
Origin of Beast and Monster, First Summoner

The perfect timing was a good thing for Ban. He did not waste any time while waiting for the egg to hatch, and it could be said that it was well spent. 

As he was not hungry yet, Ban decided to take a look at his new companion first. 

With a thought, he summoned it out from the Beast Tattoo and immediately observed its appearance, and for a moment he was taken aback by its small size. Although he already knew about it as it was still fresh out of its egg, he was still surprised at how small it was. 

The Giant Red Dragonfly that he got as a reward was supposedly a Monster Egg and not a Beast Egg. 

Accordinging to the System, it came from the Monster Realm so it was only natural for it to be a Monster Egg and not a Beast Egg. 

Ban inquired about it before. 

What was the difference between a Beast and a Monster? 

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