
Chapter 112: Marinah

They were laughing at me, and I don’t blame them.

I simply can’t lead hundreds of men, scratch that, Shadow Warriors. I have no idea what I’m doing. I replay the entire meeting in my head. They’re like children, and I can’t believe I need to point them in a direction and tell them what to do.


And King’s gone through this for years.

Labyrinth mentioned Cosway, and it reminded me I need to check on her. I begin my search and eventually give up and ask one of the door guards. He points me to the outside courtyard. I find her there, playing with the kittens.

“Pretty butterfly,” she says when she notices me.

She’s a rather pretty butterfly herself now. Soap, water, and good food make her look younger. Someone also took a chisel to her teeth. I’d place her in her mid-twenties. “Hi, Cosway. Do you mind if I join you and play with the kittens?”

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