
Chapter 21

All For One wasn't sure about Izuku Midoriya the first time Kurogiri brought the child before him. He was a small, trembling young boy in a middle school uniform, sans the blazer, with a burned shoulder. Kurogiri assured him that the boy was worth speaking too. And he did so like how Kurogiri had turned out. He decided to humor him. And he was so grateful that he had.

It quickly became apparent from their talk that Izuku was an incredibly smart young boy. He was quirkless but All For One could fix that little flaw. A mind like Izuku's, which seemed to be hot wired to analysing the finer details of the world, was also to valuable to lose to the Nomu creation process. Luckily, Izuku already hated everything in this world. His classmates bullied him, his father abandoned him, other adults ignored him and a certain hero told him to abandon his dreams. He'd have to thank All Might for such a gift.

He watched from afar as Izuku and Tomura quickly grew a close, brotherly bond. Tomura was his future King. His plans for Nana Shimura's grandchild were many but he needed a guiding hand before that could happen. Izuku became that guiding hand. His incredible mind was given purpose. And he was very eager to be of use. He gave Izuku a few quirks so he'd be useful in the future and left his two favourite creations to their own devices. And how great those devices turned out to be.

Venality wasn't something All For One would have assumed would have worked. But, as it turned out, a lot of people were looking for someone to confide in. He learned over the years he'd been alive that there were a lot of ways to manipulate someone. Money. False promises. Love. Making someone feel they owed him something. Exploiting weaknesses. He'd used them all. Seeing Izuku use the same methods albeit unknowingly was quite an interesting thing to behold. Soon, through manipulation and a bit of luck, he'd gathered a handful of like minded, powerful teenagers with the will to topple hero society.

There was no Gods. There was no Demons. No Monsters. Only man. No man was perfect. But the Hero Commission decided in order to scare people into following the law and making a peaceful society that they'd portray heroes like that were. If only they were a little more open, then the shock these children had when they learned life wasn't a fair placed, where guardians of justice protected them from the demons of the shadows, wouldn't have been as volatile. It was always amusing to watch human creations destroy their creators.

All For One decided that it was time. He had a successor. His successor had a partner and an entire, loyal organization at his finger tips. He'd gotten to a point where he felt it was fine to move on to the next stage. It was time for him to return to center stage. Whether he won or lost this fight, it didn't matter. He'd win in the end. With such a powerful force of loyalists, he was confidant of that.

" I'm not sure about this plan, master." Kyudai said.

" It is a risky play, I agree, however I also believe the outcomes to be worth that risk. Best case scenario is that I can kill All Might, take One For All and cripple this country for our future assaults. The worse case scenario is that I end up in Tartarus, which allows us to move forwards with future plans more smoothly."

" Or that muscle brained fool could kill you."

" I suppose he could. But to that, he'd have to go all out. With his injury, he'd lose One For All doing that. As such, Japan would still lose it's symbol. I consider that the second worst case scenario. Worst case scenario assumes he doesn't lose his quirk after he's done with me."

" And if other heroes ambush you during your fight?" All For One smirked.

" My dear Doctor. With my newest quirk, there is no worry of an ambush. If I recall correctly, Search allows me to detect up to 100 people in a given range. Even stealth quirks cannot bypass it. I don't need to worry about anything so rudimentary."

" Hmm. I suppose so."

" I shall leave Tomura in your hands, Doctor. He'll need all the help he can get when I'm gone." All For One said, rising from his chair, feeling as the medical devices fell off of him. He tensed his muscles a few times, testing to make sure he was in a fit state and smiling when he felt no pain. " Contact Gigantomachia. Though I feel he will want some kind of show of strength as proof."

" I shall have Kurogiri on that as soon as the world calms down."

" Good. Well then." All For One began to move towards the stairs. " Good Luck, Doctor. I shall leave everything in your capable hands."

" Have fun, Master. I know you've been antsy for a while without something to kill."

" Ha. You know me well."

All For One, Tomura and Izuku stood on the roof of the Nomu Storage Warehouse, waiting for the heroes to come. Using Search, he could see them. Hiding in the shadows, waiting for the orders. Gang Orca. Best Jeanist. Mount Lady. Yoroi Musha. Tiger. Together with about three dozen police officers. " They're here."

