
A Battle II

I glared at Garou, or, I tried to anyway. It wasn't hard since my eyes were normally angled inward to make me look like I am glaring.

I could somehow see that my eyes weren't the usual green but magenta. It must be a side effect of whatever this ability was.

As I looked at Garou, he quickly got into a battle stance, and I could see how nervous he was. His face didn't look nervous, but I just... felt it.

The blood around my body had already dried, so it left a red stain all over me. That may have increased the intimidation factor somewhat.

My body moved clumsily as I got into a stance as well. It was a lot harder than I thought after I somehow managed to stand up. Without being able to feel my own body I didn't know how to move.

'Let's test out whatever this is.' I thought to myself.

This power had somehow repaired my bones with me just imagining it. Did that mean I could do whatever I could imagine?

I am not creative, but I have watched enough anime to get a solid idea on how to do cool stuff.

I stepped forward to try and see if I could increase my speed by imagining myself bursting forth, but not only did nothing happen, I immediately fell onto my face.

My eyes drooped on their own as I saw Garou get visibly confused.

"If you won't come, then I will!" I heard him say.

It seemed that I only had my sense of sight and sound, like a dream, though the sound wasn't really a sound, and more like a thought. Can you hear thoughts?

Anyway, it came to me like sounds usually would when you're dreaming.

'Wait, dreaming? Is that what this is?' I concluded.

Everything seemed so real, but I couldn't quite understand if it was or not anymore.

Before my thoughts could wander any further I saw a violent blow collide with my face as my body tumbled back without any resistance.

I didn't feel anything, but it was still my body! I would definitely feel it whenever I woke up, assuming this is real.

I got my body up strangely. I was getting used to trying to use my instincts to move my body, and the strange vision to help.

Since I couldn't move my body properly quite yet, I determined that I should try something like psychokinesis, like Tornado of Terror and Blizzard of Hell.

I imagined a piece of debris from our earlier battle and threw it at Garou while he was approaching me. He had thrown me quite far since my body couldn't resist due to my lack of control.

Although surprised by the random piece of wall flying at him, he easily deflected it, as is the style of our martial art.

Now that I determined that I could do anything I wanted (other than move properly), I created a fireball, seemingly out of thin air.

It amazed me, and shocked Garou. I honestly didn't think I could just create it, but I had thought of the oxygen in the air burning and it worked. I wonder if it would have worked if I only imagined fire.

I threw the fireball toward Garou like a baseball, but it dissipated before it went too far.

'Why does this magic bullshit have to apply the laws of physics!' I grabbed my head in annoyance within my own mind, since I couldn't do it in reality or I might accidentally break my own arms.

The regeneration thing clearly didn't follow any physics but maybe it didn't need to, since it was my own body that the power was based in.

'Ah, shit!' I noticed I had been pummeled for however long I was lost in thought for. Not having feeling in your body was dangerous.

I quickly thought of my body turning into flames, and saw my whole body fade into fire, letting Garou's hits pass through me and subsequently burn himself, if only slightly.

"The hell!?" He backed up and re-readied himself.

My body doesn't seem to follow any sort of laws, like it was part of a different reality altogether.

I suddenly felt my sense of touch return to my body, but it was hot! I immediately turned off the flame body and stared down Garou once again.

It seems the powers have limits. Stupid balance or whatever, I'll just break those limits.

The sudden feeling made me realize I probably COULD feel but I need something to help. I focused and immediately felt my body again. It seems that I could have done that earlier, but I had to focus on having it.

Having feeling again, and therefore control, I decided to start my side of the battle. I had done nothing but get pummeled for the last few minutes after all.

The ground cracked under me as I imagined the power of legs launching me forward while cracking the ground and I swiftly appeared behind Garou.

"What?" He was as surprised as I was.

The surprise of how well I could control myself all of a sudden made me lose my focus as well as the feeling in my body and my punch completely missed, with Garou tilting his head.

He kicked me in the gut and I flew backwards, tumbling across the ground with no resistance once again.

'What kind of overpowered superpower has this many weaknesses!' I grumbled before gaining feeling in my body again.

I realized that pain flowed throughout my whole body, 'What the hell kind of kick was that!?'

I got angry at the weird pain and imagined the air all around Garou bursting into flames.

And with a small explosion of fire Garou was launched upwards into the air, but along with that, I had a massive headache. It felt like my mind somehow just worked out a whole bunch and was sore.

'Another goddamn side-effect.'

I fainted again.

'Why do I faint so goddamn much!' I screamed out in my heart before everything went black once again.

This wasn't really much of a battle, since I wanted to not so subtly give the weaknesses to her ability. Every great ability needs a lot of weaknesses after all.

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