
Beasts powers and descriptions

"Interesting..." Jomel is reading in the hologram of the classes and powers of beasts, which makes him capable of knowing what kind of beast he is having.

There's a description in every type and category.

In the hologram...

There is a common or average kind of soul beast.

"Ahuh." It is amazing that these beasts are mostly pets and can be domesticated even without having the occupation of a tamer.

They are the most average ones, normally a native or tamers cannot determine average ones, but in this hologram, there's a sign that they can be known.

"So advance!" Because in every city, there are advanced technologies that can calculate a beast's talent or being an average soul beast.

In those technologies, they can detect and calculate whether a beast is average, it is known that an average beast has a limit in evolution.

Most average kinds of soul beasts only have a limit of three evolutions.

That can still distinguish them, but not most of them are not.

Some can evolve only one time,

Some can evolve up to two times.

Some can evolve up to three times.


Some don't have to evolve.

"Haha, it's the same." Just like in his game.

The first one is that unlike in the game, the monster here is the same in strength, even if they didn't evolve compared to or if they did evolve.

As long as they categorized it as an average soul beast, then that means their strength is that of average.

The second notable difference is that these average kinds of beings cannot and won't be able to evolve further.

There are two types of evolution on these beasts and they are called; Alpha and Omega evolution forms.

And Alpha and Omega form only affects, Rare beasts up.

The alpha forms are for male soul beasts and omegas are for females.

"Isn't this like mega evolve?" Jomel had thought so because these average kinds of soul beasts cannot and won't be able to evolve.

So he read further...

"What!!??" Jomel shockingly exclaimed, found out that even if the beasts are average, their strength compared to natives or non-tamers is still immense.

If a native or non-tamer has body power or elemental power is ten in a level often, then an average monster in level ten has mostly thirty body powers.

Tamers, however, are closer, some even reach the rare beast level of physique and it depends on what beasts they tamed.

Since tamers and beasts share an appetite, some beasts would eat only special kinds of plants, ore, spirit, etc. that may benefit tamers even if they are not in their combat form.

"Pheww!"Jomel sweated when he had read this in the hologram, so much comparison in strength truly dangerous world.

He needs information like this because he would go into survival islands or wars against these beasts in the future. and it's sooner...

So Jomel read further...

The next in the categories are the rare beast!

"Twice!." Jomel couldn't imagine, because humans are weaker than only average beasts and now these rare beasts are twice!

It is noted that their statistics in overall body physique and elemental powers are twice that of an average beast!

Meaning that they are two times stronger than the average beast!

"Calm down." Jomel composed himself up, he needs to be ready for unexpected pieces of information in this hologram.

He read further and found out that these rare ones can be in the alpha form!

Making the beast stronger...

There's no accurate in how these alpha and omega forms make the beast stronger because sometimes it only enhances certain areas.

Some can only strengthen the physique, some elemental capabilities, some change the hidden talent, and some are a combination of the three.

They are also harder to tame compared to average ones, and much deeper hate to humans.

So taming these kinds of beasts has higher chances of tamer being eaten alive.

"Alright! Noted!" Trying to convince himself to have a scare, Jomel is done to the rare one and switches the hologram to the next category of the beast.

He wanted to know his crocodile's or Bone chomper's category.

It is the T'rare; Top tier rare kind of beast, or the Ultimate rare kind of beast.

They are also mostly called Semi-Legendary beasts.

Jomel found out that they are the rarest and the strongest of their kind, and they are again twice stronger than rare beasts normally!

Twice stronger than the rare beast!


The difference between them is that these top-tier rare beasts needed to be higher in level for evolution! Thus, making them harder to train and tame.

Some of them have the same physique as legendary beasts some even have two hidden talents.

Two hidden talents!

"Did I tame this?" Jomel is now questioning himself. The bone chomper might be greater in strength compared to rare and average, but...

The aggressions!

The aggressiveness of the beast compared to the last two is much higher and Jomel couldn't believe that he tamed this monster!

'How is it possible I tamed one?' Jomel keeps thinking about it. 'Is it because I'm special or from another world?' He thought.

It was his idea, but…

What he didn't know is that there's a shadow demon on his arm, and gnawing its teeth on his left arm!

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