" Hiding in the shadows are they?" Tomura asked, scratching his neck. " What are they? Bats?"

" Probably waiting for All Might or something." Izuku reasoned. " I didn't think they'd actually abide by our conditions anyway."

" So, what's the game plan, Sensei? Do we take the initiative?"

" No. That would be playing into their hands. Let's wait for them to…" All For One's eyes were drawn to one of the back alleys near the warehouse. " Well now. This is a surprise."

" What's the matter? Found something?" Izuku asked. All For One nodded.

" Five UA students. It seems they've come for theirs allies."

" Which ones? I'll come up with a plan." All For One hummed in thought, wondering if it was wise to reveal that information. If Izuku Midoriya had a weakness, it was his anger. His festering rage built up over years of being treated like he was worthless simply because of something outside of his own control. If the boy being in UA had proven anything, it was that his rage was a powerful weapon but also a deadly weakness. If he lost control at the wrong time, the outcome would be disastrous. Then again, with everything that was happening tonight, or moreover who it involved, perhaps a way to cool off was exactly what the boy needed.

" Tenya Iida. Kendo Itsuka. Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu. Eijiro Kirishima. Katsuki Bakugo." Izuku flinched at the last name. " I would imagine they saw the lights and came to rescue Neito Monoma."

" Momo and Denki as well." Izuku said. " Only Iida knows about Momo and he doesn't seem like he's in any rush to tell them anything."

" They won't find Kaminari here." Tomura chuckled.

" Momo's been compromised but Denki hasn't. We had Hiiro knock him out and left him in one of the bars back rooms for the heroes to find."

" As long as we can maintain one spy in UA, it should be perfectly fine." All For One looked down at Izuku. " What will you do with this knowledge?"

" The mission comes first." Izuku said. " But if I can, I want to kill Bakugo."

" In this battle, the world will be distracted by my battle with All Might. At this time, the students and other heroes will be left without eyes on them. I understand a lot of your group have issues to work out with some of the others gathered here. I will not stop you from attempting to achieve what you wish tonight. However, I must also request that you retreat when prompted too." Izuku's eyes lit up in excitement.

" Really? You mean it?"

" Don't let us down, Izuku." Tomura told him. Izuku nodded, smiling confidently.

" Don't worry Sensei. We won't let you down."

" I trust in you, my boy." All For One turned to go back inside. " They're making their move. It's time we make ours."

Hitoshi watched the broadcast silently from the bar, swirling Soda in his glass. Mina, Toga and Twice were joking around, mocking the seriousness of the heroes. Mustard sat in the corner by the door. " So. When do you think the party'll start?" Mina asked.

" Hopefully soon. These heroes droning on about responsibility and how sorry they are is gonna put me to sleep." Toga giggled.

" You don't look tired." Hitoshi snarked.

" But I'm getting there!" Toga stomped her foot childishly.

" Are you sure you should be here, Toshi?" Mina asked, frowning slightly. " You were out cold just an hour ago. Isn't the process-"

" Don't worry about it. I feel fine." Hitoshi stopped her. " Fine enough for this at least. You forget I'm used to a lack of sleep."

" You kids should really look after yourselves, you know. Go jump off a bridge." Twice said, deepening his voice to sound more profound. " I can clone all of you if you wanna bounce."

" Psh. And miss out on all the fun? Fat chance." Himiko grinned.

" We don't even know if they're really coming anyway." Hitoshi shrugged. " At the very least, they'll be attacking the Nomu Facility on mass. This place might still be a mystery to them. And if not and SHE comes…" Hitoshi dug his nails into his palm. " I need to be ready."

" Toshi…" Mina gave him a concerned look.

" It shouldn't matter what they do." Mustard leant back in his chair. " We can't lose."

" I wouldn't be so sure." The group looked up. The Kurogiri clone, cleaning a glass, looked up at the screen. Most of the League were cloned, watching the broadcast with them. Izuku decided to use them as bait. A contingency plan if the heroes raided. It would be easier to get away if there were a lot of false targets. The rest of the League was elsewhere tonight. Ready for their own fun and games. " Heroes are as crafty as we Villains. Even if they don't use their heads as often as us, that doesn't mean that we can't get caught in their web."

