

"What now? Should we keep waiting?" One of the Elven Lords asked. "What will happen to the descendant of the Great Dragon?"

"I will ask the physicians to keep her alive any way possible," Urulas said.

While they were discussing the matter, one of Urulas' men who was guarding Veronica came to the throne room. He whispered something to Urulas.

"What's wrong?" King Erestor Culnámo inquired.

"My King, the physicians came up with the reason behind Veronica's health deterioration," Urulas announced.

"Go and find out," King Erestor Culnámo ordered.

"As you wish, My King."

Urulas rushed once again to Veronica's house. He noticed the physicians both had deep frowns.

"Why is she having these symptoms?" Urulas asked.

The old physician said, "It's a bit complicated. Listen well, this young lady is the descendent of the Great Dragon because she has the dragon's blood in her veins. 

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