
The Urban Legends (Part 2)

They came across a group of people with torches and swords of some kind.

Xien hid behind Rai.

"Don't worry. They can't see us or hear us."

"Really? Oh yeah, you have that power."

Xien's eyes narrowed into slits.

"Wait...why didn't we just hide from the priest?"

"You ran first. I got scared too. Before I knew it, we were both screaming and running."

"I have a feeling you intentionally forgot it to scare me."

"No. I swear I was also scared to death," Rai raised her hand to emphasize.


"Come on, let's follow those guys. I have a feeling they are what we are looking for."

"Aren't we looking for a head?"

"Trust me."

"Forgive me if those words don't move me."

"Aww...don't sulk. I'll treat you with your favorite food later."

"Tuna salad?" she immediately perked up.

Rai smiled.

"Whatever you want buddy."

The group of men were nearing the chapel.

They were led by an old woman. Not that old but old enough for Rai and Xien.

She looked about in her late forties or early fifties.

The men are oddly deferential to her.

"Are you sure this priest took all those missing girls?" one of the men said.

"Are you doubting my words? One of the survivors already told you it was this disgusting priest who tried to kidnap her. She was just lucky to get away."

"I don't doubt you. It's just that we don't have any evidence and the kid's testimony seemed a little off to me. It was like she was reciting lines, you know."

"Look, if you are having second thoughts, you can leave. I understand. You are a man. Things like this don't concern you."

"I am concerned. 5 girls have gone missing. No person would turn away. Not if they have their conscience."

"Exactly! You should defend weak women like us. This priest is a devil that preys on the weak. He must pay for his sins!"

"The evidence we had so far did not point to him. In fact, I think we are close enough to catch the real perpetrator."

There were some murmurs of agreement from the others and the woman briefly glanced at one man.

As if on cue, this one spoke loudly.

"We already heard the lone survivor. What evidence do we need? Do not be deceived by the vestment and the cross. He used it to deceive all of us."

There was silence. They all stopped. They are already in front of the chapel.

Only one window showed light. That must be the priest's room.

"What if it was your child next time? Will you wait that long before you act? Will that be the evidence you need?"

She pointed at one of them.

"You, David! Your daughter is turning 15 this month. What if she missed her quincenera just because you had your doubts? You, Ernesto…"

She looked at the one she signaled to talk earlier.

"Your niece was almost taken. And you, Naldo! Your daughter is 12 years old. If this devil gets his hands on her…"

The crowd got agitated. Talks of their daughter being taken next inflamed them.

The first one to talk was silent. He was apart from the crowd that was slowly getting rowdy. He looked at them apprehensively and didn't move when they went inside the small gate of the chapel.

Rai and Xien stood with him. His jaw was clenched.

"I should never have come," he whispered to himself.

"This is wrong. It wasn't him."

The angry mob dragged the priest out. His head is bloody. He was crying.

One of the men approached the doubtful one.

"We found these hairs hidden under his bed! Hair of the missing children! This bastard collects hair!"

"Who found them?"

"It was me and Ernesto. It was a good thing Rosa is with us. She was the one who suggested that we search under the bed. This inhuman priest does not deserve to live, Julio."

Julio sighed but said nothing. It was too late to say anything.

"Where are the children?!" the woman, Rosa shouted at the kneeling priest.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I would not hurt the children. I love them."

"He loves them! Did you hear what this twisted animal said? It's alright, priest. We will find the children even if you don't talk."

With a barely perceptible signal, to the horror of the crowd, Rosa had the begging priest beheaded by Ernesto.

Right there in front of everyone.

Shock was in their eyes but no one said a thing until Ernesto shouted.

"The Lord's will is done! Justice has been served!"

Their shout was half-hearted but it didn't matter to Rosa.

Soon, they will tell themselves that what they did was right. Guilt will drown out their doubts and all that will remain is their constant assertion of their goodness.

They dragged the body to the nearby cemetery. Nobody dared to pick up the head.

When it was done, everyone kept glancing at the bloody head of the priest. It's eyes were still open.

It's accusation was too much to bear and one by one, they got out of the chapel courtyard.

"You all did well. Everyone is going to sleep well tonight," assured Rosa as they were coming out.

"Everyone but us," countered Julio.

Rosa threw dagger looks at him but he was unmoved.

"Everyone, rejoice in knowing that you meted out justice in the name of God. don't let anyone tell you that you are nothing less than heroes," Rosa said while looking at Julio darkly.

Rai and Xien stared at the severed head. They could not look away.

The crowd, even Julio, went home after Rosa and Ernesto assured them that they will take care of the rest.

"What do we do with the head?," asked Ernesto as he lifted it by the hair.

"Dump it anywhere you like. It doesn't matter."

"Thank you, by the way," he said as he hurled the head to the nearby forest.

"Hmp. If I didn't love you, I would be the first to kill you. It's a good thing your niece is a good actress."

"She couldn't act her way out of a sack but it worked. Thanks to your enchantments," he kissed her.

"Curb your libido for a while. Let them think that it was indeed the priest."

"You know what to do to keep me in line," he smirked and kissed her again.

Rai and Xien turned their heads away in sadness and disgust.

Xien didn't say a word when she saw that her friend was crying.

She took out her cellphone and typed something.

The forest grew thinner until it became barren.

The skull was exposed.

Rai pushed forward time and the barren landscape soon grew tall grasses until some heavy equipment began clearing it.

The driver of the excavator stopped his machinery and got out.

He picked up the skull.

Rai and Xien watched him talk to his supervisor.

He got back to his excavator, dug a pit and deposited the skull inside.

Rai saw what she needed to. She went back under the streetlight.

"I know where it is," she said to the headless priest.

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