
Past - 27 Bitch. My name is Bitch, Master.

Regina's mind cracked into shards. She struggled to fight the insane urge to submit. 'I would never submit.

Lifting her extremely heavy eyelids, she snarled, "Mine. Not yours."

Vulture's eyes flashing with a feral edge. "Wrong answer." He ducked and threw her over his shoulder.

He ducked and threw her over his shoulder, just like the baggage, and walked to her bed. 

Vulture threw her on the bed, immediately yanking her pants off before she could even stop him. One minute they were on, the next they lay discarded with the other torn clothes.

He climbed on top of her but she kicked him. Her knee connected with the rib cage and he winced, but a hand grabbed her side, pressing her own broken rib. Everything oozed to greyness with pain.

It gave him time to undo his tie and he wrapped it tight around her wrists. Her heartbeat thrummed in his arms, hating the tight restriction.

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