
Onigawara Shiki's Atonement

Onigawara Shiki was your average, run-of-the-mill student.

Except he wasn't.

In the past, he was an asthmatic kid and was always the weakest of the class. He wouldn't attend the sports meet nor would he attend school festivals. Half of his school year was spent on the hospital bed as he availed of his daily Ventolin Nebulizer. Every time he tried to move, his chest would feel so constricted that he needed to stop. That means he couldn't exercise and improve his health either.

But one day, something in him clicked and it made him change for the better. From that day on, he worked hard on his diet and light exercise in the morning. He also joined a nearby swimming club. There, he swam as many laps as he could before he went to school. And from that day on, he also got rid of his inhalers and threw them away. The new ones, he donated to a nearby clinic.

He wouldn't allow his mere asthma to stop him.

His light exercise turned into CrossFit, and then after three months of regular swimming and exercise, he was now able to run. From then on, Shiki didn't relent. He ran every day until he could sprint an entire kilometer without getting tired. Then he started long-distance running of ten kilometers once or twice a week. Then after that, he started getting serious in calisthenics and mixed martial arts.

Ever since that happened, he decided to get rid of his old self and start his life anew. Now he was different, he's not the weakling that he used to be anymore. Right now, he's a fighter.

"Please! Spare us! We were only ordered to beat you up, nothing more!" The young man with a black eye and a severe welt on his cheeks. He was kneeling while rubbing both his palms together.

"If I ever see you near Yuuta again, you won't end up in the hospital. You'll be hitting up the funeral in no time." Shiki pushed the man's head with his index finger.

"W-w-we promise! We won't!" The young man shook his head as he swore an oath. "I'll order my men to steer clear of you."

"All right... oh, and you were extorting me for my money, right?" Shiki hinted. "An eye for an eye, you know what that means?"

"B-but, Shiki, we'll be done for if we don't give money to our boss. Right now he's waiting for our return."

"Eh? Now that's interesting. You know what, I changed my mind. You can keep your money. Instead, bring me to your boss."

"We can't do that!"

"Do you want me to get you a room in the police station? I swear it will be fun."

The young man and his henchmen were just high school students. They know that if they get a record of being detained, their future will be worse than it already is. That's why, even though they hated it, they decided to appease Shiki by bringing him to their boss.

"Now, lead the way."


When the day was finally over, a brief news report about a famous gang was shown on television. It was believed that another gang has beaten all of them up and called the police. Now, the gang comprised of high school students was sent to a nearby juvenile detention center where they'll face the consequences of their crime. Countless accusations of bullying and extortion were thrown at them, even an attempted murder was brought to light. By the end of the report, it was concluded that all of them will stay in the juvenile detention center for the remainder of their youth, and then they'll be sent to the state prison once they reach adulthood.

"Cursed gangsters, they deserved it." Onigawara Shiki said to himself as he clenched his fists. "Don't worry, Yuuta. I'll get even stronger. You've protected me after all these years. Now it's my turn to protect you... and to atone for my sins."

"Son! It's time for dinner!" Shiki's mom called out from downstairs.

"Coming mom!"


Ashuril and Lorraine awkwardly fidgeted as they delayed answering Yuuta's question. They weren't sure if they could tell him the truth but they knew that Yuuta would look down on them if they did. An awkward silence filled the atmosphere as they stole glances at him.

"You know what, I get it." Yuuta brushed the topic off. "Judging from your reactions, this is probably your first mission, right? Or maybe you're undergoing this mission so you could join the Sacred Stones. I mean, that's the only thing I could think off, based on your reactions."

Just as mentioned before, Yuuta already knew everything about him. Had he wanted to, he wouldn't have needed to ask them questions.

"T-that's right. This is what they call the 'Trial'. If we can pass this, then we can join the Sacred Stones." Ashuril responded. "Technically, we're already members of the Sacred Stones, but in order to be acknowledged by everyone else, we have to at least succeed in one mission."

"Ashuril and I are the strongest Holy Element Users in our generation. That's why the Sacred Stone allowed us to join their assembly. However, now we know that we aren't the ones who are worthy of such grandiose titles." Lorraine humbly said. "You seem younger than us and yet you easily sent those Evil Spirits away, you must have awakened the Holy Element as well."

"Ah no, about that... " Yuuta furiously denied but then he stopped short. He knew just how important and 'sacred' the Black Grsrzy Scarf was since it was used for funerals. And it looked like the two of them didn't know of its existence. That's why he decided to just keep it a secret.

Seeing that there was no need to reveal his trump card, Yuuta decided to change the topic. "In any case, it's your mission to stop the ritual and prevent this Spirit Jungle from expanding. And it's my mission to rescue the girl that Aarkra kidnapped. Obviously, we have the same goals so why don't we work together? I assure you that you can reach Aarkra's location in no time at all."

Lorraine pleadingly turned towards Ashuril, trying to convince him with her googly eyes. But to her surprise, Ashuril was staring at Yuua, ashen-faced.

"T-t-that scarf!" Ashuril stammered as her index finger shakily pointed at Yuuta. "A-a-are you from the Beginner Village?!"

T-t-that scarf! It looks nice! Give it to me right now!

— Ashuril, probably

Also, what is up with Onigawara Shiki? We'll find out on the next episode of Dragon Ba— er I mean, Lucid Dream Server ehehehe.

Have a great day everyone! A mass release for the masses and it's not even Friday yet ^0^ I hope you enjoy the five chapters released!

DaisukiDayoSenpaicreators' thoughts
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