
Chapter 9: Setting sail

It has been 2 years since I started our intensive training. I was now 15 years old, the submarine was finished a year ago and was gifted to us by Wolf without any trouble.

Saying that we helped him achieve his dream of finishing his life-long project, so it would only be fair that he helps us reach ours.

Once the Submarine was officially ours, we started modifying it to make it more versatile.

We first started by painting it all black, as Yellow was not a good colour for stealthy operations. We then added some cannons on the 'ship part' of the submarine. We had torpedoes for when the ship was underwater, but no cannons had been built on the deck.

So I immediately rectified that and built 3 sturdy cannons on the deck. One at its front, another on its right side and the last one on its left.

Following the straw hats example, and with Wolf's ingenious mind we managed to recreate a 'Coup de Burst' for our ship when it was on the surface. And a 'Coup de Dive' when underwater to get us as deep as possible in case of emergency.

These escape mechanisms were easy to make, we didn't need any Cola like the Thousands sunny. Instead of compressing the gas from Cola and launching it. We simply used a Vacuum system that would suck the air from the atmosphere and compress it. And by simply pressing a red button, all the compressed air would be released at the back of our ship/submarine.

If the compressed air is released underwater we would be launched like some torpedo as deeply as possible underwater and if it is released on the surface we would be launched into the sky.


I was now standing in front of our black submarine that had our pirate logo painted on its sails, on its flag and at its side in blood red. I decided to keep the same name of Heart Pirates and the same logo as the original Law. After all, it was a memento to the person who had saved my life, Corazon which translated to heart.

(Logo + Ship)

Since I was not one for sappy goodbyes, I set a rendezvous point with my crew and sneaked out of Sallow Town at the first ray of sunlight. The ship was already stocked with everything we could need, be it medical or nutritional. So we were all set. Hanzo, Snow and Bepo had managed to come in time but Mikoto seemed to be late.

" Board the ship! And be prepared to set sail at any moment!" I said as I jumped on the ship's deck.

" Are you sure you don't want to say goodbye to everyone?" Bepo asked.

" I want the last memory I have of them to be their smiles. Not their crying faces as we leave." I said.

" Wise words as always Law-sama." Hanzo said followed by a bark from Snow in acknowledgment. Snow had grown tremendously in the last 2 years, being big enough for Hanzo to ride on at the moment.

Once we had boarded the ship, we kept waiting for Mikoto. That dunce is probably taking his sweet time walking here.

" Where is Mikoto anyway?" I asked, starting to get impatient.

Just as I finished my sentence I could see Mikoto running toward us, with dishevelled clothes.

"AAAAHHHH, quickly Law set sail!" Mikoto shouted.

Not understanding why he seemed so pressed for time. I looked in the direction he was coming from and saw a burly middle-aged man that was noticeably pissed off. Running after Mikoto with an axe in hand.

" How could you rob my daughter of her innocence! I'll kill you even if it's the last thing I do!" The middle-aged man kept shouting while running after Mikoto.

Behind the middle-aged man, I could see the whole village and a dishevelled young lady running after the middle-aged man trying to stop him.

"HAHAHA, the mad man does it again!" I said while laughing.

"SHUT UP and get me out of here!" Mikoto shouted clear distress in his eyes.

" Fine." I said.

[Room] [Shambles]

I quickly teleported Mikoto onto the ship.

" Quickly everyone set sail!" I ordered as everyone, even the tired Mikoto immediately got to work and our ship quickly started gaining speed.

Looking at the coast, I could see the whole village waving at us with tears streaming down their faces. Except for the clearly angry father and the flustered busty women next to him.

" Thanks for everything Everyone! Take care Wolf-san!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I could see Wolf giving us a tear-filled smile while waving at us.


" Really Mikoto? The lumberjack's daughter?" Hanzo said.

" What, she wanted it!" Mikoto shouted back.

" But wasn't the merchant's daughter enough, or the hunter's wife or even…" Hanzo kept naming all the girls Mikoto had slept with in the past years.

" Ok ok, I get it! It won't happen again!" Mikoto said while taking a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it.

" HAHAHA, Let him live Hanzo!" I said.

"You shouldn't encourage his attitude Captain." Hanzo said dejectedly.

" Captain, what island should we go to first?" Bepo asked as he spread a map of the north blue.

(North Blue Map)

I smiled at him and pointed at ...

(A/N That's the end of the first arc,

For current crew, their age and appearance look at the pictures below.

- Trafalgar D. Water Law, 15 years old.

- Bepo, 11 years old.

- Hanzo Shimada, 16 years old.

- Mikoto Suoh, 17 years old.

For those about to say Bepo is too young remember Shanks joined Rogers's crew at 9 years old.)

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