
Trance 2...!

"I was just joking with you...!"

Mariam that had been dreaming, came back to reality. She awoke form her trance.

Blinking rapidly in order to stop the tears that almost flows out of her eyes, she asked;


Samuel pursed his lips and smiled as he stood up straight and moved slowly from where she sat to the left side of the bed, leaving Mariam open-mouthed.

But as he stood up straight and left her, she quickly smiled and looked away from the place where he stood as she tried to hide her tears.

Looking at Andrew, Samuel looked at his side to see if Mariam was with him.

But she wasn't.

When he saw that she wasn't there, he  turned his head and looked at where she sat, to see that she was looking the other way, away form where he had stood to hide something.

"Mariam...!" He called.

Mariam heard his call, but she pretended as of she hadn't heard anything.

Seeing that Mariam didn't respond to his call, he sighed and decided to call a second time.

"Mariam...!" His voice was low.

Raising her head a bit, Mariam murmured;

"Yes...?" Her voice was also low. And choked.

Samuel smiled.

"Come here..." He ordered.

Breathing in and straighten herself up , so that she sat well, Mariam asked;


"Just come over....!" Samuel's low voice sounded like a growl.

Mariam took another deep breath as she stood up and slowly headed for where Samuel stood.

As she approached, Samuel stretched out his hand to her, making her stop about a feet away from him.

With the smile on his face, Samuel urged her.

"Come on...!" H said.

"Come closer...!"

Mariam walked till when she was half of the feet away.

Once she took a few steps, she stopped, still maintaining some distance between she and Samuel.

Seeing this action, Samuel chuckled as he placed his hand back at his side as he turned to face Mariam.

As he smiled, his teeth glistened.

"Are you scared of me, Mariam?" He asked.

Mariam, with her head up high, she replied briefly.

"No..." Some hint of sadness could be felt in her voice.

Samuel's expression softened.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

Shaking her head in a negation, Mariam answered with a tight throat.


"Are you sure...?" Samuel asked in concern.

Mariam just looked at him as if he was joking as snorted.

"Don't act as if you care, you'll just play with me again!"

Her voice was sharp.

Samuel smiled.

He turned to face Mariam with his left hand behind him and his right hand in front of him, like a gentleman (that he truly was).

He smiled and asked;

"What's wrong...?"

Mariam looked at him as she eyed him.

Turning her head away, Mariam said in a choked voice;


She muttered it in a low voice.

"What...?" Samuel asked.

"I said nothing's wrong, alright?!" She shouted, but then she used her hand to close her mouth as she looked at Andrew from behind Samuel.

He was still fast asleep...

Snoring too....

Then she looked at Samuel.

His eyes were looking at her calmly.

When she had yelled at him, his eyes bulged, because her voice was too loud.

But when he quickly reduced the bulk of it and looked at her calmly, so as to not allow her see him.

But when Mariam looked at Andrew and then turned to look at him, he looked at her very calmly as if he wasn't affected by her scream.

But Mariam knew him well.

Putting her hand on her hips when she saw that Samuel was looking at her very calmly, she said;

"Don't act as if you weren't affected by  it...!"

"It obviously ought to take you by surprise...!" She added as she pouted.

After she pouted, she laughed a little, causing Samuel to laugh alongside.

After laughing a bit, she raised her head to find Samuel's arm outstretched towards her direction, again.

Mariam was a bit hesitant as she looked at Samuel's outstretched hand, and then at his face, and then at his hand, and then at his face again.

Taking in a deep breath, she slowly brought out her hand from her side to place on Samuel's.

But as she brought it out, her hand quivered.

Seeing this, Samuel Samuel smiled.

"You don't have to be afraid of me, Mariam...!" Samuel said.

Hearing his deep voice echo in her ear, she was startled as she looked up at Samuel.

"W...What?" She muttered.

Samuel didn't reply at first, as he took his time to look at her, his eyes caring.

"Why are you afraid...?" He asked.

"Doy you know me?" He asked again.

"Aren't I your friend? Why then are you scared?" He kept throwing questions that Mariam couldn't answer.

Or her brain couldn't work properly.

"I'm not going to do anything indecent...!" Samuel said.

"We came here to see Andrew now, didn't we?" He said as he asked again.

Mariam unconsciously nodded her head slowly, as if dancing the rhythm of his words.

Or she was under a spell...

"Then why are you acting like as if you don't know me at all?" He asked in a tone that sounded sad.

Mariam looked at him with a kind of feeling that she couldn't understand.

She just stared at him. The next words that came out of the mouth of Samuel fell on deaf ears as Mariam couldn't hear what he was saying as she was embedded in her thoughts.

'Why is it that whatever he says has such an impact on me...?' She asked herself.

'What happens to me whenever he says something to me...?' She asked herself again.

'Is he using a charm or something...?'

She continued asking herself as her eyes moved form his lips to his eyes as she tilted her head a bit, causing Samuel to pause in whatever he was saying to look at her.

His hands wen to her side and shook her but she seemed too not notice as she was too trapped in her thoughts.

'What is he saying...?' She asked herself as she stared at his lips, that were moving really fast this time, causing her to wonder if he was conjuring.

That's when her ears decided to open and her him call her name.

"Mariam...!" He called loudly.

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