
Chapter 38: Epilogue

Seeing his mate, his beautiful moonflower Diana, burst into tears caused a fluttery sensation in Kor's chest. Why does she cry? What ailed her?

"I thought you were uninjured," he exclaimed, scooping her up and jogging back to the spacecraft he and Alphie had appropriated.

"I am," she sniffled.

"Then why the tears?" he asked, confused, slowing his pace as he came into sight of the waiting vessel.

"I'm so happy you're back," she sobbed. "I didn't think I'd ever see you again. And I was so scared and lonely."

Kor listened as she recited all of the things he'd found himself feeling too. He didn't understand it. Were these emotions normal with one's mate?

"I'm back now, and Kil's gone. You don't need to be afraid anymore."

Kor walked up the ramp to the ship and carried Diana straight into the decontamination center. Stripping her soiled clothes from her, he ran his hands over her body to reassure himself that she was unmarked.

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