
chapter 5


The next morning Kuroo went to Kenmas dorm and as always forced him to get up and dress. On their way to school, kenmas phone buzzed and Kuroo looked over to see what it was. He has basically memorized all the sounds Kenmas phone made so he knew what was going on with him, but this sound was a new one, he had never heard it before. " Hey, what's that?" Kuroo curiously asked, " uhh, it's nothing." Kenma shoved his phone back in his pocket and ran into school, Kuroo was left confused and curious. He didn't see kenma again until 5th-period chemistry but they warrant lab partners so he couldn't ask him then. After school was over kenma left earlier than he normally did and took a different way back to the dorms so Kuroo couldn't follow him. Kuroo was worried and starting to get more confused, but he went back to the dorms to wait for kenma, meanwhile, kenma was on the phone with the bakery. " yes, hi I need a birthday cake." " Ok would you like to select one from the window or is this a special order?'' the woman on the phone asked " it's a special order, I need one of those small cakes for a babies birthday, but I want it decorated like a giant cupcake, can you do that?" " Yes, what cake flavor, and what colors would you like?" "Um, chocolate cake, with red frosting but not buttercream." "What kind of frosting were you thinking of?" " it has to be cool whip frosting" kenma knew that Kuroo hated buttercream, and he always said that " cool whip tastes like the most nostalgic childhood ever!" So Kenma had to make sure that if he was going to buy a cake that Kuroo would at least eat it. " Ok, and can I have a name for the order please" " um yeah it's kenma" " ok kenma and when do you need this cake?" " I need it tomorrow" " ok can do, I'll see you tomorrow" " okay bye thank you." " No problem, thank you for choosing the Osaka Bakery, have a nice day." Kenma then went home glad he didn't have to do any more human interaction until tomorrow, when he got home he was greeted by an annoyingly curious Kuroo about where he was and if it had anything to do with his new phone noise. Obviously, kenma wasn't going to tell Kuroo that that sound was a very distinct one because it only played once a year, the day before Kuroo's birthday. Kuroo was never crazy about his birthday, as much as he loved to be the center of attention he didn't see why we were celebrated just for living another year, so he just got together with some friends or annoyed kenma for his own amusement. However during his birthday Kuroo could get away with whatever he wanted so he often went and splurged on some weird new chemistry-related whatever he could find, or stole one of kenmas games and made him socialize to get it back. This year was going to be different because Kenma was going to be the one surprising him, he was excited but still rather annoyed that he was going to have to go pick up the cake, and that that woman knew his name. "So, where have you been?'' Kuroo asked " nowhere" " nowhere is somewhere, so where is this nowhere?" " Kuroo, get out." "nope" Kuroo flew backwards onto kenmas bed, and continued poking at him. " Fine uhh, I was at the video game shop, I wanted to know if they had any new games coming out there was suppose to be a new one ut today, and that's why my phone went off this morning" " yeah but you also left-" " that's also why I left school so quickly, I wanted to be the first one there, so now will you leave." Kuroo stood up and looked at kenma. He smirked and Kenma knew exactly what he was thinking " no Kuroo don-" "too late!" Kuroo yelled as he ran at kenma and threw him over his shoulder like a potato sack " Kuroo! Put me down, right now" " weeeeee!!!!" Kuroo spun around until he almost fell over, when he stopped, Kenma was dizzy and annoyed. Kuroo launched kenma onto his bed and started laughing as he pressed his back against the door, and slid down and sat on the floor. " This is not funny, you idiot." " Your right, it's hilarious, we haven't done that since middle school." Kuroo said with a chuckle " yeah that was for a reason, I never liked that." " but it's so fun though, how could you not love it?" " Please you only love it because I hate it and because you can throw me like it's nothing and I can't even push you over." " Yeah true." Kenma rolled his eyes and sat up, he put his phone on the charger and fell back onto his side tired from all the things he had done today, it was tiring being a good and considerate friend he didn't know how Kuroo managed it all the time and for more than one person, and still managed to make it to school on time have a healthy sleeping and eating schedule, wall maintaining a perfect grade average and making it to practice on time and still having enough energy to be supportive and motivational to the team. All Kenma had done was order a cake and not forget Kuroo's birthday thanks to his overly relied upon phone. " Hmm, when did we grow up, it seems like it was just yesterday that we were hanging out at your palace playing video games, and I was dragging you to go play volleyball against your will. " yeah, the fondest memory of my childhood." Kenma said sarcastically. " We were so young, and I don't know fresh." " You were a lot of things, but fresh wasn't one of them. Do you remember the time you refused to shower because you thought it would mess with your mojo." They both laughed and Kuroo thought to himself, "I can't believe he remembers that, he really does know me better than he thinks." " Yeah, we were undefeated, that was the year I got you to start playing, we were like -" " 4th grade" " yeah, how did you remember that?" Kuroo asked, " 4th grade was the year you started believing you would be the best volleyball player ever, it was also the year I agreed to let you sleepover if you'd leave me alone, and after that well, I guess you never left." " Yeah, I did invite myself over quite a bit, those were the good times." " You say that like you don't still intrude into my room uninvited as you please." "hahaha, true" they both laughed and just sat there for a minute Kuroo eventually got up and was about to leave but just as he was about to walk out the door he turned back around when he heard, " wait, do you wanna stay, for old times sake?" " sure, I'll take the floor" "obviously, I'm not one for sharing" "haha believe me I know." "The extra blankets are-" "in the closet, left side" " right, you already know that." "I did help you move in. ''Kuroo made a little bed on the floor and stole a few of kenmas pillows. They had talked for hours and hours until falling asleep. This was the first time in a long time that they had done this and it had brought back so many memories. They had felt like they were 10 again and playing volleyball seriously for a change, back then they would talk only at night because it was the only time kenma would actually open up and only to Kuroo. that's why they worked so well together; sometimes other people would have to ask Kuroo how Kenma was doing because he was the only one Kenma would tolerate.

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