
Sora's teachings

[Skywalker: Hey guys]

[Blank(Shiro): Hey]

'Hm? Shiro?'

Ashur was quite surprised to see Shiro talking, as he only saw Shiro talk once since joining the chat room, and he usually only saw Sora talking.

[Skywalker: Shiro?]

[Blank(Shiro): ?]

[Skywalker: Ah, it's nothing. I was just surprised to see you since I usually see Sora talking, where is he?"]

[Blank(Shiro): Nii is here, he just talking to Ryner about the modern world in DM's]

[Skywalker: Modern world?]

[Blank(Shiro): Ryner seemed very interested in the modern world, so Sora decided to give him a few lessons about it]

[Skywalker: He's giving Ryner lessons?]

[Blank(Shiro): Yeah, Sora said that they should be finishing up now]

[NEET Princess: Oh they're almost done already?]

[Dreaming Devil: That's right]

[Blank(Sora): Hey guys]

[NEET Princess: Oh, you're back, did you finish telling Ryner about the 'Wonders of the modern world'?]

[Blank(Sora): Yeah, we were talking about computers and the internet, and I even showed him how to talk properly on the internet!]

[NEET Princess: Talk properly?]

Kaguya was confused, there was a proper way to talk on the internet?

[Blank(Sora): Why don't you show them what I mean Ryner!]

[Dreaming Devil: OwO howws everywowons dowoing?]

[Super Pretty Cyber Girl: .......GOD...NOOO!!!]

[NEET Princess: MY EYES!!!!]


'What the hell was going on? Why is everyone freaking out? Sora said this was a common way of talking on the internet!' Ryner had no clue why everyone was acting this way.

[Dreaming Devil: What's going on!? Sora!!! You said this was a type of greeting!!!!!]


[Blank(Sora); It is!]

[Dreaming Devil: Then why are they acting like this!!!]

[Blank(Sora): *Whistling.gif*]

[Dreaming Devil: Sora!!!]

[Blank(Sora): Hehe]

[Blank(Shiro): Nii...You've gone too far bringing 'That' here]

[Blank(Sora): Did I go too far?]

[NEET Princess: YES!]

[Skywalker: Sora, you know exactly how cursed it is!]

[Blank(Sora): Nii, apologize]

[NEET Princess: Yes! Apologize to our eyes!]

[Dreaming Devil: Can someone explain to me what the hell is going on?]

[NEET Princess: I REFUSE]

[Skywalker: Why don't we just agree to forget this ever happened?]

[Super Pretty Cyber Girl: Agreed]

[NEET Princess: Agreed]

[Blank(Sora): Agreed]

[Blank(Shiro): Agreed]

[Dreaming Devil: Can someone at least tell me why everyone is acting like this!?]

[NEET Princess: Acting like what?]

[Skywalker: I don't know what you mean, did something happen?]

Ryner felt like pulling the hair out of his head and thought the best thing would be to just take a nap to take his mind off of it.

[Dreaming Devil: I'm gonna take a nap, see ya guys in a later]

[Dreaming Devil is offline]

[Skywalker: Hun? He left just like that? He sure won't miss any chance to take a nap, that's for sure]

[NEET Princess: That's right, I wonder if naps are the only thing that is on his mind]

[NEET Princess: Judging by the way he talks, he should be still in prison now right? I wonder if we should tell him of his horrible fate after leaving?]

[Skywalker: I can only remember a bit of the anime as it's been a long time since I watched it, are you talking about the blond swordswoman?]

[NEET Princess: Yeah, "The torturous travels of Ryner the sex beast, and the gluttonous female knight who likes to abuse him"]

[Skywalker: Well, if you word it like that, it kind of makes him sound like an M?]

[NEET Princess: Well, you never know...]

[Blank(Sora): Agreed, you can never know.....]

[Blank(Sora): So we all agree his new title is now 'Perverted sex beast'?]

[Skywalker: Totally]

[NEET Princess: 100%]

[Blank(Shiro): Let's do it, but let's not do it immediately. Let's wait for him to meet her first, so it would be much more effective]

[Skywalker: You're a genius Shiro!]

[NEET Princess: Let's do that!]

[Super Pretty Cyber Girl: I feel that you all really enjoying this]

For a second, Ene even imagined all four of them in the dark with evil smiles laughing wickedly to each other.

[NEET Princess: So, you're not gonna join in?]

[Super Pretty Cyber Girl: What? Who said that? Of course, I am!]

She was definitely not going to miss out on a chance to tease someone.

And so, the four figures with evil smiles laughing wickedly in the darkness, soon became five, as they planned how to best torment Ryner.


In a cold and dark cell, that was illuminated by a small opening at the top of the cell with thick metal bars across it, that lead to the bright and cold outside, which was now covered in a small layer of snow.

And Ryner, who was inside laying down taking a nap, suddenly felt a chill crawl up his spine, and muttered "Damn it! Why did winter have to start today! and why does it have to be so cold!" as he pulled up his blanket higher to cover himself for some more warmth.


After Ashur finished chatting with everyone, he wanted to train a bit for tomorrow's test so that he would be at least be able to pass it, and he didn't really have anything else to do.

So he crossed his legs and started meditating. But after only a half an hour, he felt something was wrong.

He felt that there wasn't anything wrong with his meditation, but he just felt he was missing something.

Taking a few minutes to figure out what he was missing, it quickly came to him, his daily exercise!

When he lived in heaven, there was one thing that Ashur almost never missed, and that was his daily exercise.

He would take 2-4 hours out of every day to train his body, which was like a habit to him, and would just feel wrong without doing it at least every couple of days.

At first, he was going to do it in his room, but quickly dismissed the thought, as although the room was huge, it's not suitable to do what he wanted to try.

But where would he find a suitable place?

Mulling over this question, Ashur suddenly spotted a small golden bell at the bedside table.

That's right, why doesn't he just ask a maid?

Ringing the bell, Ashur waited a few minutes, before hearing a knock.

"Come in" Ashur responded to the knock, and soon after, a green-haired maid soon appeared from the doorway.

"Is there anything you need sir?" she asked. bowing towards him.

"I was wondering if there is a quiet space that I would be able to train without getting disturbed?" asked Ashur.

"A quiet space to train without getting disturbed?"

The maid started thinking of places that matched Ashur's requirements, and there were a few places that matched his description, but all of them were places where few were allowed to enter and everyone else banned from entering if not for a good reason, including maids.

She was about to politely reject him and tell him, but she suddenly remembered that there was indeed one place he might be able to go to, but she was not sure if she should bring him there or not.

"There might be a place like that, but ill have to check with my superior's, it might take a few minutes, is that alright?"

"That's fine," said Ashur as he didn't mind having to wait.

"Then I'll be right back, please wait until then," said the maid as she left the room.

Three minutes passed by before she returned.

"So I've asked, and they allowed you to use the guest courtyard that is used to entertain guests," said the maid.

"That's great!" Ashur was really pumped to start training, as he was admittedly very rusty due to his long sleep, and also the fact that he is still getting used to his new body. Especially the size difference compared to before.

"Let's get going then," Ashur said as they left the room.

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