
Was it the end of him?


Magnus stiffen. Then looked down at his wrist. I took the chance to grab his two swords away. But his reflexes is quick. Quicker than Dad. Quicker than anyone I fought before. He easily evades and pushed me aside.

Yeah, it was only a slight push. Like how you nudge someone at their arm. But the impact it has on me is tremendous. I was shoved into the kitchen counter and almost collide on it. My reflexes is kicking in, I leap on the countertop before my body slams on the marble wedge.

Magnus was fast. The only thing that's separating him from Dad is the table. So when he leaped…and point that blade at Dad's neck, I know Dad won't stand the chance. His death will be instantaneous. And it will be too late for me to stop them. Too late.

Death. My breath is rapidly rising.

I can't let Dad die. My blood is drumming in my ears.

Death… Adrenaline kicks in every part of my body and I scream. Scream at the top of my voice for Magnus to stop. Scream at the useless me for not being able to protect Dad. I was so reliant that Dad will always stay with me. I hate myself for thinking I hate the training I keep up with him every morning.

Just imagining it won't be the case tomorrow…my stomach can't accept the idea. Heck, every part of my veins will never accept it if he died right in front of me. Killed by the person I considered a friend for the first time.

If given the choice…who will I save? Dad or Magnus?

The adrenaline is muddling my brain. An enstrange full force that boils every inch of my skin. I can't think clearly. I just know I have to protect Dad. I just know someone is trying to kill him. And I will never let that happen.

Something tugs in my gut, a condemning feeling that will surely kill anyone who stands in its way. I release it in my scream. The world turns black. Dark murky smoke waved in black rings around me. Contracting at first, then it expands and everything got swallowed in it.

I choked. I rolled on all fours and spit out what other – strange creeps I have in my stomach. I didn't look up. It was a mistake I didn't. Everything around me collapsed. The countertop, the chairs, the dinner table with roasted chicken, the living room, in fact, half of the house disintegrated to ashes.

I can't believe in everything I see. Our house…that used to be dull and worn out outside, but a bit lively with Dad and me living in it… is now nothing but a pile of charcoal ashes. As if a fire has torn our house into this pile of mess.

I see the full moon above. The quiet street around us for miles. The empty fields in the distance. I can't shake the feeling that it was actually me who did this. The cold breeze is hugging my skin. Joining the feeling of dread stabbing my chest.

Wait… I desperately looked around. Where's Magnus…and Dad? Don't tell me… I forced my feet to stand. I was wary. Nervous. Afraid I just did to them what I did at the cornfields. What I did at the old shifting bat man. My uncontrolled impulse to murder someone…

Did I…?

"Dad?! Magnus?!"

If other people saw this wreckage, they'll find it strange. The house was split in half. The roof disappeared. Half of the walls disappeared. Our training hall disappeared. What's left is the ground. It was the same as before, with only black dust-like asphalt but only in particles piled up everywhere.

I did this, didn't I? But how? I thought my ability is to only absorb life force. I thought I could only harm by touch and any plants around me. That tug in my gut…that condemning feeling in my stomach…what was that?

"Lance?!" I almost stumbled. That voice… Dad. He's alive. I ran around the wreckage of what used to be our house. They were just a few meters from me earlier, why does his voice sound so far off now?

"Lance, where are you? Are you alright? Lance!" I looked over my shoulder. At the heavy footsteps coming up behind me.

Casted by the moonlight, is the soot image of my Dad. His clothes are ripped to shreds in different places. His shoes are torn in the front, showing his toes sticking out of his socks.

"Lance what was that explosion?" He asked. His eyes wild, bewildered.

"Dad, where is Magnus?" I squeaked. My throat is now parched dry.

"That.. I don't know son. He vanished. I mean, one moment he was just there coming to kill me. And then the next, a black wave swallowed us, I thought it's gonna kill me. It even got my clothes tattered like a rug… But I … I don't know what happened to him, I heard him gasped, and a wet paint splashed my shoulder – look."

He brushed his palm at the back of his shoulder and showed me. A wave of nausea came over me when I saw it's not paint. Its blood. Fresh blood.

Dad almost tripped in surprise too. I looked at Dad, asked if he's injured. Said he didn't. That's when realization kicks in its Magnus blood.

For the whole night, we searched for him. Taking out whatever trash we could scourge on what's left of our house. Nothing came up. When dawn comes and the sun slowly rose in the sky, we stop. We brainstorm what should we tell when Pete, his wife, or others ever came to drove by.

I told Dad everything. I told him maybe I did kill Magnus. I was able to transform half of our house with its roof and every furniture in it into ashes. And I killed all the cornfields in the area around school because of my 'power'. And there was the Auf.

Dad asked if I'm okay of us transferring to another state. Probably lay low this time. Go far away. I pondered. Leaving means I wouldn't see Moon rose again. But do I have the right to see her? After what I did..to Magnus.

I forced my eyes closed. Forget it. Magnus has some sort of power. Maybe he's not really dead. Maybe he was just blasted out of the turf. Maybe our house looked burn down and the impact of it sent him a hundred miles away.

Yes, that's it. He's still alive. Somewhere. Out there. I swallowed. And he'll come back to kill Dad again. I can't let that happen.


At that time, I wasn't aware. Of how foolish I was. How reckless I've been to not think of any consequence of what I just did. I didn't realize the danger that's coming to destroy me and my Dad's normal life.

I didn't realize what kind of power I hold in my veins. Or the desperation of my enemies to take hold of it. Nor the fact that I just make a living person disappear in the face of the Earth – and he's the only one who could possibly help me – help us from our enemies' cunning claws.

I didn't know my outburst caught many unwanted attention from both enemies and allies alike. I didn't know it awakens the Mark not only mine but to the other ELEVEN Eklektos out there, like me. I didn't know it ruined the plans of the silent observer who's been watching me ever since the cornfields accident.

I didn't think twice of all the dangers and celebrated power Magnus told me all about. Or the responsibility or duty I have to answer that comes with this said power. I'm willing to ignore it all for the sake of my Dad's safety.

I thought I believed him. - No, I never once did.

I drove him out. – Because I don't want him to kill my Dad.

I did not listen. – At some point maybe I did, but when it comes to Dad I'm willing to throw the shocking truth away. Could be because I'm desperate to fit what I see in front of my eyes, as my own version of reality, when in fact there's a bigger force on the work here.

Damn, none of this was in my plot. I was supposed to make Magnus poof more. LOL. You know, had another idiot bonding with Lance here. Like driving a car and Magnus was like "Inosuke-against-Mugen-train-mode" then send it crashing down the barn house with chickens shrieking at the top of their voices, scared for their little innocent eggs stolen by two big bad idiots in town.

*sighed* Maybe some time again. With another Eklektos who has enough sense to tell them off. That would be fun. Oh and binge read the next chapters for the next few days. I'm locking chapters probably in July 15th or 22th, whichever fits my attitude problem cat's taste. You see, it's been a few months since he got a taste of his favorite roasted chicken. But me here has no money. He got angry and destroyed five picture frames, one tv, one laptop, five mugs and counting. So support me eh? At least, give gifts or unlock more of my chapters so I could save all our furniture from his claws LOL.

Thank you for reading my story this far!

phoenixhyperioncreators' thoughts
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