
Partial Transformation Skill

After another five minutes of flying, Ban, Eva and Tria saw a float of restless Mild Tempered Crocodiles. 

Counting them all, Ban determined that there were a total of 15 of them. So including the leader and the challenger from before, there were a total of 17 of them. 

The Mild Tempered Crocodile only has two Skills being an Elite Grade Beast, they were the skill, Enraged Bite and Death Roll. Enraged Bite was self explanatory while the Death Roll Skill can only be used if they have their target on their mouth. 

By using the Skill, Death Roll, they would be able to kill or weaken their opponents by dismembering them using the force of the roll. They would rapidly roll their body sideways along with the prey on their mouth until the duration of the Skill.

As for the Lord Grade Enraged Crocodile, its third Skill was the Roar, which Ban was able to acquire after using Plunder. 

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