
Vjern (Part 2)

"Hold!" Bargrux roared as the Skardian soldiers collided with the front line of his infantry. "Hold!"

The soldiers had regrouped and were now flooding into Vjern from the walls. They had realised there was no point in trying to defend the city from up there and had moved the battle into the streets. Bargrux gazed over the heads of his warriors and down the central road leading away from the gate.

"Knurr, take the cavalry between the buildings and strike them on the left flank!" Bargrux ordered one of the mounted dwarves next to him.

Knurr nodded as he turned his steed about and called for the cavalry to follow him. The gap created from their departure was filled moments later by more infantry. The sea of shields stood firm as the Skardian forces crashed against them.

"Push, now!" Bargrux roared, and the dwarves began to chant.

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