
The Sign Of Vampire.

The following night, as usual, Hermes looked down. On the same day and at the same time. This was a habit, but something was different with Hermes tonight. He seemed impatiently waiting. Hermes doesn't know who's waiting. He looks restless. Unable to stay still, stood up, paced back and forth with his eyes looking down. There was no scent that he smelled tonight.

"Where's the girl?" Hermes said. He was waiting for the girl he met last night. He couldn't forget the scent of her body. Matheus looked on could only shake his head at Hermes' nervousness. He stepped closer to his master who had been restless for a long time.

"Your Highness, let's we dinner first!" Matheus offered. He put the food on the table. Hermes ignored him. He continues to do his activities without stopping and over and over again.

"Didn't she go this way? Was she afraid of me?" Hermes asked in his mind.

Suddenly he screamed very loudly. He ruffled his hair. "Did I scare her too much? That she avoided this road and me?" Question after question kept coming and going. But he couldn't get the answer. He was nervous, as seen from the way he bit his fingernails.

Matheus sighed. "What the falling in love can make people crazy like Prince Hermes?" Think Matheus. He became fulfilled to see the behavior of prince Hermes who fell in love but like a madman.

"Prince Hermes, I ask you to have dinner now!" shrieked Matheus giving orders. He was sick of seeing the behavior of Prince Hermes who went crazy talking alone on the balcony railing.

Hermes turned. "Hey Matheus, how long have you been there?" He came down from the top of the balcony railing. Matheus could only pat his forehead while shaking his head.

"What the people falling in love can be stupid too?" Matheus thought again.

"Then I won't fall in love," he insisted.

Hermes was already sitting on the chair. He sniffed a pork dinner with a delicious blood sauce. However, the scent he smelled was not the smell of Matheus' cooking on the table. "This smells great!" Hermes chirped.

"I made it in earnest--"

"No, it's not the smell of cooking! But this--" Hermes interrupted the speech of Matheus who was already puffed up thinking he was getting praise from Prince Hermes for his cooking. Hermes was silent. He tried to sniff one more time. He tried to distinguish the smell of cooking and the scent of the woman he had met last night.

Hermes put down his knife and fork. Get up and go back to the balcony. "This is the scent of that woman's body!" Hermes said very pleasedly. He saw with his werewolf eyes. Animal instincts work when they find what they are looking for. "I guess so," Hermes followed indirectly behind him this time. He began to walk on the balconies of tall buildings.

Matheus gaped at what Hermes was doing. But he couldn't let Hermes follow her a second time. "Wait, Your Highness, I won't let you be careless like yesterday!" Matheus' arms stretched out. He didn't allow Hermes to follow the woman again like last night.

"Get out of the way, Matheus!" Hermes's command glared very sharply. His desire is far more sadistic than the instinct of friendship between fellow werewolf clans.

"But Your Highness--"

"I ask you to step aside, Matheus!" Hermes said again. His words were full of emphasis. He showed his fangs, without only Hermes showing Matheus his long nails.

"Prince!" Matheus said quietly. Then he relented so that no fight would hurt each other. Matheus let Hermes go after the woman. Matheus sighed. He couldn't escape the responsibility of keeping an eye on Hermes. Matheus followed Hermes from a distance.

Hermes' eyes kept looking down. The woman, as usual, was walking past the shops. Walked down with her coat glued on. Snow has started to fall. There were even a lot of snow-white expanses on the streets.

In the woman's mind, she also had time to look for the figure of Hermes. Several times she looked back. But there was no mysterious male figure behind. "Maybe I was expecting too much!" The woman sighed, then looked at the sky for a while. Snowflakes fell on a beautiful night. "You are too naive Claudia! Even though you promised to close your heart for the thing called love. But now..?" The woman named Claudia smiled faintly. For some reason, she couldn't stop her mind from remembering the last night's meeting with Hermes.

Her feet kept walking. Her head hung low in shame as she didn't deny her current feelings. A slightly quieter night made Claudia quicken her pace.

However, her eyes suddenly became very focused on the fresh red liquid amidst the white snow. The liquid caught Cliadia's gaze to know the owner of the red liquid. Claudia confirmed that it was blood or not. She kissed the blood on her finger. "Its blood!" she thought. She stood up again and began to follow the trail of blood left in the snow. Claudia was very curious and continued to follow the drops from the snow.

Hermes who was watching from a distance looked confused. She knew where Claudia had to go home. But this time. She had turned into a dead-end that she shouldn't have come. "Where is she want to go? Why is she there?" Hermes thought start to get suspicious. But he waited upstairs and didn't want to frighten Claudia with his presence.

And then, "Arrrgh!" Claudia's screams reached Hermes' ears.

"Shit, what's happening with that woman?" Hermes thought to move quickly. He jumped down from a taller building than where he lived. Matheus followed Hermes after a few minutes his master came down.

Claudia's eyes bulged, her body shaking. Her hand covered her mouth. She couldn't believe what she saw. A pile of horrible-looking corpses lay near the trash can. Gradually her body fell sitting on a pile of snow. Her legs were no longer strong enough to stand.

Hermes walked slowly. He saw that Claudia was very frightened. Hermes approached. "Are you alright?" Hermes asked.

"Corpse!" Claudia stuttered while pointing at the corpse without looking at Hermes.

The man looked at Claudia's index finger. Hermes then stepped inside. He was quite surprised to see a woman's corpse lying with blood splattered. Hermes's curiosity made him have to examine the cause of the death of the woman. He saw a bite mark on the neck with a hole in the woman's chest.

"This?" Hermes said not sure whether the woman's death was the work of a vampire or another nation. Matheus who saw the scar on the woman's corpse was quite shocked.

"Vampires!" Matheus said quietly. Hermes looked at Matheus in silence and was quite surprised.


To Be Continued.

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