" And doing such a thing would be quite the detriment to us." The Compress Clone said, rubbing the brim off his hat.

" If they come, we'll crush them." The Clone Tomura said. " If not, someone else will. That's all that needs to be said." The discussion was quickly interrupted by a knock on the bar door.

" Pizza delivery." Everyone went quiet. Hitoshi looked over to Mustard, who nodded, opening some of the vents on his costume. Before everyone could get to their masks however, the wall off the bar was smashed open.

" Oh come on…" Hitoshi said through gritted teeth as he saw the star spangled costume of All Might baring down on them.

" Kurogiri! Gate!" The Tomura clone commanded. With a nod, the Kurogiri clone went to work. However, they were cut off as Kamui Woods burst in after All Might, grabbing everyone in the bar with his power. " Grr. What a pain."

" All Might. Aren't you supposed to be somewhere else?" Hitoshi asked. All Might simply glared at him. " So I guess you're still sore over the USJ incident, huh? What? Afraid I'm gonna make you hurt a comrade this time?"

" All Might. All the League have been detained." Kamui told the Number One.

" Good. Remember to ignore Shinso. Don't reply to him or he'll make you release them all."

" Understood."

" Oh? So you know who I am?" Hitoshi hummed. " How? I'm genuinely curious."

" The Police worked day and night to find out who you all were. We most of your identities, Hitoshi Shinso. After your father died, your home address became a mystery even to your own remaining family members. All we had to do to make sure it was you was follow you back here on security cameras. It's how we found this place."

" I see. How very astute of you."

" Well this is annoying." Mustard growled. " I can't use my quirk like this."

" Heeeey. Let me go." Toga shouted flailing around. " The only person allowed to tie me up is my bestie."

" She's right you know." Mina grinned. Kamui flinched as acid started to eat through the bark of his tree. As she did, however, Gran Torino sprung into action, kicking Mina in the head, knocking her out.

" Such impatience." He declared, bouncing around the room. " It's really in your best interest to-" Gran Torino kicked the Dabi clone only for his his boot to pass right through it. " What?" Hitoshi burst out laughing.

" What? Thought we didn't see you coming?" The heroes glared at the Brainwasher. " We're smart enough to sneak a spy into your halls and plan not just one but two successful attacks. Did you really think we wouldn't take precautions against an attack on this scale?" All Might growled. He looked to Kamui Woods.

" Find the fakes." Woods nodded, applying pressure to everyone he had in his grasp. The heroes watched as most of the room collapsed into sludge.

" The League…" Gran Torino exclaimed. " This is…"

" Everyone! Out of the bar!" All Might shouted. Before they could, a plume of orange burst through the room. Kamui Woods yelled in pain as he was lit on fire. Using the weakened grip, Hitoshi and the others broke free, Toga pulling Mina free before she fled to the back rooms, Hitoshi and the others on her tail. In the back rooms, they met up with Shoto and Kurogiri. Shoto placed a frozen hand on Mina's cheek, shocking her awake.

" Ah!" She squealed. Then she pouted. " I can't believe that old guy got me like that!"

" It's fine. Kurogiri." Hitoshi looked up at the smoke Villain.

" Of course." There was a loud smashing sound as the police burst through into the bar. Everyone retreated through the portal. Hitoshi smirked. The night had only just begun.

s the attack on the bar was taking place, the heroes were making their move on the Nomu facility. With Mount Lady as their opening act, the heroes smashed through the walls of the facility, searching for the League. However, they were immediately pounced on my a group of Nomu. It didn't take long for them to wrap them up, quite literally in Best Jeanist's case, and begin their search proper.

" Two of the Hostages are secure." Best Jeanist confirmed as he pulled an unconscious Neito and Ragdoll from a cell in the room. Tiger was quick to grab Ragdoll in both of his arms to see if she was alright. At Jeanist's urging, he took both of them to safety as the remaining heroes continued their search. This could easily be a trap. With how powerful the USJ Nomu was, six of them could have easily been enough to defeat All Might. But Jeanist noted that these Nomu didn't seem to be complete. After DNA investigation, they seemed to be scientific made monstrosities made from combining multiple quirks and enhancements to a poor person, transforming them into a modern day Frankenstein's Monster.

