
Possession bypass. Mint fields and ants are farmers.

Oh, I would have lain there forever if it hadn't been for a strange rustling in the bushes.

I lay down on the other side and saw the beautiful face of a girl with black eyes that looked straight at me.

We didn't even blink or move until she woke up and jumped up.

"Who are you?""for daring to lie here among the mint bushes that belong to the great lord."

The black hair and dark plates all over her body glistened in the sun, blinding her eyes, and these appendages on her head looked like antennae-the antennae of a queen ant.

Despite all her screams and threats, I just lay in the cool shade of these beautiful mint bushes.

"Lord, Mortis, it has been more than three millennia since you visited your mint fields in the Ice Pyramid.

We've been waiting for you to come back, and now you're here.

I hope our lady did not provoke your anger with her "warm welcome" to our colony.

On the ground, in front of my eyes, on a small rock sat a fairly large ant, the size of an index finger.

"I'm glad you're still working here, Formica Mentsam, the old guard is still in service.

-To follow the mint of your majesty, a great honor for me, and at home my wife still flattens her brains, and here it's cool, calm and no one bothers, heh –heh... - Mentsam ridiculously moved his mustache.

Ignis ran up to us, apparently hurrying to me, she accidentally pinned a few bushes, which caused the anger of my little farmer.

"Damn you, you've got eyes on your ass, like a burning log-you've crushed all the mint."

"Shut up, you old bastard, or I'll fry your sour ass to a crisp."

"No respect for your elders, Mr. Mortis, but this is a mess.- An ant ran to my shoulder, and hid behind my neck.

"Ignis, Mentsam is right, you need to choose your words when talking to your elders, at least when I'm in front of you.

"I beg your pardon, sir. Ignis lowered her head.

"Raise your head, my subjects must walk with their heads held high."

"As you command, my Lord."

"By the way, somewhere here I saw a dark-haired girl with plates all over her body, where is she?"

Mentsam, still on my shoulder, called out to the girl.

"Regina Formica, my lady, Lord Mortis wishes to see you."

The girl came out of the bushes and knelt down.

"I'm sorry, Mortis-sama, I didn't see you in person, so I didn't recognize you,

Old Man Mentsam has told me a lot about you– " The girl was still on her knees, confused.

"Get up, don't worry, I'm always looking around my domain."

"All right.The girl stood up and dusted herself off.

"That's better, I won't be here long, I'll be back in the Great Pyramid soon."

I am happy with your work, my mint fields are completely safe in your hands.

Well, I think we should go, Ignis. Where's the nearest motabil?

"Right below us, sir.

"See you soon, Mentsam and Regina Formica."

We stood on the motabil and the neon light filled the field...

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