
Full-blown cray cray

Marsella didn't disclose a lot of things. She might be simple, too simple that she was complicated. Apparently, she was a vampire and a witch. She kept it vague, but I knew she was more than what she already was. 

Her relationship with the Ross Family was still a blur; although she mentioned that Marquess Ross and his heir knew about Marsella. Funny enough, she reassured me Augustus was 'fond' of me. What sort of fondness? I had no idea, but he was fond of me, that was for sure. 

"I don't like your husband." Marsella propped her jaw against her knuckles, scratching the wooden surface of the table attached to the vanity mirror with her index. "He's just right outside, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed." 

She snapped her lazy eyes at her reflection. "A sword hanging by his waist, eyes burning deep on the door. What a beast, Vera. I was looking forward to showing you how I will taste every bit of him."

'Hah... that's cute.'

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