

Orion hurriedly dashed towards the taxi. It was almost noon but the weather had taken a dark turn with clouds overcasting the sky. The winds were howling, as he sat inside the taxi. 

A few minutes ago, 

"Where should I keep this sword? I can't possibly carry it like this."

Terence shrugged his shoulders, 

"It's your problem dude, don't drag me into it. Do something with it, fix it in your shirt, or make it look like a prop. 

You said it can turn incorporeal….try it."

"How? Should I just say it? "

Orion looked at the sword and silently ordered it to disappear, but nothing happened. He tried various other measures but nothing seemed to work at it. He was feeling tired. Looks like he had to pretend to be a huge anime fan, hoping the police wouldn't stop him.

"If nothing else, I'm bringing us back! "

Orion nodded but just as silently stroked its blade, 

"Come on, you can understand me, right?"

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