" Building secure. There's no-one on the bottom floor." Yoroi Musha announced.

" So where is…" A slow clapping interrupted Gang Orca's question. The heroes looked up sharply. Usagi sat, mask up, staring down at them from a top a flight of stairs broken in Mount Lady's initial assault. " Usagi!"

" Well now. I guess those brain cells of yours really do work when you want to turn them on." Usagi said. " So, who's behind this raid? Sir Nighteye? Nedzu? True Man? No wait. That's a detective. I always forget about that one"

" Your plan has failed, Midoriya." Jeanist declared.

" Failed? What are you going on about now?" Usagi shook his head. " Man, you really are dense. Did you think the Nomu's were my trap?" This gave the heroes pause.

" What are you talking about?"

" I drew you here for a reason. I knew All Might wasn't going to show up alone. He's a coward. And with that injury…" Usagi looked back up. " Well, anyway. When they get here, you'll figure it out."

" Don't think you'll get any reinforcements, Usagi. Your hideout-"

" -is under attack?" Usagi tipped his head at Mount Lady. " Is that what you think? That you pulled the wool over our eyes with a media broadcast? Definitely not a Nighteye plan then." Usagi stood up. " Well, I'll get out of your hair now. I have bigger fish to fry right now."

" Wait! What did you do to Ragdoll!" Tiger shouted.

" Sorry, Tiger." A second voice echoed. The heroes attention was immediately grabbed. "She had a good quirk. I wanted it."

" Who… are you?" Tiger asked.

" Another new member of the League?" Mount Lady theorized. Jeanist's eyes narrowed. Something about the new figure made his blood run cold. His body screamed at him to run. But he stood his ground.

" Is that your line of thought, my dear? No, I'm nothing so plain as a new member of the League." Jeanist moved, using his quirk to bind the man in place. Even so, he kept talking. " I am the person who started the group you call the League of Villains. You've been quite rude to my protege and his allies, I'll have you know." Jeanist flinched as the man broke free of his quirk.

" How?" Jeanist asked.

" Best Jeanist, your quirk could never hope to hold someone of my caliber. Stick to bank robbers." The man jeered. Then he raised an arm. Energy charged in it, causing it to expand. " I'm not interested in you. I must request that you leave." In a swift motion, Jeanist quickly used the fibers of his fellow heroes clothing to throw to safety just before the attack his, blowing away an entire block of the city with a powerful jet of air, leaving the ground a crater. Jeanist groaned, barely able to stay conscious, pinning himself to the ground as to not go flying himself. " My. As I should have expected from the number 4 hero. You are quite remarkable." He raised his hand again. " However, I have no need of a quirk like yours. As such, I must make you vanish." With the last of his power, Jeanist roared, sending the fibers of his denim jacket at his foe. He was too late. With a sudden pain in his abdomen, he felt the last of his power failing him. He was barely able to register something landing behind him. That and a last couple of words before he fell unconscious.

" All For One. I am here."

Katsuki and the others were frozen to the spot. They couldn't move. They saw Neito get rescued and heard All Might and other heroes were attacking another of the Leagues bases. They thought it was over. Then that man appeared. He appeared and reduced an entire city block to rubble with the flick of his risk, defeating five pro heroes, including two members of the top ten, with no effort at all. Who was that guy? Suddenly, a voice called to them.

" Do you see now? None of you ever stood a chance." They knew who it was but, in their state, they could hardly breath let alone think. " This is the power of Sensei. Of All For One. That's the pinnacle of power. That's the boogeyman you Heroes are being trained to combat. But you're nothing but fodder in his wake."

" This society will fall. That is the only option it has." A second, more feminine voice called from the opposite side. " The corrupt Commission. The worship of you would be heroes. We'll crush it to dust and rebuild it." Bakugo was the first person to regain his footing enough to recognise what was happening. On one side of the alley they'd been watching the events unfold from, in her sleek black outfit and mask of Tragedy, stood Forge. On the other, his robotic, rabbit like mask on and large coat over hanging from his shoulders, stood Usagi. They'd blocked them in.

" Izuku…" Bakugo started.

" Are you going to stay and watch the carnage? Or are you going to run away like the coward you are, Katsuki?"

