
Too Late!

As his eyes slowly crept open, he soon realized that he was in a large bed.

'What the hell happened?'

He sat up holding his head, and instantly he felt something drop from on top of him onto the bed as he sat up.


"Hun, Ene?"

Ashur removed his hand from his face and spotted his cell phone with Ene inside on the blanket between his legs.

"What happened?" he asked. Not knowing how he ended up in the place.

"Hun, you don't remember?"


Ashur suddenly clutched his head with a grunt of pain as the hazy memories came flooding back to him.

The pain.

The laughter.

The blood.

The thrill.

He compared his memories to like watching a movie on the big screen. Being able to experience everything that transpired like it was him, but it was like someone else was in control, and he wasn't able to do anything.

Like a passenger in a car, but being able to experience the same thing as the driver.

He could feel his excitement as Seph screamed in pain under him as electricity danced off his fingertips.

The pleasure as Aliceia struggled to gasp for air as he slowly crushed her windpipe.

The glee as the shard of Atures's sword slowly plunged and pierced into Carlem's back.

In the end, he couldn't help but be overwhelmed with deep fear.

He was scared.

Scared that he might start slowly losing himself and give in to the madness, the bloodlust, and lose himself. Who he really was. And only become a monster who only enjoys inflicting pain onto others.

He never wanted to feel that way again.


Ene looked up at Ashur worriedly as he clenched his head.

"Is everything alright? You were making a pained expression just now."

"It's nothing, just a little headache."

Ashur dismissed her worries as he finally looked up at the two other presences in the room.

Sitting in a wooden chair in the corner of the room, Castien thoughtlessly pealed what looked to be an apple in his hand with a knife. Slicing off a piece and slipping it into his mouth.

Meanwhile On the other end of the room, sitting in a similar wooden chair opposite to Castien, Carlem glanced back as he closed the book in his hand with a snap.

"It seems that there is still some lasting effects from our earlier battle, I can call over a healer if you want."

Ashur waved his hand in dismissal.

"Ah, It's nothing, just a slight headache, I can feel it going away already."

Carlem adjusted his glasses as he glanced sharply toward Ashur. His eyes scanning his face before ultimately closing his eyes and calmly placing the book in his hand on his lap.

"If that's what you said, I won't pry much further."

Ashur felt as if he was being strangely seen through, and instead decided to move on to something else.

"How long was I out?"

Carlem glanced out the window at the setting sun as he said

"Roughly a little more than half a day. Since His Majesty had graciously blessed you with an Elixir, which is capable of curing all wounds and general status ailments such as fatigue and minds down with the exception of lost body parts, there shouldn't be much of a problem with you physically at least. So it was just a matter of time of waiting for you to wake up."

"I see."

He was glad that too much time had not passed at least.


"Want one?" Castien asked as he caught Ashur glancing back over towards the basket of apples towards his side, as he threw him an apple before he could reply.

Ashur looked down at the apple in confusion.

He found it weird.

After everything what happened in the arena earlier, shouldn't they be less friendly?

Although his mind was still a bit hazy, he didn't remember doing anything to be in their good gracious. rather it was the opposite..

"Your eyes are questioning why we seem to be friendly, despite your actions during our combat," Carlem spoke as he glanced back over him.

Ashur was instantly surprised.

'Is he a mind reader?'

"I am not a mind reader, I am just a simple analyst"

'That's exactly what a mind reader would say if he was trying to hide that he is a mind reader!' Ashur couldn't help but scream in his mind.

Carlem seemed to be a little bit annoyed as he adjusted his glasses and changed the subject.

"To answer your question from earlier, let me ask you this, why would we be angry?"


"If you are referring to how you utterly defeated us, then you may put your fears away. Except for a select few... Most elves serving under His Majesty, instead of holding grudges, would rejoice, as that

would mean another powerful knight under His Majesty. Especially one such as young and promising as you. You would be placed in especially high regard after today's display."

Castien quipped in.

"Yeah, That's some fighting back there. Even with my skills that I prided myself in, we were utterly defeated by you."

Castien shook his head in dismay at the thought that all of them got defeated by a child probably only half their age.

"Carlem already explained to His Majesty that based on records, what probably was some sort of 'Berserk' state. So you don't have to worry about that. we're just here to make sure the effects of whatever happened to you had worn off."

"Indeed, I had learned many things from our battle earlier, and I'm still reviewing as we speak," Carlem affirmed as he calmly glanced towards him.

"And..." Carlem's glance towards him made him suddenly shiver. Like a hawk staring at its prey."I hope to learn a lot more from you"

Carlem turned his head back as he placed his book on his lap as he stood up.

"Anyways, we should at least inform His Majesty of your awakening."

"We'll be reporting to His Majesty now" Castien also said as he stood up, and both of them left through the double doors. Leaving Ashur alone inside the room. Not forgetting Ene of course.

Now that they were alone...

Ashur plopped back down on the bed as he held his phone.

"Well, now that we're alone, how's my super pretty and beautiful little Ene?"

"Jeez, you made me so worried!" Ene shouted with a cute pout in indignation. before she turned her head in a very tsundere-like fashion with a puffed-up cheek and a slightly red face.

"I'm just glad you're alright!"

If she could hug him, she was sure her arms would be already wrapped around his body. She also wanted to pound on his chest for worrying her so much.

"Alright, I'm sorry for worrying you so much." Ashur raised one hand in front of his face and apologized as he admitted his wrong. Trying to appease her anger.

"At least you know you're in the wrong." Ene kept her head still turned in a very tsundere-like fashion, but her expression got noticeably a lot softer.

"Yes, I am very sorry, as an apology, should I whisper some sweet nothings to you?

"No! Not again!" Ene immediately shouted out in protest with a bright red face.

"Sorry! Too late!"