
Meeting a Guardian

They go for a round of scouting and they come back. Both are harboring a silly smile. Did something happen?

What should my priority be right now? Finding a shelter and figure out my current situation around here would probably be my best bet. I can always ask the duo to guide me around the place.

[Alright, guys! Tell me about the surroundings! Anything dangerous nearby?]

"This tiger can tell you there are dangers everywhere for sure. We should always be sure that we are never followed or observed. After all, this is how the evil beast tamers proceed. Ah, sometimes they will use food to try and bait you, then capture you and exploit you after putting you in a cage! There are many things to watch out for, the next one is …"

He seems like a proud student trying to show off how well he studied...but the content of these studies is …well, questionable.

[Alright…enough! What about you?]

"Hum, as long as we stay in the area nearby, I don't think there will be an issue. The guardians make sure to protect this place."

I can hear the tiger scoffing about how nowhere is truly safe in the background.

[Who are the guardians?]

"Keepers that are in charge of protecting the peace of this forest. They are the ones chosen specially by Yggdrasil."

Wow, I should have started with that. These guys are the ones in charge while my friend is sleeping it seems.

[Alright, you guys should bring me to see them!]

"Follow me teacher!"

I feel like everything will be fine. If these guys are really Yggdrasil's subordinates then they won't attack me recklessly no matter what. I can always touch the tree to prove that I am an ally.

At worst it should plant a shadow of doubt in their minds that they won't be able to ignore. As they say, a friend of a friend is a friend too. Well except when that new friend is an asshole, still most of the time it checks out.

We don't walk for long. We reach a small clearing nearby the towering tree. No matter how much I try I cannot notice anything special here.

Don't tell me that the domain of these guardians is hidden behind some kind of extremely complex warding spell? How awesome is that!!

"Are you ready teacher? If yes, I will call for a meeting."

[Go ahead!]

He nods and takes a step forward. I can't wait to see what kind of special trick he will use to call for them or reveal a passageway.

This is reminding me of all these games where there was a possibility to build your own home. I always loved to create as many secret passages as possible. Why? Because it is awesome! Also, it gives a sense of mystery.

He slowly opens his mouth and then ….


Wow. Just wow. There go my expectations. He literally called them. Nothing else. No magic at all. Just a whole lot of screaming and hurting eardrums…actually no I am fine. All thanks to this new body I believe.

But seriously what was that? I believe the whole forest is now aware of our presence here. Whoever is coming it seems we'll have to wait a bit. I sit preparing to be patient.

I'm drawing circles on the ground. Then I decide to add details. To a big circle, I add a mouth and then I …. eyes. EYES! There are now eyes popping out of the ground!

As I retreat hurriedly, I see a head pop through the ground where I was drawing. Whatever that is it looks immaterial, bluish, and whitish. This is a damn ghost! What the hell is a ghost doing here?

Also, why does it seem like it is looking down on me? It scoffs.

"How disgraceful. Losing all your countenance just from my appearance. You should really reflect on yourself. As for you, dumb bear, why are you requesting a meeting of the guardians? Whatever it is I'll deal with it. Should it not be important I will have to punish you for disturbing me!"

This ghost looks proud and haughty. These are synonyms? Well, he exudes so much self-confidence that repeating it twice felt needed.

He seems to be an elf, or he was since he is a spirit now. Long ears, handsome face, elf-like in everything. Also, did he just insult me and my disciple in one go?! How dare he!

"I have a beary good reason! I asked for you guys to come to meet teacher!"

Kudos for the pun, but the elf ghost doesn't seem to appreciate it.

"How gullible you are! Now even taking a random stranger as your teacher. This is why I am telling you to learn some common sense. You are a shame to all the residents of this forest. I will deal with this issue but prepare to be punished accordingly."

He turns toward me and keeps going on.

"Now you! What trick did you use to fool the Bear ….and the tiger too apparently as it is following behind."

How insulting!

[What trick?! I am an upright individual and a friend of Yggdrasil.]

"A friend of Yggdrasil, you say? You should have chosen your lie more carefully than this."

"He is telling the truth!"

"This Tiger also thinks the same!"

Nice these guys are backing me properly! They might have a few screws loose but they are loyal!

"Alright, let's put it to the test then. Follow me."

He seems extremely confident that he will be able to prove me wrong for some reason. We follow him to the huge trunk.

"Go on, touch it. This shall prove it easily. You see anything that touches this tree gets annihilated no matter what. No matter if it is physical, a soul, a concept, Yggdrasil can reduce all to nothingness and…."

He stops talking suddenly. He is looking at me who is touching Yggdrasil calmly. He is a ghost yet, somehow, he looks like he is choking with a face of disbelief. His earlier composure and grace are long gone. A deer in the headlight looks more elegant than the current him.

I move my hand up and down the bark and I look at him while smirking.

[How disgraceful. Losing all your countenance just from this. You should really reflect on yourself.]

Can you picture the smug MC?

Best way to call for a meeting for sure lol.

Zombiecreators' thoughts
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