

Chapter 31: Support

A tall, well-built young man was genuinely smiling. "Hi, my name is Yan Ace. I wanted to greet you and wish you good luck. Umm...that is it. Sorry to bother you."

Safo Nur raised his head to meet the gazelle-man, his pitch-black but glittering big eyes seemed that Yan could see only his both sides but not in front of him. Safo inwardly giggled at his thought but made sure not to show anything for the gazelle-man.

Yan's prolonged brown face was somewhat hesitant in approach and he was pondering over his every word, pausing to continue further.

Safo Nut smiled and shook Yan's hand. "Hello, I'm very glad to meet you. I read your campaign achievements and I am highly impressed. Are you really serving in the Empire army? If you have time I'm keen to learn about the Empire."

From the very first day when Safo learned about the truth of the universe, he heard many bad stories regarding the Empire. His impression of the biggest conglomerate in the known universe was not a pleasant one. But it wasn't his own experience with the Empire, it was all from Kutch's words that he thought that the Empire was a bad guy. Safo wished to know more and make his own decisions about liking or disliking the Empire.

Yan withdrew himself a bit back and tilted his head to focus his sight on Safo. He tried to analyze Safo's true intentions before responding. "Of...of course if that is what you truly want I can tell you about the Empire. It is not as bad as you might think…" Yan wished to make the slightest influence to psiora towards admiring the Empire but he was rudely interrupted by the firm voice that came behind him.

"What the hell are you doing here? He is the grandson of a king who lost the war and brought devastation to our people. Get your stupid as* here, we have things to do."

From the distance, Safo could see 5 adults with hostile looks on their faces. All of them had blue neon light veins on their heads, the only difference was the pattern, unique for each individual as fingertips for humans.

These were the bodies that psiora folk could occupy before the war. Psiora could and did usurp bodies of any highly intellectual race. They conquered the small planets in order to get themselves a better vessel. Damage to the nations and literally baby kidnapping was a normal thing to survive for psiora. Up to a point before the Empire's chip in to put regulation upon the psiora.

Regardless of the fact that psiora newborn had no physical form and required one to live, the Empire couldn't ignore the results of their deeds to other nations. Government restricted the abduction of newborns from other races other than animals and insects which had not reached intellectual level 5 to form a language and society to be called sapiens.

Amongst the 5 neon-head psioras was the father of Yan. He gathered his fellow soldier friends to help his son to reach the title of the King of the Psiora. His personal interests matched with his companion, to rise against the Empire's rules once they took over the throne.

"Don't make me repeat myself, boy."

"I... gotta go." With that Yan took off, keeping his head down.

"I just hope that he won't be the next king. His father will bring us to ruins." Kutch said, watching Yan galloping away.

"You. All of you, in my office. Now!" Halazar ordered Safo and his team.

In the office, Safo Nur, the whole team, Halazar Woods, and two more Advisors stood looking at each other. Halazar, first broke the silence.

"So at this point, we have good news and tons of bad news. The good news is - we managed to fit you in. You have a right to participate now. The bad news is that it will be a hell of hard to win. You are lacking in almost every aspect. Before starting to discuss our strategy I want to introduce you to my colleagues. Military Advisor Maum Drew and Financial Advisor Elixio Quirz. Please listen to what they have to say." With a nod, he encouraged two Advisors to start.

"First of all, nice to meet you Safo Nur, grandson of the King Admaloo. It is an honor to me. I served your grandfather and fought alongside him for many years. I will be more than just happy to serve you with all the energy that is left in me. But! With all due respect, I want to openly announce that I will support a candidate who will bring back an army to New Tenga.

As you might already know when we lost... The empire made us get rid of our army. Millions of soldiers had been fired and dismissed. My only wish is to bring back power to New Tenga.

If you can guarantee that to me I will be your patron until my last breath."

Safo Nur saw the sadness in Advisors' eyes when he spoke about a defeat. Mighty and bulky frame with sad, aimless eyes.

'I can't imagine how it feels like to live as a Military Advisor without any military.' Safo thought.

Maum Drew solemnly nodded to the Financial Advisor to shift the attention of the room to him.

"Hi everyone, I'm the Financial Advisor of New Tenga Elixio Quirz. You might know me as the coolest Adviser alive. Unlike other Advisors, I don't have an ultimatum to support your candidature. Unless you are a total douchebag which you don't look like as one, as far as I can tell by now.

I'm willing to support and advise you as long as you need me. It is the only way for me to show my gratitude towards your family."

Elixio bowed to Safo, who was appalled by his words. For his age, he had not much of an experience talking to the government authorities, yet getting their support. He was lost in his thoughts and didn't know how to properly reply other than a simple "Thank you".

With that two Advisors finished their job and retreated to their duties. Halazar however just started instructing them so he took his time with them in the office.

"Advisors of Development and Environment, as well as every Curator, sold themselves to Ptech, they support B'hemah the "Behemoth" Cultrin. Whilst Military Advisor as you heard supports Kardon Gar and Yan's father, his former subordinate.

For the time being, we do not have to worry about them. What we have to focus on right now is the upcoming tournament.

It will consist of 6 parts. You have to prepare yourself for 4 out of 6.

Tell me how bad are your fighting abilities with and without your resources?"

Regal Advisor observed Safo's reaction intently. He still was trying to figure out what kind of a person was the grandson of Admaloo.

"Uhhm… to be completely honest with you… I suck at both." Somewhy he said it with a sigh. He wasn't sure that he was a total loser in terms of combat but seeing his opponents, people with a huge life and death battle experience he had predicted that he would lose the tournament.

"I see…" Silence filled the room for a short brief, everybody was thinking about things that concerned them. Except for Kutch, he jumped off his seat and declared that he personally will train Safo Nur, day and night within 3 days.

"He won't be at their level, yes it is true, but he won't be a disappointment."

'Wait... Does he think I'm a disappointment?! Well, maybe he is right. I'm not a match for those guys.'

"Alright, I trust you, nephew, but try not to make him an addict like yourself. Do you need anything from me?"

After discussing all the details of the upcoming event and things that were "must-haves" to prepare for it, the team left the room. Halazar promised to provide Safo with special clothing so that he won't have to change his clothes every time he used his abilities. Additionally, Halazar said that he will pull a couple of useful strings to find at least the first course of the "Immortality Path".

It was the technology so advanced that it almost sounded like magic. The Immortality Path was invented by the joint efforts of the four biggest nations in the universe. The first course, "Unbreakable Body", was the liquid substance to consume over 10 days. It guaranteed the best results for any type of body. Bones, nails, hairs would get toughened. Inner organs, muscles, and joints would be more durable. The white and grey substance of the brain along with its neural circuits will be energized making them more active and extending their capability.

The whole thing acted like a miracle to the body. It was almost impossible for a regular person to stumble upon the courses of the Immortality Path. Impossible to buy via regular means, the higher the number of the course the lower the chance of finding it. Only true aristocrats and the most powerful individuals could afford the final, fourth, course.

"That will be a huge boost to him, thanks, uncle." Kutch knew the power of the first course like no one else, he and his sister got one each when they were a child.

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