
Who Are You, Really?

Over lunch, Xiao Moxian patiently listened to the summary that Wang Jingyuan gave him of her adventures, reacting at the appropriate times with comments like, "No way!", "How could they?", and "You were so brave, Jing-Jing." Although he already knew the details, it was different listening to Wang Jingyuan tell it to him from her perspective. Some events he didn't know at all, like Song Xinglan provoking a battle or her and Official Ma finding a stash of weapons and food, because he had only been focused on preventing the fourth prince Xiao Yujin from harming Wang Jingyuan.

"I must applaud you for handling all that by yourself," Xiao Moxian said when Wang Jingyuan finished her tale. "You have escaped danger so many times you must be a master now."

"Oh, it wasn't just me. My senior brother helped a lot. And I'm no master of escaping danger; it's so scary. I'd rather not be in the situation in the first place."

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