

Octer looked at Zhaine, clearly confused about what he meant, "A ridiculous..? I just... it's a family inheritance." He replied, although with too little confidence to make it appear as the truth, or at least not the full truth. It did not seem like Zhaine was going to try and pry the truth out of him, however.

"Ya got one hell of a family then, boy. That 'shield'... is not a shield at all. Or at least, it was never supposed to be." Zhaine explained, "I can recognize the material. The techniques are even older than the ones taught to me. And after a bit of research... I found what it is, or was."

Confused about what he meant, Octer stared at the dwarf. Even if he didn't seem to want to reveal everything about where he got the shield, it seemed like he didn't know much about the shield's origin either. But what Zhaine did then did not help him figure much out either. The dwarf slowly tapped the outside of his lower arm.

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