
An Exam

It was finally coming up to my turn for the round of tests. Even though I say finally, it really wasn't too long. The tests are short and they take 10-15 people per testing round.

Though I can't say the wait would be short for those further in the back of the line. It would probably still take around an hour for them, and an hour feels a lot longer when you're bored or looking forward to something.

When it was my turn, I realized that the other girls around me were rather small...

Height-wise and muscle-wise. They looked much too average to be trying out for this sort of thing, though I suppose I couldn't hold it against them, even though I wanted to be a hero when I was just tall and scrawny.

Maybe they had some sort of super-power? I know the top of B class as well as the second in S class have psychic abilities, so it could be something of the sort.

Even then, I hadn't really seen any ability or skill testing. Only physical abilities and mental abilities.

Wait, isn't that kind of inefficient? Does that mean a master martial artist who doesn't quite have the best physique and are a little dumb wouldn't be able to get in?

They must be smarter than that, right? I just happen to have enough qualities to be able to get in with just those two tests, I assume at least.

What about those with super powers though? Like the ability to use fire, or those that use tools as their power.

I'll think about that when I actually have some say in the association, I'll most likely get C Class since I haven't shown any of my powers in public. Only my martial art ability, which I doubt has been reported to the Hero Association, but it's not off the table.

Once again, I'll think about that later.

It was my turn, and I was led to an area to lift weights.

I assume this was just a basic way to test strength, but don't they have like seven different tests for strength? At least that's what I gathered on a basic look around.

It was a fairly slow test where they would add fifty pounds until it got difficult, after which they would lower it by 5's until they got a more accurate number.

This test made me realize I was way stronger than I thought I was, though with the weight of my punches I suppose that is a little expected.

How strong was Kabuto then if I am this strong? I had lifted around the limit of the metal bar in terms of weight with one hand. It was a little straining, but I could do it.

It was 500 lbs which was around the limits of human men, but obviously, in a superhuman society where people can turn into monsters any time means that I was pretty weak.

Though I suppose most of my power comes from my martial arts so I am not too surprised.

A few more strength tests followed, I wasn't entirely sure how to react to them testing several different muscles.

I also wondered why they needed to be this thorough with the testing but I didn't question it too much. Maybe a hero needs big thighs? I mean, I certainly welcome it.

Speed and endurance training was next. Not endurance in the resistance sense, but more in the stamina sense. A side effect of me reinforcing myself was that I actually gained some ridiculous stamina.

I thought speed would be my weak point, but I was way faster than I thought I was, much like strength. Actually, it was way better than my strength, since most of my combat strength comes from my martial arts rather than my physical strength.

Speed testing also included reflex tests which I was fairly good at. In fact I usually could sense things moving before they happened so it worked out pretty easily. Whack-a-mole gets kinda boring when you know where they're coming from.

As the testing continued I found out there was skill testing. Though it was so basic I couldn't be entirely sure if it counted.

They tested agility by making you jump... not the best example.

They tested your combat skill by having you attack a punching machine that would score you on your strength.

Of course, I had used Bang's martial arts when hitting it, though I wasn't entirely sure if they would be able to identify it.

It didn't matter to me too much of course, since I was expecting to start at the lowest point possible for heroes.

When I hit the punching machine it was actually pushed back, falling backwards and sliding into the wall despite it's cubed frame that would usually prevent something like that.

This created an error when displaying the punch, but it had to be a fairly common result since they weren't too surprised. Or at least it wasn't the best they've seen.

There were a few that were surprised, but they seemed like newbies since they reacted like that to anyone a little superhuman.

After that I had finished up with the physical testing. It had taken a while, but I was a little disappointed that there wasn't something more.

The test kind of felt empty, even though it tested pretty much everything, though to an extremely limited extent.

I was one of the last few back to the locker room, since they had briefed me on what would be happening, and that I would have to stay at the testing area for a while yet to receive my verdict.

The ones that failed had all gotten theirs much faster, it seemed that they had all failed the minimum score check, which was a little surprising considering the amount.

Eventually I was the only one left after about an hour when one of the staff who had handed it out to the others before gave it to me, and I finally left back to the locker room to change out of the dried sweaty clothes.

Upon opening it, to no one's surprise, especially not my own, it was a notification of me passing through into Class C with 83 points. I had gotten 49 points on the physical which confused me greatly.

How strict was this? I was already superhuman, but didn't even get a full score. No wonder nearly everyone else failed, it seems that they are starting to make this significantly more strict.

I also got a 34 on my written, which was once again, no surprise. I am pretty sure I had screwed up any and all math questions along with science ones.

All-in-all, I wasn't surprised. After I changed back into a heavy sweater and sweatpants, I heard the microphone turn on above me.

"Mr. Genos, Mr. Saitama and Ms. Fukui, there will be a seminar for successful candidates at 4:00pm. Please come to Lecture Hall No. 3."

It was around 3:30 at the moment so I had plenty of time to figure out wherever the hell lecture hall three is.


A/N: Heat is finally starting to die down a little, but that might be in part of my fan keeping me cool enough to handle it for now.

So whether I start to write more will depend on the next few days. When it finally flips to rainy side you'll see a lot more of me.

Well not me, but of Fukui.

Also, fun fact, I named Fukui after a japanese prefecture much like Saitama. I had felt it appropriate considering they are both main characters.

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