarbone. His body is bruised and scarred in certain spots. I'm entirely taken aback by the fact that he'd reveal his body to me like this, so vulnerable yet delicate.

With the towel in hand he crouches down and starts drying off my ankles. He works his way up carefully and then stops at the knee. I find his grass green eyes exploring up, and once they meet my eyes he says, "I will let you finish changing and then I'll be back in. I'd like to look at your leg, alright?"

"That is fine." I reply.


In bed, I find discomfort coming from my leg, just as I expected from all that walking. Perry props it up for me and puts a pillow behind my back, preparing to change the bandage and clean my wound. This time I'm more than grateful when I watch him tend to me. I observe the moving muscles in his arms, and the way his hands work with precision as he removes the bandage.

Perry's hands move quicker than I have ever seen anybody move. He starts cleaning my skin without warning, finding a spot has become tender at the top of my shin. Thankfully, it is not ripped open and the scar is thicker than it was the day before. Other than that, I'd rather not see it's groseness or any dried blood.

I gaze over to the night stand where his small bottle of blood sits, and his empty cup that he just finished off. I was not so happy, watching him bring that into the room earlier but I didn't dare mention it.

Becoming uncomfortable about it was nothing compared to the ill feeling I had in my throat when he downed the last bit of it in his cup like it was alcohol. I know it makes his powers strong but how can he drink it like that? It's natural for him but does it taste that good to him?

After my leg is disinfected, and I'm squeamish because of the pain, he's lifting my leg gently to wrap it back up again. Suddenly I'm remembering if heightening his vampire powers includes precision and speed, considering he took only a minute to fix up my wound.

Once he's done, he keeps his hand wrapped around the back of my leg. I shiver, wrapping the blanket tight around my torso still unable to warm up after getting soaked. My hair is still cold but not entirely sopping wet.

Perry stares for a second like he did before but then blinks up to me, "May I stay with you for the rest of the night?"

When did he become so bold? I want to say yes, "Do you think my family would notice?"

Perry's hand trails up to my thigh, causing electricity up my leg, "Yes, I'd dislike the moment we awake and someone becomes suspicious."

I debate, "Well, you can stay until I fall asleep."

A massive grin becomes plastered across his cheeks and he jumps with excitement. Without asking he runs alongside the edge of the bed and crawls in on the other side to join me; but he doesn't stop there. He pulls me out of the blanket I wrapped myself in and pulls my shoulders into him, "Come here darling, you are freezing."

His speedy moves make me see that I have unleashed something inside of him. Butterflies easily fill my stomach. He rubs my back, trying to warm me up. Eventually, he places his hand on mine and that's when I hear two people out in the hall.

"We need to be alone..." Estelle starts, "Come in here."

As they go into a room at the other end of the hall I shush Perry telling him what I hear.

"Listen, about my father..." I can hear her clearly.

"I know, you don't trust him." She's with Koda. "But I do find it beneficial that you talk to him. We have to get information out."

I become suspicious, wondering why my brother's told me he doesn't trust Estelle's father yet he's telling her it would be alright if she talked to him? Is there really going to be some kind of big reveal?

Estelle sighs, "I'm part Elyrian, does that mean I will have a power?"

Koda laughs, "Of course you will, our magic is so powerful that it will show up eventually. You'll know it when it happens, it comes out of no where."

"I've had things like that happen before, something like tonight."

"It's your power, I saw it."

"The storm..."

"It was you."

I gasp, causing Perry to become interested, "What do you hear?"

"You don't hear that?"


Realization hits me like a brick, heightened hearing is not normal for my kind: it's my power.

"Koda and Estelle are talking, Estelle has a power and that storm outside was caused by her emotions."

"Do you know specifically what she is capable of?"

"No, but I do know that my sister Jane is a water elemental, that's how she made it rain when we tried escaping the wolves. I'm assuming Estelle is like Jane in some way."

"I don't know much about Elyrian powers."

I admit, "I don't either."

He squeezes me in his arms, "I have a question I've been meaning to ask you," For the first time ever Perry's blunt. "I've heard small discussions about you being gone, and I'm assuming that was when you were taken by the Hunters?"

I nod.

"You are Elyrian, I can smell your scent, but you don't entirely act Elyrian. What happened to you?"

I frown, "That's the thing, I don't know. The Hunters wiped my memories of everything. I knew nothing about my home planet, my family, or even my name. My memories never came back."

He looks at me with sympathy, "Do you think they'll ever come back?"

"No, unless there's magic to bring them back. Then maybe my family would see me like they used to. They're always talking about the old me, but it makes me feel strange. I'm not that person anymore."

Admitting this takes the weight off my shoulders.

He sits up slightly to look down on me again and study my face, "They don't see you as the same person, and that upsets them."

"I don't know who I am, but they don't either. They said I used to be outgoing and they're sad that I'm not myself anymore."

My vampire has a frown plastered across his pale face, "I don't feel myself either."


"I'm not the same person that I was when I lived in Dibbley. People change, and I'm sorry your family doesn't understand."

I nod not knowing how to respond, only giving his warm palm a squeeze.

"Elyria has changed too, buildings have been redone and look newer than before. There's no more crumbling stores, some used to be hardly standing because they were so aged. I expect my home to be the same, they will not expect the person I am either. I've been gone for so long."

I become nervous, knowing that tomorrow evening we will be on our way to his home kingdom.

"How long have you been gone?"

"I don't know, way over a hundred years, possibly close to two."

"You were a slave for that long?" I'm stunned.

Perry sighs, "I guess I was, I became enslaved almost immedietly after I was exiled. Since I was exiled it was legal for anyone to enslave me, and that's what was intended for my punishment."

"Why we're they so ruthless?" I become angry, "Your family allowed that?"

"They had to, the Elder Vampires were involved and the Councils declared my sentance."

"Are you sure you'll be alright going back tomorrow?"

He nods, "My way in is you, as my master taking me to Dibbley to free me is legal. After being gone for so long I'm expecting them to reassess my sentance. I will be on watch once we get there and the Elders will be contacted."

I'm coming to conclusion that this will be more in depth than I thought. I could be there with him longer than just a few days.

A plan comes to mind, "I think it would be safe if we tried to change your sentance before I set you free. If your my property they can't do much to you, correct?"

"To some extent yeah."

I smile, patting his bare chest, "Then I'm glad you are my property."

He whispers, "I wish it could stay this way."

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