" We'll let you run." Forge told them. " If you want to run." Iida glared down at Forge.

" I won't run." Katsuki said. " I'm here… to save you."

" Huh?" Usagi tipped his his head to the side, sounding somewhat amused by the sudden declaration. " Save me? Is that what you want? To save me?"

" I failed you before, Izuku. But not today. Today, I make things right."

" Why are you talking like some hero here to save some hostage?" Usagi asked. " Are you stupid or something? I'm a Villain, Katsuki. You know who's fault that is right?"

" Yes. I know."

" Hmm." Usagi turned to walk away. " Come on then. Save me." He sneered. Charging his quirk in his legs, Usagi leapt away, bouncing between the walls of the buildings. Katsuki narrowed his eyes and ran after him.

" Bakugo!" Kendo shouted. She was stopped from following as rubble fell, blocking the path.

" This is between Usagi and Bakubitch now, princess." The hero students looked up. Above them, the pink skinned Mina Ashido looked down upon them.

" Mina…" Eijiro grit his teeth

" Kendo. Tetsutetsu." Iida said slowly. " Get to Neito. Make sure he makes it out alright. That's our objective here."

" What about you?" Tetstutetsu asked.

" We'll cover you." Kirishima announced. The two looked at the 1-A students. It was Kendo who relented first.

" Get out of here alive, Iida. I don't want to lose another friend."

" I promise."

" Don't make promises you can't keep." Mina jeered. Kendo ignored her.

" Let's go, Tetsu." Tetsutetsu reluctantly nodded. Both made their way through the alleyway. As promised, Forge let them past. Iida narrowed his eyes at Forge.

" Momo." He said. Kirishima looked up.

" What did you say?"

" So much for not telling anyone, Tenya." Forge chuckled. She removed her mask. Kirishima gasped in shock.

" W-Wait! Seriously!"

" I refuse to lie for you anymore." Iida announced. " Where is Kaminari?"

" He's fine. We left him at our main base as a present for the so called Heroes. He was just a means to an end anyway." Forge shrugged. " Mina. Deal with Kirishima. Tenya's mine." Mina grinned.

" With Pleasure." Iida and Kirishima primed their quirks. The fight between All Might and All For One echoed on in the background. This was going to be a fight for their lives. They needed to come out on top.

" I can't believe you let the Villains escape." Endeavor boomed. All Might had leapt off to help the Warehouse team after they lost contact with them. Kamui Woods was on the way to the nearest hospital for severe burn injuries. Edgeshot was leading the investigation on the rooms in and around the bar for any traps or information. They'd already recovered one of the hostages. From the last report from Jeanist's squad, that just left Momo Yaoyarozu. Gran Torino sighed at Endeavor's accusation.

" We didn't let them do anything. We misjudged how prepared they were."

" If you'd just let me in-"

" You would have torched all of our potential leads, Todoroki."

" Better dead than allowed to keep doing this whenever they please."

" Must you always argue for violence."

" He has too. It's in his nature." The two looked up sharply as a plume of azure flames burst towards them. Gran Torino was quick to leap backwards, up to the bar, while Endeavor soaked up the flames, grunting as he felt the heat. Flames hotter than his. The two looked down as two Villains approached them. One covered in numerous burns and the other in a Lion like mask. Dabi and Crucible.

" So you didn't all run away."

" We're here for you." Crucible said simply.

" Ain't we just." Dabi smirked. " Hey. Honored Elder. Mind if you keep out of this one?"

" Like I would agree to such a demand." Gran Torino spat.

" Suit yourself."

" Are you alone?" Endeavor asked.

" Alone as two people can be." Dabi smirked. " Don't worry though. We're not clones this time."

" Endeavour. Tonight, you die." Crucible announced.

" You scum. Think you can defeat me. You're pathetic to even have such an idea."

" Well, we already froze Edgeshot. Might wanna go grab him before he dies from hypothermia or something." Dabi shrugged. " No reinforcements. Just you and us." Endeavor and Gran Torino stared them down.

" Fine by me. I'll burn you villains to ash." Endeavor decreed. The raid of the bar had just been the beginning. This was Endeavour's true fight. And he vowed he'd be victorious.

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