
Red Shirts Never Last

 As the sun pierced the early morning waters; Serenity, Matt, Levi, and Selena readied themselves to leave. Draxzel and Alina stood by as the three Aquarians readied two large hippocampi. They would ride them out to the Great Trench, then send them back once they started to descend.

 Bismuth nuzzled Matt like an overgrown rainbow-colored puppy. With everything going on lately, Matt hadn't had the time to ride or play with him. Serenity got some affection from the water horse, too, but not nearly as much as Matt.

 As they readied to leave, several Gorgons and Merfolk with pressure suits popped up out of no where. Right as Matt had instructed them to prepare to leave, Serenity argued against bringing extra people at all..

 Folding her arms over her chest, Serenity stood rigidly as she spoke; "Nope! No, no, and no. The last time we took a group with us, they all ended up like Red Shirts on Star Trek. I don't want people dying when this is our job."

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