
Chapter Eight

I knew something was going on, the way everyone was scurrying around the castle. It had been two days since I last saw Aidan, he said he would be busy a few days and unable to visit, trying to turn the tide on this war.

It seemed to be all hands-on deck because the guards by my door were summoned and had been gone for a few hours. I walked up to the door and turned the handle. It was unlocked.

I flung the doors open and looked out into the hallway – no one was on the third floor! My lips twitched into a slight smile. I wondered out of the room and down the empty hall. I found the back staircase and went down them to the first floor.

Everyone was so busy, I just watched them run around from the back deserted hallway. I crept up to the door that was ajar and opened it more. No one noticed me at first, so I calmly walked into the room and just watched everyone scurry about. I walked through the halls until I found the best view – the dining hall.

It was pouring down rain today, maybe that's why everyone was inside. I watched the rain as it hit the windows and slid all the way down the pane. Rain was one of natures mysteries – something that brought life and growth could also flow so fast in a river it could sweep someone out to sea.

Once the rain lost my interest, I resumed roaming the halls of the castle until I finally found it – the library. It brought a big smile to my face, I was so excited it even got me energized and jumping in place.

I ran into the library and began to scan the titles – some were old and in Britania's native language but some were from Cordona and the other countries and written in the common language.

As I looked over the titles I pulled out the ones that sounded interesting. It didn't take long before I had more than I could carry. I looked around and saw an empty table that I used to stack the books I found on.

The room had to case thousands of books – there were at least a dozen floor to ceiling shelves jam packed with books. There was a ladder at the end of every row that could be used to go to the very top and see those books. I'm not a fan of heights and there were plenty of good books on the shelves I could see and reach.

Once I had scoured all the shelves and filled the table with books I sat down in the comfiest chair I could find and delved into the book I deemed the most enticing to start with.

"I figured you'd be here." I heard. I looked up from my book that I had nearly finished and saw Aidan leaning against the door frame.

"How long have you been there?" I asked as I put the book down on my lap.

"Only a few minutes." He said. I looked around and noticed the light from the library was dimmer than the last time I had looked up.

"How long have I been in here?" I blurted out without realizing it.

"Oh you've been 'missing' for several hours."


He chuckled. "The guards responsible for watching you had to step away this morning and neglected to lock your door before they left."

"I thought they were for my safety not as my prison guards."

He frowned. "You're not a prisoner…"

"Then how could I be missing?"

He straightened up his posture and came over to me. He crouched down and looked up at me. My breath quickened and my mouth started to feel dry.

"I'll instruct them to leave the door unlocked."


"You can go where you please…with their escort. This is your home and I want you to love it here."

"Will-will you tell them to leave my books alone?" I ask in a sheepish tone. He turns to see the table full of books and just let out a laugh.

"I will tell them not to move anything in this room. Are there any book titles or authors I should tell the servants to acquire?"

"Oh I…I have so many to read already."

"Tell me if you want for anything."

"O-ok." I say with a red face.

He let out a slight groan that was almost inaudible. He cleared his throat and stood up. "I uh, I have a tailor coming tomorrow." He says. I turn my head to the side. "F-for you."

"For me?" I ask confused. Sensing he wanted to have a longer conversation I put my marker in the book, shut it, and set it down. "I-I have clothes up there already."

"They aren't nice clothes."

"They're perfectly fine." I say.

"The tailor will have the finest materials. Get whatever you want. However many dresses."

"I…shouldn't you focus on-on the war?"

"I told you it's starting to turn the corner."

"What…will you tell me what happened?"

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