

Clouds gathered over the cemetery, thunder could be heard, and lightning bolts could be seen.

The clouds rumbled, and lightning bolts struck the graves fiercely.

Soon, there wasn't a single piece of earth left in the cemetery that hadn't been struck by lightning.

The ground was smoking…

The wind blew the clouds away in the direction of the plain from which I had come.

Thunder and lightning could still be heard in the distance.

Now, I can safely return back to the forge.

However, upon entering the village itself, I saw the effects of such a terrifying force.

Houses and buildings were torn apart and destroyed.

Many of them burned, which did not burn,

it was already burned to the ground.

The most terrible sight was the bodies of local residents, burned to the ground, they resembled embers.

I hurried to the forge.

All praying for my friends to be alive…

The miracle didn't happen.

The roof of the forge pressed them down with its weight, they were no longer my friend and my slave.....

it was a bloody mess.... just minced meat.

There was no place on their body that was whole.

Mortis dropped to his knees and stared with empty, lifeless eyes at what was left of their bodies...


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